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letter from walmart coming soon...


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Our Walmart affiliate rep let me know today that I'd be once again hearing from our good friends at their legal rep's office about their BF ad very soon, lol. As with the past 2 years, they won't let us post the ad until 11/21 (the Sunday before BF).


Before you get too upset (and make your annual pledge never shop at WM again :P), don't be surprised if they let us post it earlier than that, basically as soon as it is first leaked. Say what you want about them, but the last 2 years they realized that they shouldn't punish sites that play by the rules when the ad is available elsewhere and have let us post it within a day or so of it being first leaked.

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I am in the market for a tv for this black friday, something >50 in., Im sure sears will be the first big ad up that will have something in it. I'm sure by the time the late teens early 20's roll around ill have my tv picked out. Walmart will be to little to late. I can't remember the last thing I bought at walmart on black friday. Come on bring it this year!!
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Brad, won't threaten not to shop there due to their legal letter, but due to their crazy roped off areas last year that made it very difficult to move around the store and shop for non door buster items

I loved how they handled things last year. I was able to get everything I wanted in my shopping cart early & didnt have to fight a group of crazies like years past over stuff. I hope they do it again this year.

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walmart[/url];1753384]I loved how they handled things last year. I was able to get everything I wanted in my shopping cart early & didnt have to fight a group of crazies like years past over stuff. I hope they do it again this year.

I had the same great experience last year. I think a lot of people were caught off guard by Wal-marts new procedure, this year many will be prepared and get there early like the rest of us did last year. I think there will be a bit more competition this year.

Edited by rjncmj
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