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I think Black Friday days are FUN! Do you?


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I've been doing Black Friday with my mom for about ten years now (I'm 25) and I know it's crazy and chaotic, but I personally find this day lots of fun!! Now, I know a lot of people (including my past boyfriends) think I'm nuts to get up at 4 a.m., go out into the cold, snowy morning (here in Mich) just to stand in line with a bunch of other crazy people for one or two items.


But you know, as you read these other threads, I think I most dedicated people have a good time. I get to bond with my mom, and sometimes you meet some fantastic other people. Yes, it's very busy, my foot has been ran over three times (once left bleeding) someone dropped a 19" tv on my hand as I was picking something up, I've been slammed in the back with a shopping cart more times than I can count... but I don't care. It's still fun to me and makes me happy to get some good deals. I personally enjoy the chaos and the noise and the multitudes of people. Granted... I've never WORKED a Black Friday, but as a shopper, it's fun.


I always make sure to compliment the cashier or sales staff and say thank you, even if I have to stop them, slow them down and say it. Sometimes, that's all they need to hear to make them smile. I do work in the bakery of Meijer and I know how mean people in a hurry can be if your out of their favorite item, so I try to say thanks. ONe year, one electronic sales guy was so surprised, he gave me a Disney DVD that was one sale that they had been out of. He said someone had left it at the registers and it had been brought back and they were simply too busy to put it out. He was a nice guy :)


If anyone gives me great service, I make to get their name, their specific department and then I write or call (the next day of course, when it's not busy) to tell the manager.


Anyways, I'm looking forward to Black Friday, and even though I'm too broke to buy hardly anything, I'm still going to get up at 4 a.m. and enjoy the day!

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I absolutely love BF. Not only do I go shopping, but around five o'clock our town has pictures with santa, a parade of lights and you get free hot chocolate or cider and cookies. Plus you can go around to all the businesses and put your name in for free stuff. The whole day from dawn until dusk is totally awesome. I can't wait.
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I love this day! I know that most people think I'm insane for getting up this early since I have the day off, but it's just my official start of the holiday season.


Since I have most of my shopping done, I only go out for the really good deals and stocking stuffers. But, I love the hustle and bustle. I always make sure to smile and let the store employees know they are appreciated.

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I absolutely love BF. Not only do I go shopping, but around five o'clock our town has pictures with santa, a parade of lights and you get free hot chocolate or cider and cookies. Plus you can go around to all the businesses and put your name in for free stuff. The whole day from dawn until dusk is totally awesome. I can't wait.

Hey genoandkiddo, where you at? - this sounds like a great deal, but we don't have anything like that here in Fargo/Moorhead

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  • 3 weeks later...
I love Black Friday!!!! My Kids and I go every year. My three boys aren't real thrilled about it but we always go out to breakfast after we hit Wal-mart before we go to the next store so they go for the food but my daughter and I love it. Thanksgiving night we sit down with our ad's and plan our stragey. My husband said we could lead troops into battle with the way we plan for it. After we finally get home an unload the tons of bags my daughter and I spread everything all over the living room and start wrapping. I love the tradition my daughter and I have together I hope we do this for many years to come.
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I Love this day!!! It's the only day getting up at the crack of dawn is fun. Grabbing a large cappucino and heading out, listening to Christmas music on the way, it's great! I go with my three sisters-in-law, we do the shopping, then go have a great breakfast and talk about our buys and experiences. It's more than just shopping it's a GIRL THING.
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I have a love/hate relationship with black friday LOL I love being able to get the deals, butI always worry about not getting something that I want due to rude people like those butting in line, crashing the door, people taking more than they should, etc. Luckily Ive always gotten what I want at my 2 BF's the last 2 years at Best Buy, but it was close there last year. While I do get excited about getting good deals, I would be EXTREMELY upset if I spent hours upon hours waiting in line for something only to find out that whether it be other customers faults or the stores fault that I didnt get what I was waiting for.
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