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What's the worst gift you or someone is your family has ever received?


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I have received many bad gifts from my MIL. This one takes the cake. One Xmas she gave my DD (at the time 8 months old) a bag of beads you use to make necklaces, bracelets etc. On the bag it said age 8 and up. I guess she assumed it meant 8 months and up not 8 years and up.:eek:
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A guy at work actually got these for his wife, and we still tease him about it. First off, he got them at Menards, which should have been the first red flag for him. But, No..... So Steve's 40 year old wife opens the first gift (Udder Cream) and says "Does it look like I have Udders?" (Steve said to us at work "it's really nice hand lotion, I thought she'd like it"). So his wife proceeds to open the next gift, which is a book. Problem is it's #2 in a 3 part series that she hasn't read #1 to. Oops. Last gift, she opens up a set of Walkie Talkies. Steve thought they'd be cool since they live on acreage. Needless to say, he wasn't on the best of terms. Then, to put the icing on the cake, she turns to him and says "where's my suitcase?" (They had traveled to a relative's house out of state). Apparently Steve forgot her suitcase at home!!!!


I still crack up everytime I think of this, especially the Udder Cream. (Who buys their wife Udder Cream anyhow? lmao!)

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Uh-Oh! I plan on giving my sister used books for Christmas! Am I a terrible person, lol? Wait! Let me explain myself. First of all, I would not normally give something I found at a rummage sale (except, maybe, to my own kids when they are too young to care). My sister has been laid off for most of the year and has 3 kids of her own to take care of. She will not be giving gifts to family. It's not as much fun to recieve when you can't give, so I am trying to get gifts that she won't fell guilty recieving. I went to an estate sale and picked up about 20 books, most by her 2 favorite authors, and couple random titles I think she might like. All are in excellent condition. And that's not all she's getting. I also plan on giving her a big box of household stuff from my stockpile (H&B products, batteries, candles, candy, etc.) and a digital camera with memory card, rechargeable batteries and digital frame (paid for with Walgreen's register rewards).


As for my worst gift, I think that came from my Dad, purchased by his girlfriend. I think I was 16 that year and I got a lovely embroidered grandma sweater (with fringe around the embroidery), way too-small leather gloves, potpourri, and the movie Little Women. OK, I was a good kid, but not a complete prude! They ment well, but had no clue what I was about.

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A guy at work actually got these for his wife, and we still tease him about it. First off, he got them at Menards, which should have been the first red flag for him. But, No..... So Steve's 40 year old wife opens the first gift (Udder Cream) and says "Does it look like I have Udders?" (Steve said to us at work "it's really nice hand lotion, I thought she'd like it"). So his wife proceeds to open the next gift, which is a book. Problem is it's #2 in a 3 part series that she hasn't read #1 to. Oops. Last gift, she opens up a set of Walkie Talkies. Steve thought they'd be cool since they live on acreage. Needless to say, he wasn't on the best of terms. Then, to put the icing on the cake, she turns to him and says "where's my suitcase?" (They had traveled to a relative's house out of state). Apparently Steve forgot her suitcase at home!!!!


I still crack up everytime I think of this, especially the Udder Cream. (Who buys their wife Udder Cream anyhow? lmao!)

Ok, my second Christmas with my dh as a couple we had just moved into a new home and I got, a black laquer ceiling fan since it matched the fireplace (I had commented that it would look nice, not that I wanted it), a double boiler since I make these cookies that require one and I was just using a pot on top of another pot, and the monopoly game for the gameboy (the original) which he always had and played anyway. He's still living that down 16 years later....

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I've received quite a few weak gifts over the years, but what takes the cake is just about anything my aunt on my mom's side of the family gave me in the past; from little kid books when I was 8, cologne when I was 12, and many other things that where not that great. Thankfully, she started giving me money instead after a while, which was much better
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Uh-Oh! I plan on giving my sister used books for Christmas! Am I a terrible person, lol?.

I've given used books for Christmas before...I got DHs niece 4 mint condition Danielle Steel books one year for less than the price of one new one. She was happy, I saved a bit of money, no harm, no foul! LOL

I suppose if the books are torn up & nasty it would be an issue, but overall, I don't see the problem in giving used books.

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my worst gift was recurring My dad has bought me one of those atrocious holiday makeup kits EVERY YEAR since i was about 6-7. I have so much cheap unwearable makeup though in last few years the cases/baskets/containers they come in have improved and I use them for multiple things...funniest part about it was last year DD was 7...Guess who is getting the box set of cheap make up now from grandpa....and I *dont* anymore which you would think would have made me jump for joy but i was a little sad to have it end Guess after 20+ years it was at very least a tradition LOL
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My Aunt would buy my sister an off white chunky knit sweater with huge, oddly placed flowers on it. She got these sweaters from 4th through 8th grade. We still tease her about these and about how Mom made her wear them at Family events... our Aunt was soooo pleased at how much she loved them!!!
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I kind of hate to even bring this up because since this happened, mine and my step-mom's relationship has gone from terrible to really good, but...


The year I was 16 I had just moved out of my dad and step-mom's house because, well, to be honest, my step-mom and step-sister were awful to me.


The last day of school before Christmas vacation, my step-sister hands me a box and says, "Merry Christmas." I was shocked and opened it right there in the hallway. It was all of the pictures of me that my dad had, ripped to pieces and wrapped up all nice and pretty. I sat on the floor in front of everybody and cried my eyes out. My step-sister's best friend told me that my step-mom had told my step-sister to do this. :(


On Christmas morning, a gift had been sent to my grandparents house for me from my dad and step-mom (she did all the shopping- my dad is clueless about that stuff). My 19 year old sister received about 10 things from them. I had 1. It was a box of 5 little stuffed bears with a $5 sticker on it that was crossed out with a Sharpie. My dad and step-mom are well off. My sister's gifts were probably worth about $500. Then there was me with my bears.

I'm so sorry. This is one of the saddest things I've ever read. People can be so cruel. :(

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Ahhhh I finally remembered a few to add to this thread hehe....

From EX MIL....

A PINK Panda ( Yep PANDA) sleeveless loom knit sweater.. was the ugliest damn thing I have ever seen. I was like wth ! I actually have a pic of me in it ! And want to know why? I was so pi##ed off I wore it to get together for a few months so everytime I got asked "OOOOOHH what an interesting sweater -where did you get it"? I could point at MIL LOL

I got a very-cute purse the next year XD

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Years ago when you used to get little freebie gifts for applying for a store credit card, or opening a bank acct, my friend used to go around the mall and apply for all the store cards just to get the freebie gifts.


That year I got a little hand towel for Christmas from where she applied for a JC Penney card

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Both of my parents and my inlaws have passed on. I've gotten some weird, tacky gifts that we giggled over in private, but honestly I wish any of them were around to give me a wacky gift. It's kind of goofy, but I love Christmas, and I couldn't help love even the dumbest gifts when I thought of the person who gave them to me. Edited by me2
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My MIL gave me an inexpensive mens sweater for my first xmas with DH's family. It wouldn't have been so bad if she wouldn't have said that she bought it for me cuz she doesn't like the way girls now think they should wear low cut, tight clothing. Needless to say I was sitting there in a lowcut, formfitting sweater and have always worn formfitting, but appropriate things.
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