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Have you ever hidden your "stash" and forgot where you put it?


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I have done it too not so much with the kids stuff but with gifts for my sister. I get her little stuff for Christmas stocking or Easter basket and then i cant find it. Somtimes i find it months later. It then just goes intot he next holiday stuff or birthday stuff i give her.
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Funny story- We go to my husband's grandparents every Christmas Eve and for 3 years in a row I didn't get a gift. Of course we never said anything because she is a little forgetful sometimes but by the 3rd year I was beginning to wonder. The summer after that she went in the hospital and my MIL and I were cleaning her house and in a back closet under some sheets we found 3 gifts with my name on them and 1 with my MIL's name. Needless to say I had 3 new sweaters to wear that coming winter.;)
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We had a big Hot Wheels thing for my middle son one year that we forgot to pull out of the closet and put under the tree. After opening gifts when we realized it, I got the kids distracted in the kitchen while DH ran and got the gift and sort of shoved it way back behind the tree. Then we sat down by the tree and DH "noticed" the gift and my son was happy to get the one thing he really wanted! LOL!!
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I forgot my daughter's christmas gift one year.We all got done opening gifts and my daughter was sitting in the coner crying. I aksed her what was wrong she said she didn't get the cd player she asked for.I forgot I wraped it and left in the closet.So i went the closet and gave it to her. She was a happy girl. :)
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I haven't because I wrap them as soon as I get them or I would forget everything. My mom buys stuff every year after Christmas to put up for next Christmas and always forgets about it. This summer I was helping her go through all of the boxes and bags in her two spare bedrooms, we found so many presents she won't have to buy much this year.lol
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I've done that before. I bought my husband something at Best Buy for Christmas and I got a free 10 dollar gift card with the purchase. I intended to put the gift card in his Christmas stocking and hid it in a drawer where I keep my craft stuff. I actually forgot that I even had the gift card until I was looking for something in my crafting supplies and came upon it a couple of days before Christmas. He probably wouldn't have gotten that card had I not been rumaging through my crafting stuff.
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no i didnt forget but i was amazed it was gone...lol i put this fancy barbie once way in the back of an olympic barbie that never seemed to sell.. i smuggly went to the back to get it the next day and it was gone! i was shocked cause the olympic ones were like the last ones you would pick. i was bummed. kathy
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whoops guess i misunderstood the post...lol i thought you were talking about hiding an item in the store, and going back for it later.. no i have never lost stuff in the house yet. i keep it in trash bags in the closet in my room. the kids assume its blankets being stored.
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Never! I don't have kids yet so hiding isn't as much of a challenge in our house. Things I buy during after Christmas sales always get put in spare room closet.


Once I start really shopping in June I create a master gift list in Word on my PC and keep track of everthing I buy by person, including stocking stuffers.


This has helped me avoid forgetting things - sometimes I'll look at my list and be surprised by whats there. "Oh yeah, I did buy that? Now where did I put it? - But everything is somewhere in the spare room so I usually don't have to look too hard.


To hide gifts from DH I wrap them and hide them in plain sight with other wrapped gifts. Might even use "creative labeling". Some things I may keep at work or in trunk of car - I usually make a note in my Word file of where things are hidden. :)

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