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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2005-06

Gator Pam

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well target wasnt a great day today....They had a shop lifter and first got plowed by the manger as she was trying to sneak around a corner to follow the (at the point) "target" Not exactly the most subtle way to do things she rounded that corner hunched down and scared me enough I almost yakked on her LOL


Then all the scanner stations were down and since all employees were helping with the shop lifter shake down couldnt get anyone to check for me though My target does have 2 of the basketball sets just no way to know the price and wasnt going to haul it all over and back again.


Went to check out and the line was 12 people deep(had time to count them LOL) since again all but 1 cashier was in on the "spy games"


Bravo to them for taking shop lifting serious but with all of them leaving thier dept to follow the same two women the rest of us could have walked out with the store LOL


finds: Listerine 2 bottle pack 2.25 not great but needed it anyway

12 dancing princess barbie for 9.44 and they had the Delia I thought I was going to have to order onlien to get so YEAH!



There was TONS of halloween candy at battle creek, Mi

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Becca -


I have this exact panini grill and still have the box. If that helps let me know what you want off there and I will post.

I would just like to know the DPCI # or even the UPC #, if the DPCI isn't on the box. The DPCI should look like XXX-XX-XXXX. Thanks in advance for any help!

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I found 2 outdoor lounge chairs @ 75% for $9.98 (reg $39.99)!!! Pumpkin Carving Kit for 1.99.


Dollar Spot Items @ 75% off:

Eyeglass kits - stocking stuffers for g'ma/g'pa - .25

Disney Princess Iron On patches - .25


Glad I bought those bead storage kits @ 50% off. They were all gone today. Lots of asian themed and halloween stuff still left in the dollar spot though.


Lots of costumes, candy and paper items in our halloween section. Saw the basket w/liner & tote for 7.xx, but passed on it.


Still checking the PW princess castle. Nope no mark down yet.


OOOOHHH - FAB - the Ryan's Room parachute is 30% in some stores. Not in any of mine yet though. Thought I'd pass it along.

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I dont want to seem dumb, but what exactly is this list? Is it a specific stores clearance list or is it a list of what all Targets should have on clearance at any 1 time?

I would like to be enlightened! I understand what a dcpi/upc code or number is and I also understand that many Targets have scanners that allow you to enter in a number, which gives you the current price as well as information about whether there are anymore items in the backroom. (Does it also give aisle information??) I love that page put together by http://www.schumanfamily.com..etc.. and frequently go out there to see what's listed. Is this stuff that this person/family has found by themself?? Do they buy all that stuff and then list it all by dcpi? If so, WHY? Are they just nice people who want to spread the Target joy? Does someone they know work at Target and give them a list? I am just so curious. I promise you I am not a Target spy trying to figure this out. I'm pretty new to the forum and have just been seeing people talking about all this dcpi stuff. In my experience, when something goes clearance, the chances are slim to none that there will be more stock in the backroom anyway, so I'm not sure what good the dcpi is doing for people, unless it's just directing people to the right aisle??? I am just so curious. Maybe there is something that I'm missing?? Anyone know the backstory on our buddies the Schumans? I've been wanting to know this for awhile, and am just know SO CURIOUS, I have to ask.:)

Welcome to the GottaDeal.com forums!!


It's a list generated automatically by posts like this one on another forum by posters all over the country. I posted a link to their Target-specific thread earlier today in this thread at #2149.


Not all items will go down at the same time, but generally an item that goes clearance at one Target will eventually go clearance at all of the others as it is a corporate wide decision to discontinue carrying them. So having the UPC or DPCI helps the perimeter peruser know if they are scanning the correct item. Sometimes an item with the same model number as new stock goes clearance because the packaging changed, or some such.


My particular Target tends to run about two weeks to a month behind the ones that first get posted as having mark downs. At first this frustrated me, as I would run out right away when I read that something I wanted was found on clearance by a poster and didn't see it. But, once I learned how my Target's schedule works, I now prefer it, as I can stalk the item on the days that department is due to be marked down per the schedule posted in the Newbie Guide.



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I can't stop thinking about Target. I am about to become so obsessed with the store I will need to visit daily.

That is so sad because I can totally relate!!!! I have been banned by my husband but I have a merchandising job there tomorrow so I'll get paid for going there...if I can keep myself from shopping!!! :eek:

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The upc is 7 4005700229 8 - I don't see any other numbers on the box. Of course, this one was bought at full price so that is why there is no DPCI on it correct?

Thanks so much! I got the DPCI for it. :)


I didn't think -- it's not just a target item, so the dpci probably isn't printed on the box. Thanks so much for what you provided me with though, it helped a lot. I appreciate it!

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I did well at the dollar spot tonight. I got some little felt purses and felt stickers to decorate them with some beads and some string for making jewelry. I did enough for DD3 to give to her friends for Christmas. I thought maybe I would have them over to make cookies and she could give them a present. The cookie making will depend on time but she will be excited to give them a present.
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Those Asian-themed thingies (silk-covered Chinese "take-out boxes" -- good for teens to keep their "valuables" in, though they're probably too large for stocking stuffers, as well as little sake sets and chopstick resters, that are all good for all kinds of boudoir table storage) -- all rang up at 62 cents apiece!! I also got cute little Halloween tin pails, one painted like a skeleton, the other like a scary pumpkin, both nodding on springy feet, for 62 cents apiece.


(Then I blew the savings on a full-price baby gift/bag. Sigh. Gotta plan better...)

