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  \ said:

I made a haul at our walmart (blackwell, ok) today. They had TONS of lights, wrapping paper, power stakes and extension cords. I loaded 2 carts full of stuff! DH checked out so I didn't realize until we were in the car but the cashier was manually overriding to do the 75% off even though they were ringing up 75% off. I ended up paying $52 for $1600 worth the stuff :) I didn't notice until DH said the lady had to manually enter the discount and I got scared that she had rang it up wrong. She did ring it up wrong, but I'm not complaining!

Wow! Good for you. You would think they would notice this kind of stuff!

  HansieDZ said:

They redid my closest store too-right before Black friday :rolleyes:

I can only think of 3 scanners now on the GM side of the store and those things are so LOUD.

Same here-- after the re-do it is like a scavenger hunt to find the scanners. They are there... but in STRANGE places and not obvious. Ours are LOUD too, lol.

Walmart by my house was a mess....things were not marked right and cashiers were so clueless. Got into an argument with a manager because I bought a pink tree for 10.00 and they had it for 5.00 so I asked a cashier if they were doing price adjustments on holiday items since they are clearance, she said no but to just buy it for 5.00 and return it with the 10.00 reciept. So naturally this is what I did, this cashier was nowhere to be found at customer service obviously and the manager told me she wouldnt return it. I asked why if I had a reciept and she said well there was a sign here that said we are NOT doing returns on holiday items. So of course I say "here are no signs ANYWHERE that say that".Herresponse is " well there were" So I try to explain that this is what the associate told me to do and she literally tells me "well she is only a cashier and doesnt know about their policies"...um, isn't that their job? Finally she threw the reciept at the other cashier and just said "fine do the return", and stormed away mumbling under her breath, then another cashier right in front of me starts talking to the cashier who is suppose to do my return saying that she shouldnt do it because it doesnt make sense if we only do it for some customers. Well at this point I was fuming and the girl must of saw it in my face cause she finally did the return. Im SO callin corporate in the morning!
Posted (edited)
  momof3luvs1 said:

Walmart by my house was a mess....things were not marked right and cashiers were so clueless. Got into an argument with a manager because I bought a pink tree for 10.00 and they had it for 5.00 so I asked a cashier if they were doing price adjustments on holiday items since they are clearance, she said no but to just buy it for 5.00 and return it with the 10.00 reciept. So naturally this is what I did, this cashier was nowhere to be found at customer service obviously and the manager told me she wouldnt return it. I asked why if I had a reciept and she said well there was a sign here that said we are NOT doing returns on holiday items. So of course I say "here are no signs ANYWHERE that say that".Herresponse is " well there were" So I try to explain that this is what the associate told me to do and she literally tells me "well she is only a cashier and doesnt know about their policies"...um, isn't that their job? Finally she threw the reciept at the other cashier and just said "fine do the return", and stormed away mumbling under her breath, then another cashier right in front of me starts talking to the cashier who is suppose to do my return saying that she shouldnt do it because it doesnt make sense if we only do it for some customers. Well at this point I was fuming and the girl must of saw it in my face cause she finally did the return. Im SO callin corporate in the morning!

I just read your quote. I have to admit I dont shop Walmart too often but do from time to time. The people that work at walmart and sams club are very different from your typical employee at other stores, why is that? I am not saying everyone there but so many are so... so... what is the word, umm... Ignorant! How can a manager act like that? how can store employees talk amongst each other/about you, when you are right there.

