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Do I dare brave Walmart on BF for laptop?


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Ive been sitting here considering whether I want to brave Walmart on Black Friday for their $398 laptop vs. the one at Dell for the same price, but I have to pay shipping. I have braved Best Buy the last few years for their laptops and other stuff and they arent so bad as they hand out the "coupons" in line for what people want so there is no fighting, grabbing, etc. going on once the doors open or Walmart unveils the pallets. Im assuming that Walmart doesnt hand out these coupons for any kind of order like Best Buy does. So anyone that has been to Best Buy and Walmart, can you compare the two? Is Walmart much crazier than Best Buy? I got to Best Buy last year at 2:30am and was about 30th in line. How does Walmart compare with the times that most people get there vs. how many computers they actually have in stock? I have always actually been impressed with the way Best Buy handles their sales, but I doubt that Best Buy is going to have the same deals on laptops that Walmart does. Thanks for any info!
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Hmm I have never bought those items before so I am not 100% sure what they do but I have never seen at walmart a mob for the computers they always have left overs after BF. I would think for the price that the Laptops are going to be that they will have plenty! I don't think they are in pallets though. I think they will be in the electronics register area. they can't just have them in the midle of the store. I think you will have to purchase them in that department. I have never been to Best Buy on BF but if they hand out coupons that sounds like a good place to go too. I think it depends on the deals!
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best buy is a pain here in south carolina, the line is over 4 hours! i am going to be at walmart first thing in the morning then i will hit BB and CC.


Does anyone think that BB or CC will have $400 laptops too? i think they will have them to compete with Wal Mart

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I would hit the walmart supercenter early scope it out (if you have a supercenter) find out about how many they have.. if thats what you want... and the supply is limited ( AS i know SC get more than the Reg stores) and then wait in electronics for that item.
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Quick tips for retailers with coupon system:


People throw then away all the time. Last year I got there(BestB) at 9 am, no need to say no coupons are left. I had a crazy idea of walking around the area where the line was earlier. I actually found a lot of coupons laying around on the ground, I use the ones that I want and gave the rest to other people.


I love the reaction.

"Where did you get this?"

"Someone tried to sold me his for $10!"


They were laying on the ground.;)

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Quick tips for retailers with coupon system:


People throw then away all the time. Last year I got there(BestB) at 9 am, no need to say no coupons are left. I had a crazy idea of walking around the area where the line was earlier. I actually found a lot of coupons laying around on the ground, I use the ones that I want and gave the rest to other people.


I love the reaction.

"Where did you get this?"

"Someone tried to sold me his for $10!"


They were laying on the ground.;)


Someone was selling them, shame, shame, shame.

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If it fries with a month it will still be under warranty. All the laptops these days are made in China, Taiwan, or Singapore anyway. Can you show me any brands that aren't?


I have an HP laptop that I purchased from Best Buy two years ago with similar spec, and it works great! I paid $1,100.00 and it was made in China.

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I personally would not, there are better laptops which frequently sell for $399 - $499 without the BF hassle.


If you do "brave the elements" make sure to get in line EARLY Midnight would be good. These laptops will probably sell out within 10 minutes.

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Guest bennettg

I personally would not, there are better laptops which frequently sell for $399 - $499 without the BF hassle.


If you do "brave the elements" make sure to get in line EARLY Midnight would be good. These laptops will probably sell out within 10 minutes.


Can you point me in that direction?

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I got this from my wife who works for walmart the store she works at is only getting 15 of them in because they took a big price cut on them and it was a special buy on them from what the manager of the electronics dept told her. so if you want one I would probably get their early. im still thinking about trying to get one for myself. this is in Ne ohio youngstown area.
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I am a Store Manager for a $140 million Wal-Mart Supercenter in the Midwest. I have rather enjoyed all of these threads regarding everyones ads for Black Friday. I have made a few posts myself. The buzz regarding Wal-Marts ad has been the $398 HP laptop. Here is what everyone needs to know: Each store will only have 10-20 laptops to sell that one day. So if you want one you will have to pray and show up as early as possible.




Go to your local Wal-Mart who currently carries the model that will be featured in the Black Friday ad, because not all do. You will see that the current price is around $648-$699, put the laptop on layaway TODAY!! Then on Black Friday you go back into the same Wal-Mart go to the layaway counter and CANCEL that layaway....as soon as you get your money back tell the clerk you have decided to purchase that laptop after all and it will ring for $398 instead of the $648-$699 because the UPC for the laptop in Wal-Marts system will ring for the Black Friday AD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Any questions????????

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Go to your local Wal-Mart who currently carries the model that will be featured in the Black Friday ad, because not all do.


Any questions????????

I haven't seen them in the store. From what I can tell it is the same as the more expensive stocked model -- identical specs -- but with a slight model number change. Probably only for BF. Or, can you confirm that some stores actually have this same model in stock now?

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