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this year is soo hard for me because my ds5 is getting to that age where he loves something one day and hates it the next.

My point being I have no idea what to get him... I am looking at getting him a leapster and maybe some wii games(his little butt can already bet me at bowling and wii music)

hubby is impossible to shop for

ds1 pretty much has every toy you can think of due to some awesome garage sale this year.


So who are you getting what... maybe I can steal some ideas.


DS7 is getting: Night Vision Goggles, Nintendo DS Games, Star Wars Lego sets, Mega Blocks King Arthur sets, Transformers...


DS3 is getting: Night Vision Goggles, assorted Handy Manny fix-it toys, Transformers, Imaginext Dinosaurs, Thomas stuff for his train table...


DFosterS2 is getting: Handy Manny toys, Sesame Street toys, Leap Frog stuff, lots of educational things (as of right now, they only way he knows how to play is violently- crashing, smashing, etc... we're hoping to focus on toys that he can play calmly with instead)


DFosterD2months is getting: A couple of typical baby toys and a bunch of Gymboree clothing.


I probably wasn't too helpful to you, though... sorry! And good luck figuring out what to buy! I know what you mean about changing minds. Especially my 3 year old... one minute he REALLY wants something and the next, he wants nothing to do with it. The only good thing here is, he typically comes around to wanting it again... eventually! :)

DS19 wants a new couch. A reclining comfortable leather one!! Kind of a challenge to shop for several states away! I am pretty much finished excpet for him!!
I'm really stumped. I wanted to get mine both new laptops but my oldest doesn't want to blow our budget (which is thoughtful but...). Right now I know of gift cards and some clothes.
I am trying to get creative this year and not go crazy with toys...my little girl had a birthday in sept. and still has toys that are not opened up. I don't know how this happens..I next to never buy her a toys...but she has huge birthday parties and is the only grandchild/niece on one side and the last on the other..it is so out of control!! This year I have gotten her the target clearance video recorder and digital picture frame and the hello kitty camera (she feels she is getting too old for the fisher price one). Last year I got her a yearly pass to the zoo/science center (which we have gotten every year anyway) and wrapped it up with a pair of animal and a pair of space socks from us (Santa gets all the good stuff) I plan to get stuff to do this year (ballet, movies, plays, etc) rather than stuff to have.

Oldest DS and DIL: A small kitchen table, a season of Smallville, and probably a Wii game.

Second DS: Books, DS games, clothes, and ???

Third DS and DIL: no clue except baking pans and a pizza stone

DD and SIL: either bikes or rollerblades, a shredder, a crockpot, flatware (are some ideas)

Fourth DS and DIL: No real clue except she likes to scrapbook ????

DD (she's 6) pink digital camera, scrapbooking supplies, digital frame (maybe) zhu zhu pets, rapunzel barbie, puzzles, books, zoo pass, leapster game, and probably a few more things

New grandbaby: a high chair and a few toys to grow into.


MIL- Spa tote with massage GC and goodies

SIL- Same as MIL

Nephew- Gas and Fast Food GC (college student)

Oldest Niece- Asked for make-up so I stocked a bag and also a nails bag

Youngest Niece- Guitar Hero for DS, another DS game, and another styllus

Mamaw- TV

Mom- ?

DH- Bluetooth Car thing, iTunes GC, Life Season 2, knife that he wants

Mutt- 1 Toy and 1 Treat

Brother and His New Family- GC to a local restaraunt

Partner In Crime- GC for Scrapbook Store and H&D delivery for the family



DD1 - American Girl Julie and an outfit

Build a Bear with accessory

DS game


DD2 - American Girl Ruthie and an outift

Build a Bear with accessory

DS Game


DD3 - American Girl Kit and an outift

Build a Bear with accessory

DS Game


All three will share Zhu Zhu pets and accessories (I found all of them!)


The BIG gift will be a 2 night stay at Great Wolf Lodge for Dec 26-28!!


So, we did spend alot of money, but on QUALITY things (you can never go wrong with american girl..). The Zhu Zhu pets might be something they lose interest in in a few months, but they really want it now. I used to spend a lot of money to fill the tree with a bunch of crap, but now focus on EXPERIENCE gifts and family togetherness gifts.