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Oh, and all the Halloween candy is 50% off. Why don't they just mark it right back up to regular price again? I'm not talking the Halloween-specific things, like candy corn and specially designed packages of orange and black M&Ms or something -- ALL of it in the Halloween section is 50% off. Such a deal!
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I picked up the Bratz Guitar game for $12.48 (50% Off), two bags of candy for 1/2 off (they had tons still at mine, so maybe I'll be able to pick some up 75 or 90 off). In the Barbie aisle, they had a Halloween Barbie and a Halloween Kelly doll, so I brought the Barbie to the scanner and it was $4.99 (50% Off), brought the Kelly one over and it was $2.49. Neither had stickers on them. Picked both of those up.



Also, the top shelves in the toy dept. had a lot of board games including Scene It, so I'm hoping they'll have a good deal on them for BF. A ton of Operation and Shrek Operation games. They had a lot of the Little People barns, a few of the LP Schools. They also had a lot of the Fisher Price Loving Family dollhouses. We picked two of them up at the TRU B1G1, but with the amount of them it seems like they may be offering something on them for BF. Oh yeah, there were also 4 sections of the FP kid-tough cameras. I don't know if that would be for a deal, or because maybe they'll be hot sellers though.

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I was wondering if anyone has run across a mobiblu MP3 player on clearance. I would love to have one or two of them but I called all of the stores in Southern Illinois and the St. Louis area and they were already sold out. Here is the information:


mobiBLU 2GB MP3 player 057-10-1014 orig 159.99 now 40.04



Please let me know if you run across any. Thanks! :)

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I found a few deals at Target last night...


Independent Studies floor lamp @ 75% off = $4.98

Target Home Brand World Globe Lights (great for Christmas) @ 75% off = @2.48

Assorted picture frames @ 75%

10 picture frames in a box @ 75% = $4.98

Independant Studies desk lamps in red, grey, and black = $1.98

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I found the Huffy Basketball goal system last night at a target about 20 miles away from me. They had it for $34.XX which is half price but only had one in stock so I didn't want to chance it not being there later. I will be going back at lunch to my local one to see what else I can find!! :)
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We had a new Target store just open up Oct. 8 in our metro area. LAST year, there was a Target store that opened on that very same day (Oct. 8). I was shocked when the store LAST year took Halloween to 75% off on Nov 3 (a full TWO days earlier than all the other stores in the city). They had TONS of stuff... candy, costumes, everything-- about 4 solid aisles full. (It was a blast shopping that day.) They had so much candy that I even found some good bags when it went 90%. Anyway, I wondered if the new store that opened up THIS year on Oct 8 would follow the same schedule as the store from last year. I took a chance and YUP, they did. They were at 75% off on all Halloween today. But, they only had about 1 aisle of stuff and NO candy. So it was kind of disappointing. Thought I might share with those of you who may have a new Target opening in your area. I don't know if it's something that they let ALL the new stores do or if it is just a fluke or what. If my records are right, most stores will take Halloween to 75% on Sunday. Does that sound right to ya'll?
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our store here in columbus, OH was at 75% today! people were going CRAZY tossing stuff into their carts! one lady actually grabbed my halloween barbie out of my cart! HANDS OFF LADY - go find one of your own!!

the basketball goal was only at 30% though - i grabbed one anyway --- do they do price adjustments on clearance??

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Got some of those Disney princess magnetic dolls at the dollar spot yesterday (as a bribe to my 3 year old to let me shop around!). None of them work at all. The magnets are dead. The clothes don't stick to the dolls and they don't stick to anything metal either. I bought 4 packs (only cost a quarter each), and none of the packs work. Maybe it was just my unlucky day. They a ton of them left. Thought I'd share that info with everyone in case anyone was planning to give them as gifts. I don't know if there is a way to regenerate a magnet once it goes dead or what might cause them to go dead in the first place. Oh well, at least they were only a quarter!
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http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000G7IJSW.16._SCLZZZZZZZ_SS260_V62185798_.jpg this is what i got today at target. (online and) sticker price of $169.98...my price $42.00.this will look great in my dining room. i was sooo excited! the top part of it is shown upside down (the hooks go on the bottom so you can hang coats) and i am also excited because i learned how to post pics (learned from a prior post on here! yay me!)
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I picked up the last Pink Dyson Vaccuum for $199.50. I couldn't resist as those babies are never on any kind of decent sale - it's just PINK (and purple) for Breast Cancer Awareness. Supposedly, $40 of the purchase price is to be donated to the Komen Foundation (or something like that).
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Nice find GingerSunshine! I haven't been to my local Target in weeks, and I really want to go, but I have placed myself on a break from shopping. (I have done way to much shopping online.)


The UPS driver stopped by today out of habit, and then realized he didn't have anything for me today.

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http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000G7IJSW.16._SCLZZZZZZZ_SS260_V62185798_.jpg this is what i got today at target. (online and) sticker price of $169.98...my price $42.00.this will look great in my dining room. i was sooo excited! the top part of it is shown upside down (the hooks go on the bottom so you can hang coats) and i am also excited because i learned how to post pics (learned from a prior post on here! yay me!)

I need to look for this. I was looking at some of the others but this was by far my favorite.

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I found a couple of things today.


Wine rack/table; reg $79.99, now, $19.99. Catalog # : 10316669 ASIN: B000FOC9NC DPCI: 249-02-0026


Student Desk; reg $59.99, now $14.98. Catalog # : 10255013 ASIN: B000EILEJY DPCI: 249-11-0233


Sorry, I don't have enough posts to post a link directly to the items.


I also found a Health O Meter Body Massage Mat but can't find it on their site. It's reg $49.99, now $12.74. They had a few of these types of things pretty cheap. Like a squishy neck pillow for $3.74 and a massage mat for an office chair. They were all 75% off.

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