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Everything posted by erinplus3

  1. Worked for me. Thanks so much!
  2. Are you price matching the Best Buy price?
  3. This code was published on tons of blogs and forums, all you have to do is google the code to see that, so I don't think anyone here should feel bad if ELF honored the orders. Mine was shipped and should be arriving today or tomorrow.
  4. Thanks for the suggestion, emptying out and starting over finally worked for me! :) I also had to make sure I added the code after my order was past $75, and it still made me add the code a few times before the shipping came off the subtotal, but at least I got it to work.
  5. What am I doing wrong? I keep adding and subtracting items from my cart trying to get the right combination that will give me free shipping, but it gives me the error: Sorry, that coupon would exceed the limit per order. I'm so frustrated. Am I supposed to have $18.75 worth of items that aren't studio line items, but over $75, to get free shipping?
  6. I'm not getting the free shipping to happen for me. My subtotal is $77 - $54 (studio items) + $6.95 (shipping) = $29.95 (subtotal). Anyone know what I'm doing wrong????
  7. I am excited to hear about this. I would be shopping on their site all the time if they had more deals on shipping or offered the option to pick your item up in the store free of charge.
  8. 1. For the first time ever for me, Walmart was the first place I shopped last year. I remember going crazy for the cheap jeans. 2. My tip for a BF newbie is to get up early and have a game plan of what you want to buy before you hit the stores. Every BF I talk to people who have no idea what's on sale, they are just there to "get a deal" but they have no idea what is really on sale that day. 3. I like freebies, so I'd be excited to get free food, drink, samples, a reusable bag, etc.
  9. I wish I hadn't seen this post because now I really want it and I'm supposed to be saving..... Another item added to my BF/Christmas Wish List.
  10. There are so many places to buy Bare Escentuals, anyone know where to get the best deal?
  11. I love buying cheap school supplies.
  12. Oh man, I might have to go back and try again just to save the extra $5. I'll have to try one of the young male checkers this time.
  13. I just got back from Target and I wasn't able to use both coupons, just the $10, but it was worth a try. Great deal, thanks OP! Now I can say that I have officially started Christmas shopping. I'm putting these away for DD.
  14. I went today, but they were completely out of the small sizes in girls swimsuits. DD really needed a new suit, so I was disappointed, I was in there right when they opened. Did I miss another big sale they just had where they sold everything before this sale on swimwear?
  15. We love this game! Fun if you like dancing, but I can see boys not enjoying it as much as girls.
  16. I'm 34 and I love playing it, when my DDs let me have a microphone.
  17. I get tired of people ripping on plasmas all the time. I've had one for over a year and love it. It has a beautiful picture from all angles. LCDs only look good if you are looking at them straight on (in my not so humble opinion from having looked at both plasmas and LCDs). My plasma is in a room with windows, there isn't a problem with glare. Whatever you decide, research it first. Lots of people have favorites in this debate, so make sure you look at both types of sets and decide what looks good to you. Not because a bunch of biased people tell you that plasmas are junk.
  18. I bought the quartered ones and signed up for the auto ship. Thanks, I love artichoke hearts!
  19. I am certain Amazon will pay for the return if the shoes don't fit. I haven't ever had a problem returning clothing or shoes online if they haven't fit.
  20. I bought a bunch of lip smackers for stockings last Christmas, and I'm still looking for them. I thought that they might have gotten combined with another box, but now I think I might have accidentally tossed them out.
  21. I haven't forgotten anything, but I have a lot of baking and cooking to do tomorrow. I went to three stores today looking for brandy extract for DH's Grandma's Christmas Cookie recipe. If I don't have cookies and carrots for Santa, I improvise. I have been known to tell my kids we should leave Santa some beef jerky because he might need some protein in between all those cookies, and that the reindeer might like lettuce for variety, when I was out of cookies and carrots.
  22. I didn't get a Wii Fit, but I didn't try very hard to get one. By the time I was ready to track one down, I was out of money.
  23. My last two orders from Amazon are supposed to be here today and this is around the time that my UPS guy delivers. We rarely get snow and we got about a foot over the weekend, so I'm waiting to see if he makes it today. I'm just waiting for some 4-for-3 kitchen clearance items I ordered for me, that I want to use for all my Christmas cooking I'm going to start tomorrow.
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