Niece and Nephew - shared gift of a Fort kit I got on Woot


Nephew and Nephew - shared gift of Fort kit I got on Woot (it was a 2 for tuesday, lol!)


Aunts, Uncles, Cousins - Grocery store gift card and some baked goods.


MIL - A curio cabinet, photobook, household basket


Mom - photobook, gift card


I have a ton of brothers and sisters, so we just pull one name to do an exchange...probably a gift card.


Husband - Playstation 3 games and books


dd 19 i am going to pay one of her bills, most likely elect and a little something for her


grand daughter 1 year old a few toys but mostly clothes and some diapers(sp)


dd 15 clothes, ipod, and a digtal cam.


ds 18 money.


DS 16-- He'll get clothing and new sneakers. For a big gift I know he'd like a snowboard-- BUT I think it's something he'll only use once or twice. I'm thinking along the lines of a laptop. Though I'm not sure it will depend on where my budget takes me. DH will be starting a new job this week (THANK GOODNESS because Christmas money was starting to scare me!).



I haven't thought any further than him yet.


DGD 10 - Scooby Doo DS game, Spore Hero Wii game, artist portfolio, artist pencils, sketch pad, ticket to see Star Wars concert w/SIL, not sure what else.

DGS 1 - Red Flyer ride on Turtle, Chatter phone, outfit, Fisher Price cars

DD - not a clue, she is my hardest one

SIL - ticket to see Star Wars concert w/DGD, file storage box, Hallmark airplane ornament, not sure what else.

Nephews - emergency car kits

Niece - NY&Co purse

Young Niece - not sure

Cousins - items from aft Christmas 08 sale, snowman dip set, chip n dip set, wax tart set

Not sure about Mom or Stepdad.


I'm kinda stumped too.


DS19 isn't a kid anymore and dh and I agree we need to cut back on the amount we get him, but don't know what to get him! lol


DS16 will probably get a laptop, he's got my old one but likes DS19's laptop (which I got for $299 at WM last year). Maybe get him an itunes and Hollister gc.


DD14 wants a laptop (not sure if she'll get one yet) and a new mattress. Yes, she has so much she asks for a mattress for xmas.


Needless to say, Xmas will be much smaller this year than in years past!


We have finished shopping for the kids. We have it hid in the attic.


DD19 - Nikon Coolpix camera and 32 in. lcd tv


DS13 - laptop , a few ps3 games


DH - probably some bluray movies


DH and I decided to spend less then previous years. I never know when I'll be laid off.


DS12-1: Bike, DS games, vibrating football game, bank, hoodies, DVDs

DS12-2: Bike, DS games, StarWars voice helmet, bank, hoodies, DVDs

DD18: Jewelry, Nike headphones, Oakley sunglasses, DVDs, DS games


DS15: Ipod touch 16gb (he already got it as he "couldn't wait" and case

Xbox 360 games

got him pajama pants

new ear buds

dvd player (my daughter got one last year and now he wants one lol)

itunes giftcard

Still thinking on the rest!


DD9: Ipod Nano (basic one as she is only 9) and case (she wants a pink one!)

itunes giftcard

she wants some school stuff (sweatshirt/pants, etc)

DS games (she really wants the wizards of waverly place game)

Hannah Montana the movie (already got)

perfume (she loves any of the britney spears stuff especially fantasy)

hair stuff

She wants a subscription to J14 magazine.


When my kids were smaller, I would always wait until closer to the holiday to get their gifts as their wish list was constantly changing. I would make them write a letter to Santa right before Thanksgiving and then they knew that their list had already been sent.


Now that they are older and their "toys" are more expensive - I just have to narrow them down. Picked up the collector edition of Beatles Rock Band for Wii over the weekend cause I had a Best Buy 10% off coupon and I didn't see that game going on sale any time soon.


So - their one big gift has been purchased.


For DD18 she is getting some movies I know she wants and an emergency road kit for her car (I know - boring - but necessary).


For DD15 she'll be getting a new Virgin Mobile phone. I'm hoping Target will have one on sale BF weekend like they have in the past.


