Illinoismom Posted October 7, 2012 Posted October 7, 2012 My oldest started going at 12, my son was 9 that was two years later, my youngest daughter has been going since she was 11 she is now 15 and my 13 year son has been going since he was 11. I had issues last year but it wasn't with any one of them, it was adults in the video line I was in at walmart.
Scanner420 Posted October 8, 2012 Posted October 8, 2012 I don't shop BF anymore, partly due to the endless mob mentality. Every year we see fights breaking out over gifts, people stampeding doors and someone getting trampled & stealing. It just ruined the experience for me, so I work a double shift now, earn a lil $$$ and shop about 3 weeks before the big day when stuff dramatically goes on a massive markdown. As for the kids. You can't protect them and yourself.
carolannec Posted October 8, 2012 Posted October 8, 2012 Maybe around 12 or 13??? I have generally always done my shopping in Tulsa(one yr in Charlotte and one yr in LA). I would see lots of kids out in Tulsa. Everywhere we went(Target, Walmart, TRU, craft stores, Home Depot, and the mall)- everyone was EXTREMELY friendly and not in a "huge" hurry(no pushing/running/etc). In fact, most places we were at- everyone was helping other people find what they were looking for/sizes/trading what they had. I LOVE Tulsa for the people alone there, lol. LA and Charlotte- Charlotte, they seem much more down to business and hurrying- so no I wouldn't bring them there, LA- definitely not. That place is crazy. lol.
chilimak Posted October 10, 2012 Posted October 10, 2012 2 yrs. ago my oldests son who was 13 at the time wanted an Xbox 360 on BF. He was buying it w/his own money. So, we took my then 11 yr. old daughter and 8 yr. old son with us to wal mart. He got his ticket and waited in line w/ my husband and his siblings while I shopped. That was the year wal mart did electronics at 5 am and the other smaller stuff at midnight, so while they waited in line, I shopped. When I was done, my husband took me and the youngest home then he went back to wait with the other 2. They all had a blast waiting, got the xbox and came home and slept some then we all went out shopping later that morning. We took all 3 kids to wal mart again last year because my husband wanted a laptop and my daughter wanted to buy a blue Wii with her own money. Again, it went smoothly. Also, I have been taking my kids out BF shopping after 9 am to the mall and toys r us for years without any problems. We live in a small town, so our wal mart isn't too bad.
TazErase Posted October 11, 2012 Posted October 11, 2012 There are a lot of things to consider if you're going to bring kids. 1) IF THEY ARE TOO SMALL TO WALK DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BRING THEM!!! 2) Where do you shop? Are you familiar with the crowds? Do you have plans in place to assure they will be safe? 3) What time do you get there? If you are one of the first you can push them into a safe place or have another adult take them to the line while you grab your other items.... YOU DO NOT WANT THEM TRYING TO FIGHT THE CROWDS AND GET TRAMPLED! For many years I refused to bring any of my kids with me. I first brought my daughter the year she turned 9. She was both mature for her age and nearly 5 feet tall so she wasn't going to get stepped on so easily. My son wanted to go and last year he turned 9 a week after BF and I let him go. He stayed with his grandfather and went right to the line while I got my other items. We were first on the line so he was able to safely make it without anyone even bumping him. If you're going to bring them you must know your location and what to expect and know from experience how to keep them safe. Safety is the number one thing, if you bring a child and they get hurt that would ruin your day and you will not get any of the items you want any way. Use caution, know what to expect, and be responsible!
catholicbride11 Posted October 12, 2012 Posted October 12, 2012 Kids have no place at Black Friday shopping. I got hurt last year at Wal-Mart over SHEETS! Head smashed into the pallet and nail ripped clean off. In my small town Wal mart by people I see and know to boot. People have no shame whatsoever, I would never bring my child. I saw TONS of kids last year and when I say kids I mean everything from newborns to toddlers to grade schoolers. I blame it on Wal Mart starting at 10 pm, that time is much more accessible to people who have never done BF before and perhaps have no idea how crazy it can get. Get a baby sitter, talk a friend into coming and parking your kids in a basket in the juice aisle- whatever you have to do to keep your kids out of the fray.