Edited by cutexianchick
I stopped on my way in to work this morning and was happy to find a white tree with multi lights for my daughter's room next year (a small 4 ft one). When I went to pay, it rang up full price? The girl was hesitant about taking the 75% off? What in the world? It was regularly 25$, not like it was a 200$ item! They were treating me like I was trying to pull one over on them! Everything rang up right but that! UGH! It's always an adventure shopping at walmart! Watch everything when you are being rung up though! THere were a ton of items that were Christmasy that weren't rining up on sale at all. Glad I didn't try to get that stuff or I would have really been late to work! They had like 4 boxes of colgate toothpast and brushes in the 75% off aisle also not ringing up! There were even employees straightening up the toothpaste in that very aisle that left the stuff there even though it wasn't supposed to be there. Makes no sense to me. Luckily, this store had a scanner and I checked everything I got (except the tree of course). Makes for a long checkout process for both parties!
  1angelnhvn said:

I stopped on my way in to work this morning and was happy to find a white tree with multi lights for my daughter's room next year (a small 4 ft one). When I went to pay, it rang up full price? The girl was hesitant about taking the 75% off? What in the world? It was regularly 25$, not like it was a 200$ item! They were treating me like I was trying to pull one over on them! Everything rang up right but that! UGH! It's always an adventure shopping at walmart! Watch everything when you are being rung up though! THere were a ton of items that were Christmasy that weren't rining up on sale at all. Glad I didn't try to get that stuff or I would have really been late to work! They had like 4 boxes of colgate toothpast and brushes in the 75% off aisle also not ringing up! There were even employees straightening up the toothpaste in that very aisle that left the stuff there even though it wasn't supposed to be there. Makes no sense to me. Luckily, this store had a scanner and I checked everything I got (except the tree of course). Makes for a long checkout process for both parties!

we went yesterday and the lights weren't ringing up on sale, I wonder how many people walked out of there paying full price if they didn't catch it before leaving. Our selection was pretty limited, I knew I should of scanned on Fri. Just got some icicle lights, tissue paper, some containers for food gifts and that was about it. No wrapping paper, like one little box of bows, no lights other than the icicle lights, no trees, some bags, no tags, some ornaments and random stuff was left.

I stopped by this morning on my way in to work and didn't find much useful. They still had the holiday containers 2 or 3 pack for .75 and way too many santa hats and plain red/white stockings. I totally missed the disney fairies sets I wanted to get for BFF's DD bday in May I had seen a whole try of at 50% last week.
  alora7 said:

I made a haul at our walmart (blackwell, ok) today. They had TONS of lights, wrapping paper, power stakes and extension cords. I loaded 2 carts full of stuff! DH checked out so I didn't realize until we were in the car but the cashier was manually overriding to do the 75% off even though they were ringing up 75% off. I ended up paying $52 for $1600 worth the stuff :) I didn't notice until DH said the lady had to manually enter the discount and I got scared that she had rang it up wrong. She did ring it up wrong, but I'm not complaining!

Wow, thats like 96.45% off the regular price. You should call the store and let them know so that the cashier doesn't keep ringing things up wrong.

Today at our walmart, they had shopping carts lined up with clerks removing everything Christmasy from the shelves and taking the carts to the back room. I don't even think they put all of their stuff at 75%. They did have some cute nightshirts for $2.00.
Found men's pj pants for $2. They were super fuzzy black fleece with the Grinch on them. The pants were rolled up with a red cardboard band wrapped around them and originally priced at $8. All were thrown in a cardboard bin containing kids blankets that were not on sale. Was worth me tracking down a scanner to check the price, IMO.
  Kibit13 said:

Wow, thats like 96.45% off the regular price. You should call the store and let them know so that the cashier doesn't keep ringing things up wrong.

I don't blame her for not going back in. The way I see it...if Walmart spent their money more wisely on things like...uh...I dunno...TRAINING their employees, they wouldn't have so many costly mistakes.


I can't remember how many times Walmart has screwed me on how much I paid for something, let alone the countless employees who can never answer a simple question. Oh and let's not forget the disgusting attitude that the majority of them have! Causing me to inenivitably take my business to Target!

