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How many gifts does Santa bring to your house? Is it just one? Is it multiple gifts? Thanks! This is the first year DD2 is really understanding who Santa is and I was wondering what he did at other houses.

One gift and a few of the stocking stuffers.


Every year our kids pick one gift as the "if I could only get just one thing it would have to be this" gift on thier list. And thats the one that some how Santa always manages to bring.


We stuff stockings as a family on Christmas eve, so usually Santa will bring them something EXTRA int he stocking that they didnt know about.

Well i would love to do more from us but my dh thinks that all but one from should be from santa. so they usually get around 15 gifts each and 14 are from santa and then the 1 from us. How does everyone do the BIG gifts do they get wrapped or left unwrapped and put together.
  doublehsmom said:

Well i would love to do more from us but my dh thinks that all but one from should be from santa. so they usually get around 15 gifts each and 14 are from santa and then the 1 from us. How does everyone do the BIG gifts do they get wrapped or left unwrapped and put together.

ALL GIFTS in our house are wrapped. But then again I am QUEEN of wrapping. lol I mentioned in another thread how when we cleaned out our storage sheds this summer I had to throw away wrapping paper that has started to dry rot and crumble ebcause i have had it for so long. lol I buy so much wrapping paper its a shame, but I cant stop.


He brings a couple gifts including the *big* one. As for the big gifts, we too wrap them, somehow someway!


Mrs. Claus always sends a gift down to our house too. Its normally PJ's or underwear and socks! LOL


Santa brings about 2-3 gifts and stocking stuffers. this is making this year transition into finding out who santa really is very easy......plus I don't want some fat guy in a suit getting all the credit for all of mine and dads hard work :)


Big presents are usually put together/charged/set up prior to christmas morning unless it is something that doesnt have to be put together and such...then it just goes wrapped under the tree. I usually cover the large item or I put them in the back room and have her go check it out. ORRRRR like my hubby has done before is ride the bike in the room, or ride the power wheel down the hall etc. That always brightens the face. :)

Everything is from santa. It's how my mom always did it. To this day my mom still says her gifts to me are from santa and I'm 28. I do the same with my kids. Whether they believe its from my husband and I ( when they no longer believe) or santa...It's more about the christmas spirit and fun in our family =)
Santa doesnt wrap gifts because he leaves them assembled in front of the tree but he does leave a BIG red bow on top of it for them... All boxes from the Santa gift are broke down and disposed of so the kids never know it actually came in a box..

Santa brings ONE present in our house.

The rest are from us. Typically, Santa presents aren't wrapped, but this year, DD6's will be in special paper. DS4's will not be wrapped.


Santa brings 1-2 presents per person, usually it's just 1 though. One year it was a video game and a guide book, hence the 2 gifts. He also does the stockings.


The rest of the presents come from mom and dad and any relatives.

All of the presents are from Santa. That's how it was done in my and my husband's families. We haven't had the big, awkward-to-wrap gift yet, but when that day comes I think it will already be assembled with a big bow on it.
I was just about to ask about whether or not santa's gifts are wrapped or not. Ours usually are. I don't have anything that needs putting together so that makes no difference. I figured santa's gifts are special red paper. That's how my kids will know.

Santa doesn't wrap our gifts. The kids each have a Santa bag with their name on it that they leave out and Santa puts there gifts in there. Everything is out of the packaging, put together and ready to go. We tried wrapping everything the first year but spent the next morning unpackaging everything... He usually brings way too much but that is getting scaled back some this year.

Our gifts to them are under the tree wrapped that we unwrap later in the day.

Guest mldepalma
In our house... Santa brings either 1 gift per child or a big gift for everyone to share - last year he left us a Wii and a few games for our whole family. He also stuffs the stockings with little things. Everything else is from DH and me (and siblings...). Oh, and he unboxes and assembles the gifts too so the kids can see and play with his presents before DH and I come downstairs to unwrap everything else. All Santa presents are left with the stockings so everyone knows what he brought. The fact that the presents are open and assembled gives DH and I a few extra minutes of sleep in the morning.