casey49781 Posted October 13, 2012 Posted October 13, 2012 I took my daughter last year she was 14 , never never never again, I do not feel it is safe for younger kids, I had to watch her and I did not enjoy my shopping. I go into the store with my list and get only those items and she was wanting to look at this and that, it took me twice as long.
arci122 Posted October 14, 2012 Posted October 14, 2012 I was very upset last year at the kids walking around the mall at midnight looking like they just wanted to sleep and their parents are screaming at them to hurry up. My mom and I go out every year and have a blast (20 hours last year). My dad takes my two boys, 10 and 13, and goes out later (5am or so) and takes them to Lowes, Depot, Harb Freight, etc. and then goes to lunch. They get the joy and thrill without the danger. If anyone thinks the crowd will take pitty on the little guys, you are wrong. I've seen them push on pregnant ladies, some people have no shame so play it safe!
missjuglia Posted October 14, 2012 Posted October 14, 2012 I don't have kids, but I do have nieces. The oldest one is almost 9 and I could NEVER imagine taking her with me. She's very mature for her age, but that has nothing to do with whether or not she can handle BF. The people in my town are ridiculous. Last year I got punched in the face over a towel. Those of us who had waited for the last few hours had formed a plan to grab as much as we could, run to the candle aisle, and then we would equally distribute them. A woman showed up about 10 minutes before go time, and kept trying to push and shove her way to the front of the pallet. No one would let her through so when the Wal-Mart employee said "GO!" she charged to the front and threw a random punch. Unfortunately, that punch managed to hit my face. And as silly as it sounds, I'm glad that I'M the one that got hit. There were SEVERAL children around me, and that woman could have easily hit one of them instead. People don't care and many of them have the mentality of "They shouldn't have brought them if they didn't want them to get hurt." Leave her at home. I know a few people might suggest that if you bring her, leave her in one spot of the store and tell her not to move but if you're going to do that then why would you even bring her? Plus I'd be worried about her the whole time. With all of the craziness going on, do you know how easy it would be for someone to walk off with her? It just doesn't seem worth it. Too much can go wrong.
TTFN10000 Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 Children do not belong at Black Friday period. First of all the shoving and craziness and lines, then if its cold out etc. Last year it was terrible this woman was berating her child because the child held her up in shopping, me and the cashier just looked at each other I had about enough and tons the genius to shut the F*****up.
brynnfromtheblock Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 I think giving a quick "never bring children" answer is silly. I think it all depends on a number of factors - the age of your children, their maturity level/willingness to join in, the climate you live in, and the typical shopping environment for your town. I have a 12 year old who has gone with me for 2 years now. Her little sisters have stayed home til this point, but my 10 year old will be joining us this year. We live in Florida, so it's not cold, and the shoppers here are relatively well behaved. We know the stores, who limits the number of people they let in so there's no trampling, how they do their lines etc. My 12 year old loves coming, and my 10 year old has been begging for years. For us, it's a family tradition. We camp out the night before with a shade cover and an air mattress (so if they're tired they sleep). My mom and sister come as well. We've spent many a nice BF evening meeting new people, sharing food, and playing football. My daughter is actually a great asset, she is armed with her cell phone, and has snagged me items or held my place in line when I went back to grab "one more thing" etc. Now if I lived where the weather was 20 degrees, near stores that allowed everyone to just make a run for the doors, she was under 10 or just plain didn't want to come ... she wouldn't be there end of story.
