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Another problem with 10 p.m openings

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This was a problem I hadn't thought of until a friend of mine brought it up. Her payday falls on B.F. This has happened before and it's usually never a problem because her pay hits her bank account at midnight so she's usually fine for shopping right away even for a store that opens at midnight.


Now she's mad because she'll miss out on the early deals at TRU and Walmart because they are opening at 10 p.m and her pay won't be there yet.


I really don't like the stores opening so early!

Have her grab what she can and hang out until she gets paid (you don't have to check-out immediately). Then move to the next store. Yeah, she'll miss some. pick the best store, grab what you can, and wait.
  bpr said:

Have her grab what she can and hang out until she gets paid (you don't have to check-out immediately). Then move to the next store. Yeah, she'll miss some. pick the best store, grab what you can, and wait.

You are Quite Wise, Grasshopper! :) I think that is a GREAT IDEA! :g_thumble

.... hmm... credit card? if money is that tight, I understand the need for every deal, but sitting it out, and getting a cushion in her account may be a wonderful present to herself.
Does she not have a credit card, debit card, bank account, etc? If it's only for a few hours and she is disciplined enough to pay it back, charge the purchase and then make a payment as soon as she gets paid. Most credit cards at least give rewards so she can really make out by being able to get what she needs, earning rewards points/ cash back from the credit card and not having to worry about any interest by paying it off immediately.

Does she get paid weekly? She has this weeks paycheck and next weeks paycheck to put a little aside for BF.


If she uses a credit card and pays it off right away when the bill comes she won't be charged interest, she can use a credit card then when she goes home write a check to the credit card company right away and send them the check and not wait for the bill. Discover cards you can pay in Sears, Target charge cards you can pay at Target... you don't need a bill, you just hand them your credit card and the cash or a check.


Forgive my ignorance on the matter, but with Thanksgiving being a holiday that banks are closed during and you (the OP) claiming your friend's pay date should fall on Black Friday well are you certain that the money will even show up on midnight Thursday night? I mean sure if a bank is normally open Thursdays and they can do processing that day then it would make sense for the desposit to show up at midnight, however if the banks aren't open, might your friend's pay not show up until late Friday possibly Saturday?


Again, forgive my ignorance, but I just think with the banks not being open on Thanksgiving that might cause a little issue here.

  Chuck Stank said:

Sounds like she's living paycheck to paycheck so maybe doing BF isn't the greatest idea.

Black Friday is what buys my kids Christmas every year. We live paycheck to paycheck and if it were not for BF my kids would not have as good a Christmas. We do not have credit cards and do not owe anything except utilities, insurance, car, and rent. Things have just been hard since my husband is self employed in construction. Sometimes BF helps people like us more than others.


If I were your friend I would take her paycheck this week or next week to use for BF and use the other check for bills.

Technically my payday falls on BF too, but with my direct deposit it will go in Wednesday night. I too will have an issue if something goes wrong. I have been paying everything early so that pretty much my entire check can be used BF. I hope this does not become an issue. I paid early instead and didn't save much!!!!
  Chuck Stank said:

Sounds like she's living paycheck to paycheck so maybe doing BF isn't the greatest idea.

sorry dude. black friday is the best idea when living paycheck to paycheck. your suggesting paying a higher price at a later date (or eariler) and getting less santa for your buck? I've been there and sometimes its the olny way christmas can be done!
Wow, good point, I never thought of that. I guess if you don't have extra cash and depend on your paycheck, this could be a major problem. Too bad because I know a lot of people depend on BF for Christmas shopping.
These store opening times are just getting stupid. It is supposed to be Black FRIDAY, not Thursday!! It is getting ridiculous each store trying to open earlier than the other. I personally would like to enjoy my Thanksgiving with family, get a little rest or spend my time tweaking my BF shopping plan, and then go out in the wee morning hours, say 3:30am. Now there are stores opening at 9pm on Thursday - WTH is wrong with management of these stores? Let your employees enjoy Thanksgiving and the rest of us too! OK, sorry, rant over!!
My husbands paycheck ALWAYS comes through at midnight on Black Friday. So I just use money I have saved up and any additional I charge and pay back when I get home. I would be to nervous to count on that money, you never know with Banks and machines...
  mamat2011 said:

my walmart puts checks through like a debit card so it is immediate

That depends on the bank. If I write a check at Walmart it goes through my bank 2 days later. It's done electronically but does not go through immediately.

  mamat2011 said:

my walmart puts checks through like a debit card so it is immediate

That depends on the bank. If I write a check at Walmart it goes through my bank 2 days later. It's done electronically but does not go through immediately.


