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Anybody else feeling overwhelmed?


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:eek: :eek: I think I may too excited, because I knew where I wanted to go, but now I want to go everywhere.

Whew - couldn't have said it better myself! Last year, there weren't very many places I wanted to go (which is a good thing since I stood in line for KB Toys for nearly 1 1/2 hours). However, this year there are quite a few things that I want at stores that are very spread-out. To make matters worse, they're things that I think will be hard to grab at the last minute (i.e. Cabbage Patch newborns, DVD deals).


Oh well, at least I have two more weeks to strategize! :gd_stars:

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You are doing way better than I am....I don't even have a plan of which stores I want to shop. ACKKK!!

Well I am hoping that I can buy the TRU and Sears items online like last year. Then I plan on shopping Walmart for their items at 5 and price matching BB and Kmart and possibly Target. From Walmart I am going to Walgreens and then Ace since they are both opening at 7. Then off to the mall to see what they have to offer.
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I live 1 1/2 hours away from the closest Wal-Mart, then another 30-45 minutes to all the other great stores. So my worry is which deal to go to first? Sounds like it will be a very long morning!!

If I were you I would get a hotel where most of the stores that you want to go to is located. Also I would ask a friend to tag along for two reason, one for safety and the other to have someone to split the cost of the hotel. I am lucky because all of the stores are within 15 minutes of each other. But I paid my dues beacuse I grew up in a small town where the closest Grandma and Pop store was considered a family outing. lol

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Now that I know where I am going to shop ,,,which is in one mall that has all the stores I wanted to go to ...all I have to do is get together with my DIL to figure out who is going where in the Maine Mall in Portland, ME then we are all set to go. But yes,,,,it is overwhelming just thinking about it.
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I am feeling a bit overwhelmed, yes. I was hoping to drag DH out with me but that won't be possible I've learned. I can't take my best friend (cousin) as she just started at Target, so she must work BF! I may drag my Mom out with me, not like she'll object though.


Even if I go alone, it will be nice. But I am feeling overwhelmed already and I haven't even seen the one ad I really want (Circuit City).

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There are so many ads and so many items and posts and just so much going on that I'm feeling SO overwhelmed. I can't keep up. I'm trying to do my shopping list but I don't even know what I want to get my kids for Christmas. Calgon, take me away!! :cheesy::gd_stars::eek:

I like having a plan, but with the ads this year, I really can't figure out where to go first. I have sat on the TRU websight making up wishlists. Even if i don't get the items there, I at least have a list that I can look at and then figure out the cheapest place to get them!
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I'm not "Black Friday" overwhelmed, but I am "Christmas" overwhelmed. Generally by now, I am at least 3/4 done shopping for EVERYONE <I shop all year long>. But this year, things just happened and I have only one or two things for my family and nothing for anyone else so far. THIS IS NOT GOOD!!! I was actually thinking I could make up for it Black Friday with some of the good deals, but now I think I may actually have to work that day! (I'll find out on Monday when I start my new job). Who would need an asset planning lawyer on the biggest shopping day of the year?!?!?!?!?
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Do you have a significant other or friend that you can share your Black Friday anxiety and excitement with?

Well, Ross, it's me and mom again this year. We are taking my 17 yr. old son and 12 yr. old daughter with us to help out. The only store we will be going to is WM at 1am, Radio Shack, JC Penney, and possibly Big Lots(if their sale is decent). But the majority of our "BIG" shopping will be online and we are not sure if the items will be available before we head out to WM. So, we are about to lose it here!!!LOL We had our plans all made, but then all of the ads started coming out and now we are back at not knowing what in the crap we are going to do!!!!
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I am feeling a bit overwhelmed, yes. I was hoping to drag DH out with me but that won't be possible I've learned. I can't take my best friend (cousin) as she just started at Target, so she must work BF! I may drag my Mom out with me, not like she'll object though.


Even if I go alone, it will be nice. But I am feeling overwhelmed already and I haven't even seen the one ad I really want (Circuit City).

I'm with you on this. I normally don't get excited until the week of BF, but since I found GD this year, it's been on for weeks now!!! I'm definitely waiting on CC and cannot figure out a plan of action for this year! :cheesy:

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Im not overwhelmed because frankly, Im not impressed with any of the toy sales. So far w/o seeing Target and KB Toys, Im buying regular priced items this year. I noticed the ads so far are catered to electronics and/or young age children. My daughter is too old for those yet too young for electronics. Im stuck so far
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