starbeck96 Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 brynnfromtheblock said: I think giving a quick "never bring children" answer is silly. I think it all depends on a number of factors - the age of your children, their maturity level/willingness to join in, the climate you live in, and the typical shopping environment for your town. I have a 12 year old who has gone with me for 2 years now. Her little sisters have stayed home til this point, but my 10 year old will be joining us this year. We live in Florida, so it's not cold, and the shoppers here are relatively well behaved. We know the stores, who limits the number of people they let in so there's no trampling, how they do their lines etc. My 12 year old loves coming, and my 10 year old has been begging for years. For us, it's a family tradition. We camp out the night before with a shade cover and an air mattress (so if they're tired they sleep). My mom and sister come as well. We've spent many a nice BF evening meeting new people, sharing food, and playing football. My daughter is actually a great asset, she is armed with her cell phone, and has snagged me items or held my place in line when I went back to grab "one more thing" etc. Now if I lived where the weather was 20 degrees, near stores that allowed everyone to just make a run for the doors, she was under 10 or just plain didn't want to come ... she wouldn't be there end of story.Sounds like ya'll have a great time.I completely agree with you. My boys are the only ones old enough to come with me now, but they have not been interested so far....Now, my daughter is 6 and would love to come, but that is not happening She will probably be at least 10 before I take her. We live ina small town and our Walmart is usually very safe, unless you are over there with the I would never take her over there. I am looking forward to starting a tradition with her. It used to be a tradition for my friend and I but we don't really talk much anymore and we broke the tradition last year. My mom is not able to go and my sister doesn't care to go. So, it will be really nice to have someone that enjoys shopping as much as I do... We live in Alabama so the weather here is not usually a huge factor either. I think it has been down to 25 maybe once. Usually it is in the 40's which is cold but not that bad. now that they've changed all the times, it really isn't a factor at all anymore. Our Walmart opened Thanksgiving and never closed. So we were able to wait inside.
theggs4ever Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 After an unsafe experience last year at Walmart in an affluent city in OC, I would never take kids under 14 or so. The fire department and police were called in. No one could move...literally. I picked a five year old girl up off the floor by her shirt after the two ADULTS in front of me stepped on her. Her mom, and the girl, was freaking out. The first time in 18 years I have felt unsafe. It was horrible and was on the news. Hubby and I left and vowed never to go again and to only shop online with them from now on.
oandesmom814 Posted October 19, 2012 Posted October 19, 2012 Kandy said: My DD went with me last year for BF she was 18, her first time out. I think she had a good time and she has said something about it this year . Now I've taken them later in the day when they were younger like on my 2nd trip around 2 in the afternoon but not the all night thing.I've done the round 2 with kids, later in the day! That works well for now.
Kanyon71 Posted October 19, 2012 Posted October 19, 2012 theggs4ever said: After an unsafe experience last year at Walmart in an affluent city in OC, I would never take kids under 14 or so. The fire department and police were called in. No one could move...literally. I picked a five year old girl up off the floor by her shirt after the two ADULTS in front of me stepped on her. Her mom, and the girl, was freaking out. The first time in 18 years I have felt unsafe. It was horrible and was on the news. Hubby and I left and vowed never to go again and to only shop online with them from now on.We have an almost 2 year old and she will NOT go with us for quite a long time. I cannot even begin to imagine the rage or hurt I would apply to someone if they hurt my child (or another persons child) so they could get a set of towels or a TV or something before me. I'm not a violent person by nature but I am very protective and those emotions seem to be higher since we've had our little girl.
pbbjmom Posted October 19, 2012 Posted October 19, 2012 My oldest DD first went with me when she was 18. Mainly because I do alot of my Christmas shopping that day. I wouldn't be able to shop "Black Friday style" if I had my younger kids. I've been squished & run over by buggies. Weaving in & out of aisles. I personally would be too worried to bring younger children.
grouchers Posted October 19, 2012 Posted October 19, 2012 My older kids started going at around 12 years old but that was before it got so crazy. My 16 year old is only allowed to go now because he is built like a sherman tank and can hold his own. I may take the 12 year old on Thanksgiving morning since that is still pretty quiet where we live. My 8 year old will be safe at home.
kmakksmom Posted October 19, 2012 Posted October 19, 2012 We have 5 kids. Oldest is 13, youngest is 4. We have never brought any of them and probably won't until they are much older. My husband and I do some of our Christmas shopping during Black Friday and if we brought them it would totally ruin the "surprise" of Christmas.
