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What do you do when the shopping is done?


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I usually come home wired after Black Friday...I typically finish whatever decorating needs to be done and then I may watch a few Christmas movies and wrap some gifts. I love Christmas.

Same here! I put some Harry Connick, Jr. or other jazzy Christmas CD on and start wrapping gifts (Cailyn's and Rod's go into the closet until I can get them out of the house). :holiday04 Then, I put up my Christmas village and other decorations throughout the house. Cailyn and I usually watch some Christmas movies mid-afternoon while my husband is out deer hunting. When he gets back, we put up the tree and then drive around looking at Christmas lights. :holiday05


I try to just sleep in a little later on Saturday/Sunday mornings to get myself back on track, but with a 4-yr old, that doesn't always happen. :runaway:

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Spend the morning shopping and hopefully finding all the great BF items that are on my list...grab a bite to eat at Red Lobster or a good steak house, drink a few beers...create my "plan of attack" for the afternoon shopping...grab a snack at the mall...call DH and tell him I'll be home in an hour (and it usually is 3 hours later by the time I pull in the driveway)...unload the Jeep...grab a quick bite of supper...shower...and head off to our neighbor's annual Drunk Fest/Thanksgiving party :wizard::cheese::banana01::gd_devild:burp: :smiley-po Thank goodness I get a 4-day weekend at Thanksgiving to recooperate from BF, the parties, the food, and have Saturday and Sunday to throw Christmas up at my house.
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We plan on staying out all day shopping. :runaway: Everything is a 30 minute to two hour drive from here, so we'll be running around like chickens with our heads cut off. I'm a ball of energy though, so once we get home I'll probably drag out the Christmas Tree and get it decorated.
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