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Barbie printable nail salon???

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My 11 year old daughter wants this too. She came running into the living room telling me she just saw the commercial and asked if she could have it for Christmas. I looked it up online and it looks neat, but when I saw the price and told her how much it was even she thought that was a crazy price..lol.
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OK thank God my DD 6 haven't seen this yet!! it looks cool but that price? I wouldn't spend that amount of money.


My dd wants the Barbie camper is $70 dollars and I am thinking about it because she doesn't play with barbies that much. She has a barbie castle and lots of barbies but rarely plays with them. But I don't know how to tell her santa said no?

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OK thank God my DD 6 haven't seen this yet!! it looks cool but that price? I wouldn't spend that amount of money.


My dd wants the Barbie camper is $70 dollars and I am thinking about it because she doesn't play with barbies that much. She has a barbie castle and lots of barbies but rarely plays with them. But I don't know how to tell her santa said no?

My DD6 wants that camper too, she decided she wants that because I told her a big NO to the printer after I learned the price, I dunno the camper is pretty pricey too, not has bad as the nail printer but i dunno if i wanna spend that much for a barbie camper, she better hope it goes on sale lol

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My DD6 wants that camper too, she decided she wants that because I told her a big NO to the printer after I learned the price, I dunno the camper is pretty pricey too, not has bad as the nail printer but i dunno if i wanna spend that much for a barbie camper, she better hope it goes on sale lol

I know when I saw the commercial I was thinking that it would cost around $40 dollars but regular price is $80 cheaper I have seen is $70 still to high for my taste!

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My DD6 wants that camper too, she decided she wants that because I told her a big NO to the printer after I learned the price, I dunno the camper is pretty pricey too, not has bad as the nail printer but i dunno if i wanna spend that much for a barbie camper, she better hope it goes on sale lol

My DD has asked for the camper too but she saw the barbie jet at Kohls tonight and got excited about it so that is probably the route I'll go (BF price $29.99)

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  • 1 month later...
Our Toys R Us had them on a Barbie display last week. When they had the free Corvette if you spent $100.00. My sister bought the nail printer but they said that doesn't count to get the Corvette. Which was stupid since in their ad it was right under the BIG SIGN that said free Covette with $100.00 Barbie purchase...but in SMALL print it said dolls or sets. She got a rewards coupon in the mail for 20% off and she used it on that. I think her total was like $135.00.
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