faceofboe Posted October 20, 2012 Posted October 20, 2012 Black Friday is the one day a year that I get to go shopping by myself while my husband and father-in-law stay home with the kids. Why would I want to bring them along? Besides, I do most of my Santa shopping at that time so I definitely don't want the kids around.
tehlilone Posted October 22, 2012 Posted October 22, 2012 I started going on Black Friday trips with my mom when I was about 7 or 8. But, it was a different world back then.Not sure how I'd feel about bringing a kid with me nowadays. I say go with your gut and I'll reiterate what people have said before me. It depends on the circumstances where you're shopping. Which stores? What department? What's the climate? How was in it in past years? How big is she? I'm 5' and I sometimes get pushed into things/trampled by other people. At the same time, I don't mind because I can reach my hand past people under their arms and wiggle my way through. If you do bring her just remember to give her a family member's cellphone if she doesn't already have one. If you split up, designate a meeting place within the store she can wait for you in case her battery runs out and/or she somehow loses the phone or can't get a hold of you. I've had that happen before where I forgot to charge my phone on Thanksgiving and it died before we were done shopping.
ChristusG Posted October 24, 2012 Posted October 24, 2012 I'll be the one that people flame. I take my kids when they are like 3 and under. Last year I was the one waiting in the Barbie line at WalMart at midnight with my 3 week old snug and asleep in my sling. I'm not sure where everyone lives, but I've been Black Friday shopping for about ten years now and have never EVER seen any sort of fight. In fact, last year when I had my newborn with me, I had people (strangers) reaching in and handing me back Barbie dolls. Everyone is nice and chatty, trying to stay awake in the wee hours of the night. I also have an 8 and 5 year old, but I leave them home with their daddy....only because I'm usually shopping for them. Three and under and my babies go with me. I'm very pro attachment parenting. I say do what you think is best for your know her.
starbeck96 Posted October 24, 2012 Posted October 24, 2012 ChristusG said: I'll be the one that people flame. I take my kids when they are like 3 and under. Last year I was the one waiting in the Barbie line at WalMart at midnight with my 3 week old snug and asleep in my sling. I'm not sure where everyone lives, but I've been Black Friday shopping for about ten years now and have never EVER seen any sort of fight. In fact, last year when I had my newborn with me, I had people (strangers) reaching in and handing me back Barbie dolls. Everyone is nice and chatty, trying to stay awake in the wee hours of the night. I also have an 8 and 5 year old, but I leave them home with their daddy....only because I'm usually shopping for them. Three and under and my babies go with me. I'm very pro attachment parenting. I say do what you think is best for your know her.As long as you are in a safe environment then I have no problem with this. In our Walmart the only fights that have ever broken out have been at the So, I stay clear of that.. I don't take my kids because I am doing most of my shopping for them, my boys do not want to go (I've asked since they are now 14), and I am a SAHM and we homeschool. So this is a way for me to have a day out with friends without worrying about the kids getting too tired or In our town many parents bring their kids of all ages because it is safe to do so. There are always kids (10 & up) holding a place in line for the high end electronics. Alot of the teenagers come by themselves to do their christmas shopping. But, we live in a very small town and everyone knows everyone else (or you are kin to
areno79 Posted October 24, 2012 Posted October 24, 2012 jaymacfla said: Walmart and to some degree Target are off limits for young children. Maturity has nothing to do with the immaturity of grown adults who are not under your direct control.Well said! Every kid is different, but unfortunately most BF mobs are not. If people are able to trample a grown man (a couple of years ago in NY, if you remember), trampling a child would be easier and much more dangerous. It's ultimately your decision, but for me the cons far outweigh the pros in this instance. If you want her to have the "experience", why not have her with you camping out waiting in line, and before the stores open have someone pick her up? Might be a good way to ease her into it without putting her at risk of relentless mobs of people.