It's not immediate, it takes 2-3 days doing it that way. I made a depost at 1 pm went to walmart and my debit card was declined since our deposits don't post until 4pm. I then just wrote a check. My bank sent an informational thing to us on the differences in selecting debit or credit and writing checks. While debit is instant, credit goes through land lines and takes 2-3 days as does checks. They are electronic, but not instant. I have a christmas club since construction has been up and down. My bank gives you a little book and you put what you want in it. I put 25 on every full paycheck day and had 800 saved. My moms bank has coupon books. You can choose 2.00, 5.00, 10,00 or 20.00. If you pay them all, they pay the last one.


  mamat2011 said:

my walmart puts checks through like a debit card so it is immediate

as long as there is some money in the account, pay by the "credit" option not the debit option. I work in grocery and pretty much everyday I have a declined "debit" that is accepted "credit"
Most banks post early due to Thanksgiving holiday. Have her call her bank and check. However, if it usually falls on Black Friday and it is usually there, I think she should do as previously advised. Go to store of choice, make selections and wait. Seems to be best option. For those bemoaning the fact she is living paycheck to paycheck and maybe shouldn't do black friday. In this economy, a lot of folks are living paycheck to paycheck. Folks have kids and are just trying to provide a good Christmas for them.
Yeah, just hang around the store....time will fly by anyway. Or what she could've done is what I do; designate one credit card just for bf. nothing else, just bf. OR, get a green dot card a month prior and put money into that, so you dont have to worry about a paycheck

I wouldn't try that. I once transferred money from my savings account to my checking account at 6 p.m. via the atm when I got off work and then early the next morning - before the banks opened - i wrote a check for groceries. The bank processed the check first and then the transfer. no amount of arguing or anything could change their mind about the overdraft even though i had the atm slip that showed the time of the transfer.


And yes, BF is the best things for people on a tight budget esp. if you have kids. Not everyone is going out to buy high priced electronics. There are a lot of good deals on clothes, shoes, kitchen items etc etc. Most of my kids presents come from BF and since they are older it's a lot of clothing. The only jeans that I can find for my very tall son are normally close to $40. On BF they are $15. That's a big savings and he gets 5-6 pairs every year for Christmas. I've even been know to buy a few birthday presents to put away for later to save some money.

I have the same situation but luckily my company changed the policy this year to pay us on Wednesday (my boss is awesome:) But could she put in for a check advance with her work? We had that option at our work if they wouldn't have changed the policy.
  dmintelsgt said:

These store opening times are just getting stupid. It is supposed to be Black FRIDAY, not Thursday!! It is getting ridiculous each store trying to open earlier than the other. I personally would like to enjoy my Thanksgiving with family, get a little rest or spend my time tweaking my BF shopping plan, and then go out in the wee morning hours, say 3:30am. Now there are stores opening at 9pm on Thursday - WTH is wrong with management of these stores? Let your employees enjoy Thanksgiving and the rest of us too! OK, sorry, rant over!!

I agree 100%!!!!!!

  \ said:

These store opening times are just getting stupid. It is supposed to be Black FRIDAY, not Thursday!! It is getting ridiculous each store trying to open earlier than the other. I personally would like to enjoy my Thanksgiving with family, get a little rest or spend my time tweaking my BF shopping plan, and then go out in the wee morning hours, say 3:30am. Now there are stores opening at 9pm on Thursday - WTH is wrong with management of these stores? Let your employees enjoy Thanksgiving and the rest of us too! OK, sorry, rant over!!

AMEN!!!! Was not happy when I heard stores were opening on Thanksgiving! That's family day for us!!!

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