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Everything posted by lelee24

  1. Toys R Us had buy BOGO 40%
  2. CD Keys has them for $30... Just bought 2. They have them a lot for $30-$35.
  3. Anderson, SC!
  4. GameStop.......got the Mario Cart bundle and gift card this morning.
  5. Window clings, magnets for car or fridge, sticky note pads, small calculator to figure discounts and wallpaper for iPhones and computers!
  6. I have a couple of spots open. $4 for now til December and then 16$ to renew. PM me if interested!
  7. Thanks! Have been debating this purchase, but with this sale I think I'll take the plunge.
  8. 1. Christmas Vacation 2. Santa Clause
  9. No fan of Cam (or his daddy!) or Auburn, but got the game for DH and DS 10 to go with his new xbox! Thanks EA Sports!
  10. Check your PM's B&H...I'm interested!
  11. ohhhh...I really hope its NCAA '11...I need one for DH and DS10...this could be sooo great! Thanks for post.
  12. What is the code with raised dots? Where is it and how did you figure it out? I actually got some Halo mini-figs with the BOGO deal last week for stockings, but they'd love some of the lego ones too!
  13. My TRU has some individual ones in packages...there is 1 Star Wars with a vehicle and a bunch that you don't know exactly what you're getting for 3.99.
  14. The batteries are Everready brand...that's at Target. It's in the electronics section on an endcap with other clearance stuff.
  15. I found packages of 48 AA batteries for $7.50 on a Clearance shelf at Target today. Lots of them left! I asked the clerk if there was anything wrong with them and she said no, they were just told to clear them out! I'm set for Christmas morning!
  16. Cool deal...got the xbox version! Thanks!
  17. Oh, I got some great stuff at that sale last year...really hope they do it again!
  18. OVerall it was a very different crowd this year. The early opening of Toys R Us and then the midnight opening of Old Navy and Wally World really brought out some differnt folks....lots of younger folks drinking Red Bull to stay up and getting really wound up. Left Old Navy and Wal Mart because the crowds were really crazy and at Old Navy after waiting in line for an hour the staff let people bum rush the door who had jsut walked up and stood across the drive from the door...leaving those of us further back in line around the corner out of luck! The crowd would have run over a lady with a stroller and toddler if my friend hadn't planted herself and held the door for the mom and shouted for people to "back off". LOL, I think it startled the people pushing and shoving right behind us into backing up. The sales associate just stood by and watched unconcerned, but the mom and her toddler were really appreciative. At Wal Mart my friend saw a lady with 2 carts and very few items so she asked if we could have one...the lady told my friend that she needed both of them and to quit giving her s*%t! Not the usual friendly exchange we have on Black Friday with folks :-) On a nicer note, we shared our cart with a couple other moms behind us in Target for our 90 minute journey around the store to the check out counter and a really nice lady in TRU helped us push our pile along to the register when we didn't have a buggy there. So there were still some very nice folks out....I just think the early opening lured some newbies to Black Friday that might not normally come out and that don't know how to behave in a crowded stressful situation. Maybe it was also our choice of stores....not that I don't love Old Navy and Wal Mart prices, but their base customers just aren't the same as Best Buy, TRU and Bed Bath and BEyond LOL!
  19. ditto
  20. Check Bed, Bath and Beyond...that's where I got mine. They have several models and with the 20% coupon you can get a good deal....especially if they're on sale too!
  21. Last year my son and I were wondering around TRU before Black Friday when we came across a stray Zhu Zhu Pet that everyone was wanting. I thought my friend might be interested in it so we stashed it in the oven of a play kitchen set that was on a shelf. Unfortunately we forgot all about it until a couple weeks later...I checked and the little guy was still there! So I bought him for the Angel Tree..didn't want him to not have a home on Christmas!
  22. I like it! Posted on my Facebook. BTW...why 96,000?
  23. Yipeee! An ad...finally! Thanks Brad.
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