I think alot of it is there are so many different people telling you to do things a different way, half the time they don't know what way is right? I worked at walmart several years ago and managment would tell me to do things one way and then if there was a shift change, the next ones would come in and have me change it all over again. They gave us plenty of training (at least I thought so), they just needed the folks telling people what to do to get on the same page to avoid re-work and confusion. For me, I have had more rude employees at Target than Walmart but I still spend most of my time in Target because of the clearance deals. It boils down to Customer Service NOT being a priority anywhere like it used to be.
I went yesterday to my Walmart. Some things were ringing up 75% off and some were not. If it didn't ring up correctly for 75% off, it was not on sale. I wonder when they go to 90%. I have my eye on a couple of things. No scanners at this store either. They still have items from fall so I don't expect it to be soon.
  krucook said:

I went yesterday to my Walmart. Some things were ringing up 75% off and some were not. If it didn't ring up correctly for 75% off, it was not on sale. I wonder when they go to 90%. I have my eye on a couple of things. No scanners at this store either. They still have items from fall so I don't expect it to be soon.

well the lights I bought had a sign on them $1.70 but rang up full price so they were clearanced just didn't make it into the computer


I visited 2 Walmarts yesterday. I picked up several stocking stuffers and stuff for class goody bags for next year. There were a lot of boxed ornaments left, but I didn't see any big items like trees, very few lights, and almost no wrapping paper.


Of course, this being Walmart, several of the items I wanted to purchase weren't marked down in the system. They do this every holiday - every time I have tried to buy a cartload of holiday merchandise there have been items that weren't ringing correctly. Yesterday the Dora watch in a candy cane package ($5), Christmas 12 -count activity books ($2), Christmas yo-yo ($1), and Disney Lip gloss sets ($5) all rang up full price. The cashier didn't want to change any of it, but was told to override. Lucky for me the woman in charge of holiday clearance was working the next register and told her they should be marked down. They all had holiday packaging except the lip gloss - of which there were several boxes full right above a 75% off sign.


Our walmart is 75% off Christmas. I toured yesterday. Didn't see a thing I wanted. My daughter did buy some Gingerbread flavored marshmallows. She liked them, but all I can say is :yuck:

But I don't even like regular marshmallows, so to each his own. :fluffy:

  fluffkin79 said:

I visited 2 Walmarts yesterday. I picked up several stocking stuffers and stuff for class goody bags for next year. There were a lot of boxed ornaments left, but I didn't see any big items like trees, very few lights, and almost no wrapping paper.


Of course, this being Walmart, several of the items I wanted to purchase weren't marked down in the system. They do this every holiday - every time I have tried to buy a cartload of holiday merchandise there have been items that weren't ringing correctly. Yesterday the Dora watch in a candy cane package ($5), Christmas 12 -count activity books ($2), Christmas yo-yo ($1), and Disney Lip gloss sets ($5) all rang up full price. The cashier didn't want to change any of it, but was told to override. Lucky for me the woman in charge of holiday clearance was working the next register and told her they should be marked down. They all had holiday packaging except the lip gloss - of which there were several boxes full right above a 75% off sign.


The watches rang up full price at my store too, and they were stickered at $2.50. Of course since they were stickered they would only give them to me for $2.50 so I told them to keep them.

I went to my Walmart this morning and so much stuff was ringing full price. All the holiday palmolive, saran and glad plastic wrap (red), holiday oreos, goldfish, ziploc, and reynolds wrap were ringing up full price!!! :eek: All this stuff was located in the regular aisles. The other Christmas stuff was 75% off. When I asked an employee who was scanning things with one of those guns why they weren't marked down she said "they told us if it did not ring up on sale, it is not on sale" Whatever! Who is going to buy holiday stuff at full price after Christmas?
  tinkrbel said:

Any idea when it'll go 90%? I might get a tabletop tree if there's any left. That way we can just put that up instead of nothing if it gets too late again .


Walmart doesn't do 90%. Each individual store will decide if to mark down further or not and when. My stores around here will sit on it at 75% for a month then one day a cart will appear with everything that is left priced at a dime or something. If you miss that exact moment, you've missed it.


So needless to say I buy what I want at 75% and then walk away from Walmart. ;-)

In 2008 one of my Wal-Mart's actually did go 90% on January 23rd. Last year however they either did the buggy thing mentioned above or stashed it somewhere, because I was in there one day and then when I went back the next day it had all vanished except for a few things that hung around on an endcap in crafts until this summer when they remodeled. Our Halloween went 90% last year but didn't this year, so I don't really expect Christmas to go 90% at my store.
  nikol0304 said:

I don't blame her for not going back in. The way I see it...if Walmart spent their money more wisely on things like...uh...I dunno...TRAINING their employees, they wouldn't have so many costly mistakes.


