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Everything posted by erinplus3

  1. I couldn't get the code to work, but maybe I'll try live chat to get it credited back. I caved and bought two red ones. I've got two birthdays coming up in the next month and I can't deal with the fighting if they have to share. My kids saw one of these in a fancy toy shop last month and wanted to ride around on it in this tiny shop. There was no way I was going to let them try it and knock down all the displays. I had to drag them out of there and they were so angry I wouldn't let them try it out. They will be really surprised and excited to get them for their birthdays. :)
  2. Another thing, Pumpkin Patch resells great on eBay!
  3. Thanks for posting! I love Pumpkin Patch, but they are soooo expensive in the regular store. Their clothes are so cute. I've found they run pretty true-to-size.
  4. I just bought some for my kids at Nordstrom last week, they were $24.99. I bought another pair on Shoes.com, f/s, also for $24.99. These will go back as soon as they get here because DD6 changed her mind on what color she wanted. I know once in a while there are good deals on them, but I couldn't seem to find any right now.
  5. The Princess one just arrived and it looks great. My dd will be thrilled, her b-day's in a couple of weeks. Thanks again!
  6. Where do you get codes on msn?
  7. Thanks! Both my girls have May b-days, but I might just take them in April now as an early birthday present.
  8. I don't think you have to be a teacher, but I went over and looked and most stuff is geared toward teachers. I couldn't find anything that I was interested in for b-day parties.
  9. I hope they don't cancel mine too. They charged my cc immediately after I placed the order, so maybe I'm still safe.
  10. Thank You!! Hannah party coming up in May, so I've been looking. This is a big help! Total ended up being $9.98 after shipping.
  11. Anyone know of any current deals for Dale & Thomas?
  12. I don't understand why they keep running the commercials, all the time, for such an expensive product that isn't available very many places. It doesn't seem like they'll make much money that way.
  13. Wow, I wonder if that's a national thing for all Wal-Marts. I would think money is money and they wouldn't care where it came from.
  14. I am definitely going to sign up for Prime in the next few months. I know I'll make up the cost for it at Christmas time.
  15. Sorry I wasn't more clear, I do know that the slim sizes for Gymboree start at size 4.
  16. I'm pretty sure that the slim line is only available online, but I might be wrong. I second the suggestion to go up to little girls sizes. I never had any luck with toddler sizes, because of all the extra room they give you for diapers.
  17. I smashed my phone today by slamming the car door on it. It was in my jacket pocket, I didn't realize it was hanging out the door and smash. I can still sort of use it, but the display is destroyed and the earpiece is damaged. I can hear people talk, but it's not as clear as it used to be. So I have a contract with Verizon, but I'm not eligible for a discounted phone until December, and I am on a very limited budget right now, so a new $100+ phone is out of the question. Anyone know what I can do? Ebay? Live with it? I'm sure that's what I'll have to do, but I just thought some of the experts here might know if there was a way for me to get a new, inexpensive phone. My broken one was fancy, but I can live with a no-frills phone that I can hear out of better.
  18. DD is a 5 slim and I've only had success with Gap so far, but I'll have to check out all the other places everyone is mentioning. Thanks for this thread! It's so hard finding clothes for kids in slim. My DD is almost 6 and she weighs 35lbs., so I know what it's like having a smaller girl. I'll have to check out the Levis.
  19. I had never heard of these before, but they keep showing a commercial for Lelli Kelly shoes lately and of course, both my DDs want a pair. "They come with makeup too, Mama!" I searched around and these shoes are expensive, around $60-80 a pair! This is way more than I normally spend on a pair of kids shoes, and I'm wondering why they are advertising for these on TV. Anyone know anything more about these shoes? Are they available cheaper anywhere else?
  20. I have never seen this before, can you name a few stores off the top of your head that have this policy? I'm not doubting you, I just have never seen it before. All places I shop at have let me buy gift cards with a cc.
  21. I also have an extra, so PM me if you want it. Mine's gone.
  22. They were great when I was shorted on the shower curtain rings I ordered. I received a new set a few days later, and they let me keep the incomplete set.
  23. Thanks!!!! My DD5 is slightly obsessed with HM and would be so excited to get these. I'll have to go get some.
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