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Anyone Call You Crazy???


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Peshua, your daughter sounds like my kind of BF shopping buddy.LMAO!!! I have been doing this alot longer than my mom, who is now my "partner in crime". She used to say she would rather pay full price than go out in that crowd. All it took was one year of BF for her and now she's as bad as me.

My mom thought I was nuts too, until I convinced her to go one year. But now she is as excited about our big shopping day as I am. They are suppose to have company that week but she has already told them you can come if you want or stay at the house but she and my dad will be in a line somewhere early on BF. My boys call me crazy but they donot mind looking at the ads and making list.

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I think this is the first year in over a decade I have been able to persuade my hubby he needs to go with me on BF..lol...mainly because of the laptop and gameboy....because personally...I really would rather he stayed home..lol.

BUT....he is going..lol..he is a 275 pound big ole' football looking dude that I need to help me get the needed goods..lol

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My mom thought I was nuts too, until I convinced her to go one year. But now she is as excited about our big shopping day as I am. They are suppose to have company that week but she has already told them you can come if you want or stay at the house but she and my dad will be in a line somewhere early on BF. My boys call me crazy but they donot mind looking at the ads and making list.

well what nice boys making you a list,lol:D ;)
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My MIL has been a bit of a PITA when it comes to calling me Crazy for wanting to go BF shopping. DH & I are aiming for a couple of the big ticket items.. my MIL can't get the idea through her head that these things are going to be on sale and keeps making comments like "You'd have to be rich to buy all those things." Well, no.. not if you save your money!!
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CRAZY? Lemme tell you.........I went shopping on BF one year with my daughter (rgb) you wanna talk crazy!! Thanksgiving night we were at her house, she had ALL of the ads out comparing items and prices and making her list by store and making notes next to each item with the location of the item in the store. When i asked her how she knew where everything thing would be, told her that they would prolly move everything around for the sale she told me she had been to the stores earlier Thanksgiving day and "scoped out" the place said they were all getting ready! I just shook my head! When she picked me up at 3 am I have to say I was impressed, I had NEVER seen her as organized for anything as she was for this event..... she had her lists along with all the ads.......she is not a very patient person so you can imagine standing in line with her! "I wish they would hurry up" "Did you see that? That's not fair" etc etc When the doors opened I could not believe how this other wise calm laid back daughter of mine turned into a CRAZY person........she took off like a bat out of hell knew what she wanted where it was etc.........when i finally caught up with her she was standing with a look I had never seen on her before she was watching this older lady who had an item in her hand looking at it undecided naturally it was the last of the item finally I saw her walk up to this women and ask if she was going to purchase it the lady informed her that she was not sure.. at which point my daughter says "oh, well i AM sure" and she TOOK the item from the lady....

at the check out she starts going through her pockets and looking like she was going to faint she kept saying "OMG OMG I lost it" so, me, thinking she lost her money or other method of payment got nervous and said " what what did you loose? she said "MY LIST" that was when i said "I'll meet you outside I NEED a cigarette!!" So Crazy you ask? Oh yeah we call HER CRAZY!



Dont owrry mom she is till just as crazy. Your not missing anything being over ther in HI (standing in the nice warm weather while we freeze our tooshies off). She is still just as CRAZY!!! She still brings the ads over tomy house on Thanksgving and spreads then fromone end of my living room tothe other and compares all the while Waynes mom and Aunt laugh at us!!!! And last year she got stuck in the corner at Wlamart due to traffic and carts etc, and she kept screaming and I mean screaming at Rox to go get his go get that becuase she coulsn't move!!! Yes she is crazy!!!!!! I can't wait for it to get here. YEs I am excited to go shopping but maybe then she will relax againand start the count down for next years!!!!

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I am the same way! I live for this big shopping day. I am so excited! My sister says she is not going to dicuss the ads with me for the next month.LOL! I hardly get any sleep the night before because I am making my lists, planning, and rechecking my lists. Then I am so excited that I can't fall asleep. Last year I was a little disappointed with the sales. I hope this year doesn't let me down!!


OMG~~~She truly is crazy!!! I am the sister taht she is talking abut and every single day she calls me is TArget on there yet. DAmn it when are they gonna show theirs. She is drivning me crazy and counting down the days unitl shopping day!!! Good lord help me deal with her the next few weeks!!!! LOL!!!

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Dont owrry mom she is till just as crazy. Your not missing anything being over ther in HI (standing in the nice warm weather while we freeze our tooshies off). She is still just as CRAZY!!! She still brings the ads over tomy house on Thanksgving and spreads then fromone end of my living room tothe other and compares all the while Waynes mom and Aunt laugh at us!!!! And last year she got stuck in the corner at Wlamart due to traffic and carts etc, and she kept screaming and I mean screaming at Rox to go get his go get that becuase she coulsn't move!!! Yes she is crazy!!!!!! I can't wait for it to get here. YEs I am excited to go shopping but maybe then she will relax againand start the count down for next years!!!!

the other day she told me she used Rox as her "gopher" last year

said she didn't know what she was gonna do this year cuz she didn't know if Rox was going at which point I reminded her that it might be a little hard for Rox to get past ppl this year with her BIG belly and even though she is pregnant I do NOT think ppl would take pitty on her

as for the warm weather .........when you are used to getting all bundled up to go shopping somehow it just does not seem right to go Xmas shopping in flip flops and tank tops!!!!

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I'll never forget my first Thanksgiving dinner at my in-laws 15 years ago. I told them I had to leave early so I could go to sleep. They never heard of BF!!! When I explained it to them, they called me crazy. They didn't understand why I would do such a thing. I still remember my MIL shreiking "why in the world would you stand outside in the cold for 2 hours??' They couldn't believe I had been going out every year since I was little, when my mother used to take me and my siblings out with her.


Last year was the first year they went out, and this year they are acting like they've done this for years. Blah. I haven't heard them call me crazy now for the last 2 years. Well, at least about BF, anyway.

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Yes lots of my friends and family have said I must be crazy to go out and try to get some shopping out of the way. I dont care though. I was a virgin last year and this year I know what I am gettin myself into!!!


Memories from last year @ WM:

:wheelie::grandpa::violin::wife::slapcry::curse::gd_stars::chairshot :chairshot :chairshot :chairshot :chairshot:banghead::argue_cur:bump::smiley_nu



This year at BB:

:bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump:

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My Grandmother thinks my mom and I are nuts! Of course, Walmart on a regular day is enough to do her in!! I love BF!!! I skim thru the ads and peg down a few things that I would really like to get, but I'm never in the hunt for those "big ticket items" Actually, the best stuff that I found last year was stuff not even in the ads!! Like Pennys had $70 cashmere sweaters on sale for $29.99 (actually, Im wearing mine today!) What a find!!! I love the shopping experience and the holiday excitement and tradition more than hunting and fighting for one particular thing. Now all of you think I'm nuts for not being such a "by the list" shopper!!!
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