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What store will you no way/no how shop at on Black Friday??

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Never, ever, ever will I even drive near Best Buy on Black Friday or any day around near that!!! It's the only store I've seen be absolutely packed and crazy and rude no matter which state I'm in!


Those of you not going to Menard's-is it usually crazy on Black Friday or do you just not like the store?

  triplej2002 said:

BigJim, what movie is your avatar pic from? I can't place it and it's about to drive me crazy wondering! lol

Oceans 11.


"Saul! It's Bucky Buchanan... from Sarasota!"


No Best Buy for me either! Since Circuit City closed it is even worse. You have to get to ours around noon on Thanksgiving in order to get a decent place in line. I avoid Toys R US as well. It has gotten worse and worse there over the years.


Normally I avoid Walmart like the plague but we have three Walmarts in pretty close proximity here and most people tell me that they are pretty well organized as far as the big ticket items being in various parts of the store with corrals and handing out maps.


I normally go to Target, will definitely hit Sears at some point, and Victoria's Secret is a staple since I have teens that love the Pink merch.


LOL When I was getting ready for BF this year it was on TV and I said YES! That is me this year for BF!


  triplej2002 said:

YES! Thank you!!! One of my favorite movies... can't believe I couldn't place it. I knew I had seen it in something. Thanks! :)

I've said the past few years that there was NO WAY I was ever going back to walmart, but... New Moon will be on sale for $9! My 12 year old sister really wants all of these movies. I guess I'll probably suck it up.
  jenmovdob said:

I've said the past few years that there was NO WAY I was ever going back to walmart, but... New Moon will be on sale for $9! My 12 year old sister really wants all of these movies. I guess I'll probably suck it up.

If it's advertised, Amazon will probably have it at a similar price on BF!

Toys R Us, Best Buy, and Walmart. I really wanted the Nook at Best Buy, but sucked it up and ordered a re-manufactured one from B&N's eBay store instead (at $20 more than BB's BF price). I just don't have it in me to go there, and I would have to go early. I can't do that when I'm going to have 20 people at my house for Turkey Day! :)
I stay far, faaaaaaar away from Best Buy on BF. No freaking way am I going there, no matter what they have on sale. I've been tending to stay away from Walmart more and more...to the point where they didn't even make my list this year. I am one of the nuts that goes to TRU though, and then over to Target.
Toys R Us!!! Went for the first time ever last year and it was just down right DANGEROUS!! We ended up leaving empty handed after spending 2 hours in the freezing cold in line. It was literally packed shoulder to shoulder.
I will not be shopping Best buy or Toys R Us. We went to TRU last year and it was terrible. I don't think I'll ever shop there on BF again... I will not go to walmart until later maybe about 10am. I'm not hurting for there door busters and I'll go see what is left. Our Walmart around here usually has lots left even of the door busters... I went there last year and it took 2 hours to check out. I HATE that. besides I can't stand for that long this year, I'll be 38 weeks pregnant!
Best Buy! Haven't been there in years on Black Friday. I have bought some things online from them though. Last year my husband wanted a desktop from their ad and I fell asleep in bed with my laptop next to me, woke up periodically and hit refresh until it came online. :) I have been doing most of my BF shopping online the last few years. Amazon was great last year, I was glued to my computer waiting for the next set of lightning deals to show up all week! I just go to Menards and Walmart (and price match) in a small town near me.

I will be doing all online BF again this year. I did it last year and it worked out great. I got to stay warm and cozy (laptop and me under my blankie :fluffy:). What I spent extra on I saved in gas, time and aggravation, lol. I do have a Wii on layaway the the "Kmarto" near me and have picked up a few things along the way.


I am thinking someone should forward this to BB cs and they may be shocked to see how many people are not fans!


Toy R Us. Don't care if they are selling the hottest toys 2 for a $1, wont go there.


One year, we went into a local Toys R Us looking for a gift for a friends son. We got turned around so we stopped to try to figure out which way we needed to go. What we didn't realize is we had stopped right in the middle of a check out line. Some woman cussed us out royally. We put the one item that we had found down and got out of there fast. OMG, I thought that woman was going to sock us for sure.

  rocky41102 said:

Never, ever, ever will I even drive near Best Buy on Black Friday or any day around near that!!! It's the only store I've seen be absolutely packed and crazy and rude no matter which state I'm in!


Those of you not going to Menard's-is it usually crazy on Black Friday or do you just not like the store?

I don't mind Menard's (they have some odd things),but the one time I attempted to go there on BF,there were no carts to be found,the check out lines were almost all the way to the back of the store (they don't have that many checkout lanes) and I gave up. Now,I will shop their 2 day sale as it's almost deserted on Saturday. As someone else mentioned,quality is not necessarily the main reason for shopping Menard's but they have some unique things and our stores have expanded and reorganized.

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