Depending on how long their lists are, pretty much anything that is ON the list is from Santa. Anything else that I buy, that I want them to have, but they didn't specifically ask for, is from Mommy and Daddy or their sibling. Santa presents are always wrapped in Santa themed paper, different from what their others gifts are wrapped in.


DH and I usually wrap one of our gifts in Santa paper too, so we have a Santa present as well. This year, we are planning a Wii as a family gift from Santa, so we will each have a game and some accessories from Santa, and we will let the boys open the Wii itself. :)

Santa brings the Big Gift and a few others then mom and dad give a few. ALL of our gifts are wrapped and under the tree (or close to under ;)), but we do put the big ones together 1st then wrap around it. We also charge anything that needs it then put it back in the box and wrap. Last year ds7 got a drumset. We put it together and then wrapped paper around it. I just don't think it would be as much fun if he didn't have the joy of being surprised when he rips the paper off of it. But that's just how we do it.

Santa brings 1 gift per child. Usually it is not on their list (unless it is put on their list after santa has purchased it, or it is their pie in the sky item).


to be fair - we are Jewish, and Christmas is spent with the non-Jewish side of the family... they get gifts from friends and relatives, but no Christmas presents from us... from us they get Hannukah presents.

  momof3luvs1 said:

Everything is from santa. It's how my mom always did it. To this day my mom still says her gifts to me are from santa and I'm 28. I do the same with my kids. Whether they believe its from my husband and I ( when they no longer believe) or santa...It's more about the christmas spirit and fun in our family =)

That the way I was raised


When I was young, Santa's gift always fit in the stockings. We opened our family gifts on Christmas Eve, but my mom forgot to buy batteries so were weren't able to play with anything that needed them. Santa seemed to know which batteries we needed, because he always gave us the ones we needed. He also gave candy, gloves, chapstick, jewlery, and other small things. He has a lot of kids to give to, so the bigger gifts always came from the family.


Santa must have more help these days, because the gifts tend to overflow my kids stockings. Last year he took the stockings off the hangers, filled them, and put each on top of a pile of gifts for each kid. Nothing was wrapped, and most of it didn't have any packaging. Everything was assembled and ready to play with. He got each kid something they had asked for and several things that they didn't.


Two gifts that were opened on Christmas Eve were from me. Usually pjs and one of the smaller items off of her list. Everything Christmas morning was from Santa. Big gifts, like a bike, weren't wrapped but everything else was.


My cousin said she doesn't want Santa to get credit for the "good" gifts so she makes one item from Santa and everything else from her and dh.


IMO that takes away from the magic of Santa. Besides once they grow up they know where it all came from anyway.


But it is up to each family to celebrate in a manner that makes them happy.

All of our presents are from Santa except the present that my kids(ds6 and dd3) get for daddy and they also pick something out for each other. Every christmas eve we go to either my brother's for my parents and when we get home, santa has left new PJ's for the kids. They really think that is special
My parents were always really creative with Santa.... he only brought one big present,and it was always set up (Santa doesn't have time to wrap!) I remember when I was little, he brought a lego table and legos, and left a lego trail leading from my room to the table. :D

Santa brings 3 gifts for each child. They can be combined gifts as well - so this year my ds's will be getting an XBox 360 as a combined gift which will count as 1 each. They will then get 2 more gifts. Santa also does stockings.


Santa doesn't wrap anything. I can't keep my paper straight and my kids would notice if I use the same paper from Santa on the other gifts from mom and dad so I don't even try.

  nikkilugi said:

Santa brings 3 gifts for each child. They can be combined gifts as well - so this year my ds's will be getting an XBox 360 as a combined gift which will count as 1 each. They will then get 2 more gifts. Santa also does stockings.


Santa doesn't wrap anything. I can't keep my paper straight and my kids would notice if I use the same paper from Santa on the other gifts from mom and dad so I don't even try.

when my children were little I told them the elves came and took all my wrapped boxes and filled them for santa so he could deliver them. Thats why my paper was on his presents

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