areno79 Posted October 24, 2012 Posted October 24, 2012 ChristusG said: I'll be the one that people flame. I take my kids when they are like 3 and under. Last year I was the one waiting in the Barbie line at WalMart at midnight with my 3 week old snug and asleep in my sling. I'm not sure where everyone lives, but I've been Black Friday shopping for about ten years now and have never EVER seen any sort of fight. In fact, last year when I had my newborn with me, I had people (strangers) reaching in and handing me back Barbie dolls. Everyone is nice and chatty, trying to stay awake in the wee hours of the night. I also have an 8 and 5 year old, but I leave them home with their daddy....only because I'm usually shopping for them. Three and under and my babies go with me. I'm very pro attachment parenting. I say do what you think is best for your know her.No flaming from me, Christus! Unless you put your kid in a carseat in a cart that takes up space in the aisles! (In all serious, I cringe when I see a babyseat in a cart on BF...a few years ago I saw one fall over as people were trying to get into the store. The baby was buckled (luckily), but the ambulance was called and the mother was hysterical. Not a good scene to see. )
proloz Posted October 24, 2012 Posted October 24, 2012 There is no way in a MILLION, ZILLION, QUABILLION years I would ever want a child to go with me on BF. It's too dangerous, too many people that you can't trust, and just why? Why take a child? I mean I'm always shopping for children, so I wouldn't want to take any with me. I'm so concentrated on getting what I want and getting out, that having to worry about the safety of a child would just be too much on top of the madness and crowds. I go every year with my mom (I'm 36). Maybe if I had a daughter I'd take her when she was around 16 and then we could start the BF bonding process. :-) I always just feel sad for the really little kids being pulled out into the cold weather at whatever AM time the stores open. Surely they'd rather be home in their warm beds sleeping? If I didn't have a babysitter I just would do my BF shopping online that year. I'd put the child's comfort and safety above braving the crowds. It's pretty crazy around here on BF though, even in the mountains of rural Western MD. It's fun for me to go with my mom, I just don't think it would be fun with a child. Just my own opinion of course. Everyone is different.
Jen8112 Posted October 25, 2012 Posted October 25, 2012 Since I'll be 9 months pregnant I tried talking my 12yo into standing in line for me. He said no way. Lol. Guess its online shopping for me this year.
leefamily23 Posted November 4, 2012 Posted November 4, 2012 I live in the suburbs and shop in a town that is known to be a "small town" and safe. I've seen physical fights over silly things. Plus every year there is ALWAYS a handful of posts of people outraged that their child got pushed, hit w/ something, ect...... So, no I wouldn't take a child of that age. My son went w/ me for the first time when he was 17 (and 6'3'') to see what it was all about. He had a blast. However, I didn't have to worry about him, he's much bigger than me and more than old enough to take care of himself. I honestly don't understand why people even risk it w/ kids on BF. I've heard the lines that it's the only way some families can get stuff for Christmas. I just don't buy that because if you look around you can find just as many good deals online.
StacieM99 Posted November 4, 2012 Posted November 4, 2012 I've been "very" pregnant for black friday and one year I brought my 11 month old with us. Never had a problem. I waited in car until doors opened so he wouldn't get cold and waited until everyone went in. Also dh was with. He was a good baby. It was 6 years ago and kohls opened at 5 or 6 am so not that early. No one shoved or was disorderly. I think last year was the worse I saw (walmart) & I have been going for years.. I would only bring the baby if someone was with me to go to the side away from the people!
ChristusG Posted November 4, 2012 Posted November 4, 2012 areno79 said: No flaming from me, Christus! Unless you put your kid in a carseat in a cart that takes up space in the aisles! (In all serious, I cringe when I see a babyseat in a cart on BF...a few years ago I saw one fall over as people were trying to get into the store. The baby was buckled (luckily), but the ambulance was called and the mother was hysterical. Not a good scene to see. )Oh no, definitely not a cart LOL! The crowds can get a little tight and I'm afraid someone would try to squeeze by the cart and tip it over. Either in the sling or in a stroller (when they are getting too heavy for the sling).
atipton129 Posted November 5, 2012 Posted November 5, 2012 DH gets to watch our children on BF. Last year my nephew (age 11) wanted to go with us for the experience, but he was vetoed by all of the adults! lol
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