My list is scaled down quite a bit this year with H & I no longer together. I used to buy for him and his side but this year it will just be the kids.

DD18- Clothing, clothing and more clothing..lol She also asked for a new MP3 player since someone stole hers a couple months ago:mad: I'm going to put some fast food GCs in her stocking along with some bath & body stuff.

DS-13 He's the hardest to buy for. He's no longer into "toys" and wants all electronic stuff. His dad says he's buying him a PS3 so I'll pick up some games & accessories for it. I'll also be buying him some new clothes since he's growing like a weed! (he's already almost 6' tall!:shock:)

DD-9 She's the easiest..lol She's been asking for those Zhu Zhu pets , so I'm going to try and get her at least one pet and a few accessories. Her dad is buying her a DS lite so I'll get her some games for that and a case to carry it all in. I had planned on buying a couple more Webkinz but she seems to have lost interest in them so I may pass on those.

All of them will get a few DVDs they're asking for and I'll pick up some for myself to put under the tree for Christmas morning.


DD14 - Lots of clothes from Aeropastle, a new ipod (she left hers in her pants and it got washed). Not sure what else yet.

DS8 32" HD tv, zhu zhu pets, some PSP games, wii games. Not sure what else yet.

DD6 32" HD tv, zhu zhu pets, wii games, An American Girl Doll (she wants Kit or the twin dolls)

DS3 32" HD tv, a new bedroom set (we are moving him into his own room), zhu zhu pets. Not sure what else yet.


DH - ???

My mom a new laptop

We have 11 neices and nephews between us. not sure what we are getting all of them this year.

My brother I always buy him tickets to the monster truck show for him and his boys for Christmas. Thne I usually get him a GC for a restaurant for him and his GF.

Don't buy for my sister or any of the adults on DH's side.


This year we are scaling back also. DH has been out of work since July.


DS13(will be 14 on 12/21) 2 tennis rackets, a video camera (got from Dell), itunes cards, books, school logo wear (bag, sweatshirt and t-shirt), money (we have his birthday also)maybe some clothes he is growing like a weed.


DD11 tennis racket, video camera (from Dell), Zune gift cards, books, maybe a DSI (she has a DS lite but it is cracked), school logo wear (bag, sweatshirt and t-shirt) maybe a Justice gift card and possibly some Aeropostale clothes (clearance stuff)


DN16 Money (or visa gift card)


DN12 Money (or visa gift card)


DH Local school wear (to wear at school activities), Zune gift card,


Sister & BIL (not exchanging this year)


FIL (dont know)


DH Grandmother (dont know)


May have to steal some ideas if I can't get some of the stuff.


DS 16 - XBOX 360 bundle w Fable and Halo


DS 10 - Star wars legos, Bakugan, Ds and Wii games n another controller, mp3 player.


DD 8 - DS lite pink with starter kit and games, not sure what little odds and ends I will get her other then that. She wants the cupcake maker but I got her the packets not the maker cuz they can just do them in the microwave n i got her a cake decorater kit (5 bucks I believe) at walmart lol


DS 5 - Lego city (he wants them all lol), Pixar cars geo trax, imaginenext firehouse, hotwheel cars, car mp3 player, playdoh


DD 4 - Moxie dolls, Strawberry shortcake cafe set (I think that is what its called), play food, playdoh, cash register, she is really easy. I can go on and on.


My mom - I was going to get her a digital camera but she went out and got one already:( so now Idk what to get her.


My dad - Denver bronco stuff, Duke, and NY Yankee items.


My family has a Christmas party and we have to buy a 5.00 gift not sure what I will get yet.


Kids teachers - I usually make up a small basket of goodies or a coffee mug.

  momof5plus1hubby said:

My mom - I was going to get her a digital camera but she went out and got one already:( so now Idk what to get her.


get her a digital frame and a memory card to go with her new camera!

To go with their other gifts I bought Star Wars concert tickets for my dgd & sil. It will be a "date" night for them so I'll probably throw in a GC to a restaurant, too. DD said her gift was me not getting her a ticket.:tongue1: She is not a fan like they both are.

