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Official "Where is this store's ad?" & "Does this store do BF?" Thread

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I believe they sent out an email last year(or before then) about something but not sure what the discount/incentive was. I haven't made the expensive jump to apple/mac's yet


Any chance the Apple Store, B&M or online, will have anything? DH wants the Apple tv and I haven't seen it in any ads. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen it stores. Was hoping that since iPads are now being sold everywhere, I wouldn't have to go far.


For legal reasons, you probably won't see HD until the week of BF...

Really? That stinks. It's gonna be a shame for them, if I've already allocated my shopping window elsewhere...

Has anyone gone to Meijer's page and read the item below their BF countdown clock? "Waiting for Thanksgiving Day savings and Black Friday deals is like playing a cruel game of hide and seek. We get it... The wait is what makes Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday deals special." That gave me a good laugh. :jester:

I could tell you whos fault that is... marketing and promotions. sad, that they have been X'd off my list unless stuff is DRASTICALLY cheaper.. like 20-30$. just because of the stupidity. yeah, taking $$ out of our own pocket, but its the principal of it!


Where the heck are the Meijer ads???


One of the ads had the Apple TV on BF for $89.


Any chance the Apple Store, B&M or online, will have anything? DH wants the Apple tv and I haven't seen it in any ads. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen it stores. Was hoping that since iPads are now being sold everywhere, I wouldn't have to go far.

glad i'm not the only one wondering what's being offered at meijer. i went ahead and updated my profile there so i'd get any emails - apparently they've added some options on email settings since last time i accessed that.

ok so is this late or is it just that everyone else is so early??


The every 15 minute checking is driving me nuts....hope....and disappointment....hope....disappointment


Where the heck are the Meijer ads???


ok so is this late or is it just that everyone else is so early??


The every 15 minute checking is driving me nuts....hope....and disappointment....hope....disappointment

Is it possible to wear out the refresh button on this site?!

Between checking here and my email for the alert from Gottadeals that the "Meijer ad has been posted"....

I hope it comes soon and that it has a lot of things I want in it!


I really need to see this ad to plan where I'll be at Zero Hour on BF.

Big Lots - they do a sale and i know we have gone each year...so would think they were pretty good...i know one year dh got a guitar hero game and guitar for 20$ there...was a fun thing to have at the hotel after everyone was done shopping!

Refresh my memory: What does Bed Bath & Beyond usually do for BF?


The ad isn't out yet, and I've never really shopped there on BF. But there is a pricey set of sheets I want from there, and if I'll save more by waiting until BF, then I'll wait. Otherwise, I'll just use a 20% off coupon now.



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