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Fun on Black Friday


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After reading some of the "secret tips", I wanted to add my tips for having fun on BF - #1 is to bring a like-minded friend to tag-team it so you can have one standing in the mile-long checkout line while the other shops. The other tips all involve messing with people in the check-out to make the time fly:


#2. Keep peering over the shoulder of the person in front of you, at their stuff and keep saying (to your friend) "I heard that Wal-mart has (one of their items) on sale for $4.99".


#3. Talk about how you just applied for a store credit card and you now get a 20% discount on your first day purchase. When the person is front of you gets itchy and asks if you will save their place, say "Um....nahhhhh".


#4. Just as you get to the next place in line to the register, (after being in line 30+ minutes), turn to your friend and say, "I've changed my mind - I don't want any of this stuff" and just gaze at the looks of disbelief on the faces around you....


#5. Generally, just pester everyone around you with questions "What are you getting? How much is it? "Who is it for? Does it work? What aisle is it on? Were there any left? What colors does it come in?" Then have your friend ask if you are interested in buying one and say "No. Why?"


#6 When SA stroll down the line, ask them why they are not serving cookies or doughnuts to the poor shoppers stranded in line...(we actually did this last BF at BB and they did start passing out cookies, and when the SA proudly held open the box for us, my friend said "No way - you know how many hands have touched those?!)...


#7 When you finally get to the register, and your sales are rung up, ask the weary cashier for a price check. When they ask, "For what item?" , say "All of them". :yay:

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After reading some of the "secret tips", I wanted to add my tips for having fun on BF - #1 is to bring a like-minded friend to tag-team it so you can have one standing in the mile-long checkout line while the other shops. The other tips all involve messing with people in the check-out to make the time fly:


#2. Keep peering over the shoulder of the person in front of you, at their stuff and keep saying (to your friend) "I heard that Wal-mart has (one of their items) on sale for $4.99".


#3. Talk about how you just applied for a store credit card and you now get a 20% discount on your first day purchase. When the person is front of you gets itchy and asks if you will save their place, say "Um....nahhhhh".


#4. Just as you get to the next place in line to the register, (after being in line 30+ minutes), turn to your friend and say, "I've changed my mind - I don't want any of this stuff" and just gaze at the looks of disbelief on the faces around you....


#5. Generally, just pester everyone around you with questions "What are you getting? How much is it? "Who is it for? Does it work? What aisle is it on? Were there any left? What colors does it come in?" Then have your friend ask if you are interested in buying one and say "No. Why?"


#6 When SA stroll down the line, ask them why they are not serving cookies or doughnuts to the poor shoppers stranded in line...(we actually did this last BF at BB and they did start passing out cookies, and when the SA proudly held open the box for us, my friend said "No way - you know how many hands have touched those?!)...


#7 When you finally get to the register, and your sales are rung up, ask the weary cashier for a price check. When they ask, "For what item?" , say "All of them". :yay:


OMG, That is FUNNY! :g_clap:


If someone did 1 or any of these in front my me, oh hell no!!



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I think I might try number #4. I hope I don't end up here though:wheelie: !!


Have you ever walked through a grocery store and picked things out of other peoples grocery carts? It is fun!!:) I love the look on thier surprised faces.


O.K. I haven't really done it, but I want to.

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