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Christmas Bonuses should be.......

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I know what you mean about bonuses. New owners where I work so no more bonuses:( They always came a few days before Christmas. Nice for last minute shopping. My dh gets a turkey at Thanksgiving and a ham for Christmas.. Better than nothing!!:)
Guest Deals4Me
Well my hubby now works for the 3rd largest insurance agency (Cigna) so I would HOPE they would do something...they do, do a lot to keep employees happy and they have a low turnover...so that says something for them.
I've never gotten a bonus. The hospital where my wife works will give them a voucher for a turkey at Kroger (last year we ended up buying one at Wal-Mart, the frozen kind is just too much hassle). Though we will be getting a nice check from Google this month (Adsense), so that'll be nice.
  outnumbered said:

The credit union on post lets you postpone one auto loan payment in either Dec or Jan. That's as much as we get, being Army. Would be nice if they made the payment for us, instead of tacking it onto the end of the loan...but one fewer bill in Dec does help.


Same here, hubby is in the Air Force and I am not sure the memo of giving Christmas bonus' has made it up the chain yet!! :eyepoppin LOL


I have not even heard of my credit union delaying a payment in Nov/Dec. so I am losing out all the way around.


My dh works for the Lafarge corporation(cement producer, HQ out of france) and they are a good company. Usually each boss gives whoever works for him a GC to someplace. the first year it was Outback, the next year it was babies r us(our daughter was just born), Blockbuster was the next year, and last year it was Circuit City. They are usually about 50 bucks each.


They also have a xmas party. Its really nice and you have to dress up for it. they also do professional pictures. You get a ticket when you enter the door and they draw prizes all night long. 50 bucks to this and that restaurant, 100 bucks to a local golf club, cash, them are some os the usual things.


Now that we have moved to the Lafarge plant here in Alabama, I am not sure on how they are going to do it. My dh said they are going to have a "christmas luncheon":cool: for the workers only, during work hours and have a restaurant cater in.... which sucks cuz i liked going to the xmas parties. as far as a bonus, there is none for christmas. they usually get one in april. :)

My husband actually get two bonues. One is from the company he works for. It is based on the safety record for his crew and other things. It should be nice. The one of the oil companies he is contracted to usually gives him a gift card to WalMart. It too is based on safety. I work for my dad and merchandise on the side. My dad just keeps telling me I will be surprised by my bonus this year. We sell trailers and have had a good year. So I hope he is good to me. But I do also get a $20 bonus from one of the merchandising companies I work for. And I only do work for them about 3 days a month. I didn't realized that so many companies did not do bonuses. I feel very fortunate now. No more complaining from me.
My hubby gets a decent bonus but even though they call it a "Christmas Bonus" they don't get it till the first week or so in January! It would be nice to have it for Christmas shopping but its also nice to get it after the "christmas spending" is all done!

I work for a "third party vendor" of a MAJOR worldwide company. We do not get bonuses, but the company that we support pays their entire staff (of over 100,000) 9 days "break" from December 23 - January 2. And these people do not make money to sneeze at either.


Okay, that's all my security clearance will let me say, but wouldn't it just be grand!!

I will be lucky to have a job. My hospital is struggling. They are expected to have a 42 million dollar deficit for this year. They are asking the nursing staff to voluntarily reduce their hours. They have closed 3 units and reassigned the staff. Since those units are closed they no longer use Per Diem or agency nurses. I just found out that the computer department has been decimated and we are in the middle of upgrading to full computer charting. I have heard that some of the nursing administrators have been offered packages for early retirement. I hope i have a job in the new year.

hmm lets see my bonus is clean the house, do all the xmas shopping & wrapping, feed the kids, take care of the kid, take out the trash and oh ya feed the dogs!! No xmas bonus here!!LOL I guess if I was still working I would get a $200.00 bonus around the middle of Dec. But since I quit my job the end of October to help take care of my DH (he is disabled) I wont get a bonus this year :( Would I change this for the life of me...........................

NOPE!! I love everyday of it!!

It's nice that so many companies still give out bonuses. I wonder why other employers don't think that maybe they should or could do a little something for their employees. My husband works for Uncle Sam, so we never see a holiday bonus.
Hubby gets no bonuses either. Hopefully when he is done with school and making big money somewhere, they will have one. *Wishes if you knew you were gonna get a tax refund, you could borrow from it for BF shopping...LOL*
DH started a new job after 14 years at the old one. He just got his first bonus at any job (as well as a raise in 5 years!) three weeks ago. Sadly, he isn't due up for another one until the month after Christmas. :P
thinking back on my bonus last year, i think it was 75% of one paycheck. but last year i used it to pay CC's and for xmas. this year... i'll probably do the same, but maybe to partially fund our vegas trip.

I get a $10 GC to Walmart to buy a turkey. And hubby gets about $1000 in November for bonus. Boy does he like to rub that one in..lol. But he's deployed and will probably only get about half of that. (I'm keeping my eye on checking account.. it either will come in on the 9th or the 23rd..can't remember which one:razz: )


I do get a week off for Christmas in December with pay..so I can't complain about that I guess.

I work for a fortune 500 company and we get SQUAT! I've been here almost 7 years and have never gotten a Christmas bonus. Every now and then we may get a incentive based bonus, but that's only if sales are above target. Which has happened 1 time in 7 years! Once a year we may get a gift certificate to a restaurant or the mall, but never anything around the holidays. I know I shouldn't complain, but I'll bet anything all the execs get a bonus at Christmas time, and they're the ones who don't need it...the rest of us are! Okay, got that off my chest now.
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