I can't remember how many times Walmart has screwed me on how much I paid for something, let alone the countless employees who can never answer a simple question. Oh and let's not forget the disgusting attitude that the majority of them have! Causing me to inenivitably take my business to Target!

I understand what you're saying, but the computer system didn't under charge her, the cashier did on accident. By letting them know right away, then the cashier would not keep making this mistake. The total should have been $400, but instead it was $52. That's a huge amount that the store lost because their cashier made a mistake. A mistake that large could get someone fired.


A phone call letting them know what happened is all that would have been needed.

FYI, I did call one of the assistant managers that same day, he's a friend, and told him what happened. He said that their computers weren't ringing anything up on sale that morning so they were having to manually override. He asked me what time was on my receipt and said they realized the system was working 15 minutes after I checked out. He told the store manager about it and he said that was fine, he just wanted it all gone. I asked if they were going to go lower and he told me that on the 15th the store manager said to let people pay what they want to for the stuff left. I was in there yesterday and they still had a ton of lights and even trees! The one worker in that section said they were getting ready to bring more Christmas stuff from the back that never got put out. I may need to borrow my brother's truck on the 15th!
Posted (edited)

75% off at my store, not much worth wanting....AND like other stores lots on shelf regular price (DUMB!) Saran wrap, ziplocs, themed snacks. I'd beeen wanting to try the Renuzit crystals...the bag that was out for Christmas in 2 scents clearly SAYS "Holiday" and they were full priced ??? They can keep it!


I walked out with 10 of those boxed, tie with a button and elastic DVD gift boxes at 0.37 and nothing else....


It was strange they had aisles and aisles full of "stuff" (at least 8 aisles plus endcaps!)but nothin caught my attention




AS for PP it was not her intent on taking anything and I actually had something similar happen to me halloween 2009 I walked up to the service desk and explained and said "I don't want anyone getting fired because they rang it up wrong" and they sent me home without correcting it....which is what they would have done for PP most likely. And THIS halloween they incorrectly put signs up that read 90% when it WASN"T and I made them honor it. Another woman and I had been there at least 45mins loadin our carts up before they ran over pulling down signs!!! Got the HUGE bags of dumdums for 90% because the signs were right over them.....Yeah they could have made more on them if I had left it BUT maybe not and it eventually goes 90% anyways....actually my store STILL has random Halloween things laying around...I saw cookie cutters TODAY and a full aisle full of Scarecrows and "harvest" tableware!!! Crazyness

Edited by mom2monkiesx3
  • 2 weeks later...
I guess Walmart wants to keep Christmas alive. My store (SMALL STORE!) Still has 4 full aisles. No large decorations or trees but most anything else you could want...even food/bath gift sets!!! Same with their toys...after Targets 75% toys and 90% off Christmas Walmart will probally be holding onto that stuff for a long while!
  mom2monkiesx3 said:

I guess Walmart wants to keep Christmas alive. My store (SMALL STORE!) Still has 4 full aisles. No large decorations or trees but most anything else you could want...even food/bath gift sets!!! Same with their toys...after Targets 75% toys and 90% off Christmas Walmart will probally be holding onto that stuff for a long while!

I wouldn't be at all surprised that they just dump the Christmas at some point in time.


Was at Walmart yesterday waiting for an hour and a half for them to find my site to store items. Could not find them so they re-ordered them and are shipping to my house for no charge for the problem. HOWEVER!!!!! THE MANAGER IN THE BACK TOLD ME THEY ARE IN THE MIDST OF DOING A BIG PROJECT FROM CORPORATE AND CLEARING OUT THEIR INVENTORY FROM THE STORE THAT HAS BEEN PULLED FROM SHELVES, ETC.


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