DS7, snuggie,4-wheeler,DS games,ps2 games,boots, snow cone maker ,mp3 player( not sure what else)

DD4 ,DS system and gameboy advance games* couldn't find alot of ds games for her age that looked easy enough* - dress up clothes, mp3 player, movies, play guitar, dressup clothes for her baby dolls ,doll stroller, doll car seat( not sure what else)

DH, new boots, clothes,bible cover, and not sure what else


We are planning to get a Wii as a family gift from Santa. In addition to that:


DS 7 - Bakugan and carrying case, a Wii game, a few board games, a few new books and DVDs, more animals for his DiscoveryKids Scanopedia, Zhu Zhu Pets and a 2009 Hess Truck.


DS 6 - Bakugan and carrying case, a Wii game, Twister game, Club Penguin membership, a football, a few books and DVDs, Zhu Zhu Pets and a 2009 Hess Truck.


DH - A food dehydrator (that's what he asked for! LOL), a Wii Game, XBOX Live membership, a new UnderArmor hat.


Sister 18 - Fleece PJ pants, a 2010 calender, underwear

Sister 28 - a Leopard Print Snuggie

Mom and her BF - a set of new dishes and an all-in-one printer

Dad - a golf shirt, new jeans and cologne


Let's see...I just went over the kids lists and lists for things for the relatives.



DS4 - Geotrax (both the Cars kind and regular kind), Firefighter dress-up kit, 2 Webkinz, FP Trio Airport Set, a few Cars cars, a Cars "body pillow"


DD6 - American Girl Doll Chrissa (and maybe matching pjs for her and her doll), several Barbies, Barbie clothes, Barbie case, new Barbie movie, 2 Webkinz, Tinkerbell "body pillow"


Plus, whatever little goodies I decide to get for stockings.




No clue for DH. I don't even know what I want yet! :)


For DS12: a PSP go, 3 PS3 games, a ps3 controller, headset, and wireless keypad. And probably some gift cards, and a cell phone.


For DS6: Halo megabloks, Transformer RPM's, 3 PS2 games, books, didj game, costumes, Transformer's,and GI Joe figures. Not sure what else yet.


For DD2: Melissa and Doug play food, Tag Jr., Kidizoom camera, tinkertoys,books, Scooby-Doo figures, and mystery van. More stuff for her doll house, a new doll not sure which one. And maybe a Barbie Jeep.


For DH: gift card to Gander Mountain

  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know if this was already posted this year. I remember one from last year! It did help me buy for people and get ideas, so I figured I'd try it out this year!







[*]Who do you buy for (or how many people do you buy for)?



[*]What did you buy so far?





(ps. don't say if the person you bought for is on Gottadeal!:tongue1:)


I love threads like these so I can see what will be under other peoples trees on Christmas morning :)


This year, I am buying for 15 people :) Here's my list (which will include what I got or intend to get):


DH: A dress watch, electric griddle, a few video games, cologne, an UnderArmour hat, new work shorts


DS7: Wii (to share with his brother), Wii games, Zhu Zhu pets stuff, Animal books, Army playset, Toystory Pop Open Playworld, Bakugan, Spongebob V-Tech Laptop, 2009 Hess Truck


DS6: Wii (to share with his brother), Wii games, Zhu Zhu pets stuff, Imaginext Batcave, Art desk and supplies, Legos, Bakugan, Spongebob V-Tech Laptop, 2009 Hess Truck


Mom: New dishes (service for 12), and all-in-one printer, Darius Rucker CD


Mom's BF: An Irish T-Shirt, an electronic bank, Wine


Dad: A Golf Shirt and Cologne


Sister #1 - Leopard Print Snuggie


Sister #2 - Spongebob PJ pants, underwear, 2010 calender


Best Friend #1 - I won't say cause she may be a member here soon


Best Friend's DD18months - 2 shirts, pants, hair bows, bright pink mary janes


Best Friend's DS4 - Disney Cars Spiral Racetrack and a few Disney Cars


Best Friend #2 - An icecream recipe book, pretty glass dessert dishes, cute kitchen towels


Godson10 - A giftcard to TRU


Teachers x2 - Homemade Christmas ornaments, Teacher's Journals

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