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I just ask one thing from everyone...


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Ok I know we all get up at about 1am. I know we are all very tired But VERY VERY PUMPED. I just ask one thing. PLEASE ATLEAST PUT ON DEODERANT! PLEASE! There is nothin like a guy carrying a freakin dvd player above his head and his pit goes right in your FACE! And you just want to pass out! HAHA BUT Hey take the extra 1.6 seconds and do us all a favor! Thanks


How Many of us stood in line and you tried talking to the person next to us and your so close to them and there breath REEKS like 6 cups of coffee.



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I'm sorry to have to be the one to say this but NO MATTER HOW MUCH deodorant one puts on it's NEVER enough.


Lugging boxes, coats (here in Northeast it can be chilly to say the least), bags, as well as being packed into a store like sardines has a way of defeating the affectiveness of deodorant!

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when you are standing in line smoking like a chimney i am prolly the person behind you bumming a light!!!!

lol same here i do how ever have gum or mints lol i just cant stand the smell of beer mix with coffee and smoke that is the worst my dad has that smell and im always trying to give him gum or mints when i get to see him lol

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I'm sorry to have to be the one to say this but NO MATTER HOW MUCH deodorant one puts on it's NEVER enough.


Lugging boxes, coats (here in Northeast it can be chilly to say the least), bags, as well as being packed into a store like sardines has a way of defeating the affectiveness of deodorant!

Me thinks you need a new deodorant

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Ok, I have to admit although I know that I am a bit loney :lolrun: , I can tell if people have taken a shower or not and BF is the worst, to me people have a day ole odor to them. I don't know if it's their hair that has the "day ole" scent or what, but I get skeeved by it. It's the same with people I work with, I can just tell the ones who didn't shower. It's my hidden talent I guess. I understand why those don't on BF because most get up at some ungodly hour, but I really just want to hold my nose.:no: I can handle the crowds, but its the body odor that gets me!!!
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Guest all2tired
I guess I'm the exception. I get up earlier to take a shower (helps to wake me up too) deodorant is on, teeth are brushed and if I want to have a cigarette, I step to the side so i don't offend anybody with my smoke. The poeple arouind here are nice enough that they don't say go to the back of the line.
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