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Swine Flu and Black Friday


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The way I see it is for $20 I did not have to stand in a 5 hour line at the county health clinic. I was in line for maybe 10 minutes at the most.


The clinic wont get into trouble. The state is not happy that they got 30% of the states supply but the clinic did apply for it the right way and the CDC granted them 30k doses.


Wow Jim! That shot is supposed to be free of charge. The gov't is giving them for free! I bet that clinic would be in BIG trouble with the Feds if they knew they were charging for it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I waited in line for 5 hours last Friday at my County Health Dept. for the vaccine, so I'm not worried. That is your best bet (if you're in one of the "target" groups for the vaccine, which includes pregnant women). Actually, at my County's clinic, they were grabbing pregnant women out of line to get it first (before all the kids who were waiting and people like me, who have babies under 6 mos.)
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I can't afford to be sick as the customs people in Europe and Russia would not be amused when I go there in December. My main gf told me her country will quarantine you if you show flu like symptoms upon arrival.


I don't think swine flu victims will be standing in line or shopping as they are too sick to be doing so. But better safe than sorry.


And shame on that clinic for charging $20.

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I'm not a vaccine type of person. I didn't get it, and don't plan on it. I'm not really worried about. Sick or not I'll be right there in line! LOL!

And I hope if you are sick, you wear a mask or cover your coughs with your arm or something to not spread it. I don't need to get sick from people that are going to be shopping "sick or not".

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Ya know, pregnant, not pregnant, flu, swine or no.... this is meant to be FRIENDLY board. I found NOTHING in that post that was of a friendly nature. I am most certain that the board has rules about posting hostilities ( that are not directed at stores that issue C&D letters).


She already voiced she was nervous, a little bit of the gentle touch for the pregnant woman is not a terribly hard thing to do.

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Ya know, pregnant, not pregnant, flu, swine or no.... this is meant to be FRIENDLY board. I found NOTHING in that post that was of a friendly nature. I am most certain that the board has rules about posting hostilities ( that are not directed at stores that issue C&D letters).


She already voiced she was nervous, a little bit of the gentle touch for the pregnant woman is not a terribly hard thing to do.

Who is this referring to?

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stop freaking out over the swine flu. I would venture to guess that you have a better chance of being killed or seriously injured in a car accident than you do dying of swine flu. Guess you all better not drive on black friday lol
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A better example would be that your husband hadn't worked in thirteen years, you were pregnant with your seventh child in four years, and your boss would fire you if you refused to work on Black Friday. The OP was talking about shopping not feeding her kids and I was talking about reducing the risk of infection not fear of H1N1.


Stacy, the original question was...


My thoughts were, and are, that it would be a bad idea for a pregnant woman to stand in line close to strangers for hours on end in the cold during flu season. Never mind that these strangers have been known to trample people on occasion.


I was a little flip with the OP because 1) she characterized someone carrying the virus who would go shopping on BF as a moron, and 2) she implied that other people should stay home so that standing line would be safer for her baby. I don't think that someone who shops with the sniffles is a moron. I do think that 'at risk' populations should do whatever they can to minimize risk -- especially when the risk is to a third party.


My sister thinks she should be able to walk through the combat zone in Boston at three o'clock in the morning naked waving hundred dollar bills. I agree with her but don't think it would be a good idea. Same here. I think pregnant women should be able to drag their toddlers through the stores on BF, but I don't think it's a good idea.


Be safe.



There has not been a "combat zone" in what going on 10 years now?? Good god. Murderpan, yes, combat zone- no.

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I am a teacher and there is a better chance of my catching the flu at school than in the stores. Most people if they have the flu will be too sick for shopping. I have the flu almost every year and I lay in the bed for a week. Use precautions if you are worried. Wipe your shopping cart off with a clorox wipe before rolling it throuhg the store. Use a lot of hand sanitizer. Do not put your hands near your mouth, eyes or nose. I use a lot of precautions because of my job. You can never be too safe. If you do not want to take the time to wipe the cart off make sure you use hand sanitizer after handling the shopping cart. I hope this advice will help any die har shoppers such as myself. I will be out there with you all at 3:00 a.m. I live for this day every year!!!
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I'm pregnant and will also be shopping BF this year. I will do what I always do to just not get sick. Take lots of vitamin c. Lots!!! Grapefruit seed extract is amazing and will stop just about anything dead. If your body has what it needs you probably won't get sick. The vax is way too scary. But just take care of yourself and you will be fine. We are pregnant. There is nothing wrong with us. It is normal and we should do what we feel up to doing. BTW, it is much easier to shop pregnant than with kids so enjoy it! So have fun and happy shopping! :gdthums:
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