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Contest: Caption Photos & Win Black Friday T-Shirts [Winners Posted]

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  \ said:

2. Andy Reid's new job if the Eagles loose another game.



Andy Reid: Hey, you guys ready? You really ready? OK, here we go! One...Two......Time Out!


1) Now "Occupy" has taken over Best Buy! After protesting big business and banks, they now move on to corporate America demanding lower prices.


2) Way to go, good job being first in line, kinda sucks it is only Wednesday night but none-the-less congrats!


3) Sniff... "I lost my mommy....could someone please find her for me?"


1 - ( Guy in black Jacket ) Dang it is not even midnight yet, I could have ate all my turkey. :2letseat:


2 - Man quit playing and help me hold this door. They are going to loose it when they find out We only have 5 of the doorbusters :2bat:


3 - Dang who keeps farting :g_doh:


1. Okay, what are they giving away today?


2. Roger that, We'll keep the doors locked for 10 more minutes.


3. Oh My G-d, what have I gotten myself into this time? Is there no end to this insanity!!


PHOTO #1 "True deal dedication knows no bounds, rain or shine, the deals are mine"


PHOTO #2 "Yeap, were good in here, to bad your out there"


PHOTO #3 "If I waited all this time, and don't get my deal, im just gonna die"


1-Umbrellas? We don't need any stinkin' umbrellas!


2-Your Best Buy credit card application was approved!


3-What do you mean "You forgot your wallet?!?"


1. Rain won't stop us now! We're dedicated.


2. Open those Doors! We got some doorbusters to sell!


3.Dude, I can't believe I missed the $2 Ultra Mega Rare Edition of the Simpsons Season 99.


1) Gotta Deal Brings Good Waiting To Life!

2) Knock Knock, Please Let Me Out Of Here!

3) Double the pleasure, double the forget! I should have used the Gotta Deal Phone App!


1) What line? There won't be any line. No one actually "camps" out overnight. That's a myth........................................WTF?!


2) Brace for impact!


3) I called off work today for this. No pics! I can't be on the news.


Photo Number 1

Hang in there, it’s Tuesday already, Friday will be here before we know it!


Photo Number 2

Come on guys we have to grin and bear it, just remember it’s five o’clock somewhere.


Photo Number 3

There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home…come on don’t make me break out the ruby red slippers with all of these crazy shoppers around…


1. guy in the black jacket and grey pants on the corner..."I am not here for the door buster just the bathroom so I will just sneak around this way to the front of the line and no one will notice."

2. guy giving the thumbs up "Dude your number one in line"

3. guy with hand on face "now what was I here for ?!"


Picture 1- More dedicated than the mailman, BF shoppers come rain or shine!

Picture 2- "Thumbs up honey! I hid the only $99 laptop behind the big box of headphones!"

Picture 3- "Seriously????? They really only had one $99 laptop for sale, and that lady in front of me texted her friend that she found it behind the headphones??? Geesh!"


Number 1 Caption: The "Best Buy" would of been an umbrella for tonight!

Number 2 Caption: (Guy in Blue Shirt): They broke the door trying to get in! (Guy in Yellow shirt with thumbs up): Way to go there! (Other 2 guys thinking): Man, it is Wayyy to early for this.

Number 3 Caption: (Guy with hand on his face): It is wayy to early to be texting; damn I could go for one of those coffees right about now.


#1 Neither rain, nor snow, nor death of the night, can keep us from our duty......getting great deals!!


#2 Hey you all warm? Temps are great in here :-)


#3 Must. Stay. Awake.


#1. Brings a whole new meaning to " He /She doesn't have enough sense to come out of the rain"

#2. How much are they paying us to be here?

#3. OMG... I've been waiting so long, I forgot what I came for!


#1 - "Aww why does it have to be raining?! It just makes me have to pee worse! I've standing here forever!"

#2 - (secruity saying) "Are we good? Have you hid all our (the employees) stuff?" - So that's why Best Buy only has 2 of those!!!

#3 - (man standing behind wife in line saying to himself ) " "Oh, come on! She's looking at the Gottadeal Black Friday phone app again!!!" (sarcastically ) "Where we going now, honey?!)


1. Next time we need to get here a little earlier for the Door Busters.

2. We're ready. Are you?

3. Please don't let them see me picking up the new Rebecca Black CD.


photo #1-only on black friday can a line this long have everyone being calm and not yelling.

photo #2-ok guys we got this????!!! black friday starts NOW!!

photo # 3-this is my fourth store and they don't have any door busters left .i am so tired.


#1 You mean this ISN'T the line for David Lee Roth???


#2 I see Charlie Sheen in the parking lot---get ready boys!


#3 Hear no evil, See no evil, Buy no evil.


1. Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain...dangit-always on Thanksgiving night!


2. guy in yellow to far left, "Dude they are so going to take you out"


3. The registers are broke again? I'm never getting to my stores.


#3 actually happened to us, we were trapped by the need to purchase our 199 computers for 3 hours. Missed every other big sale out there. Even WM was cleaned out by the time we escaped.


1. Yes, I know it's not raining. The umbrella is to knock somebody out of the way before they get the last deal.

2. What do you mean the door won't open? Give them the thumbs up and maybe they won't think anything is wrong.

3. I wish that lady hadn't hit me in the head with her umbrella.



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