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Everything posted by davephillyj

  1. My first grade teacher stood in line in the rain in 1981 or 82 when cabbage patch kids first came out. She stood in line for 3 hours (must have been a long time back then) to make sure that I got one of those for my Christmas. She sure was a wonderful teacher!
  2. Bump....Still looking for hubbies gift for Christmas!
  3. They had a big sign over ours that stated $248... AND YOU COULD BUY 5 PER PERSON! Needless to say they did not hand out tickets, and most bought 5 each, they ran out before every one that wanted on got one. (I was not in to get one, but heard and saw what went on....SO NOT FAIR to get that many per person IMO)
  4. ACK!!! I am not home and won't be till Monday....I'll call the neighbors and tell them to be on the lookout! Thanks, never been that fast for me either! LOL
  5. Hope all my preggers folks are OK! Congrats JORDAN!!!! Glad you did not brave the stress! May you have a blessed and wonderful pregnancy!
  6. Just the walmart.com page...Says out of stock for me
  7. Should have used paypal....Missed the $398 LapTop while checking out. Was on the LAST apge to verify cc. CRAP~ Sold out in less than 5mins!
  8. I can't get it up......
  9. It keeps telling me that the basketnall hoop and balls are IN STORE ONLY..... ACK!
  10. Can't get my cart to work...needed to remove something and keep getting error!!!!!!!!!
  11. Was it last year you had the horse problem or year before??? I remember your pain like it was yesterday.... Hope all goes well for you this year!
  12. What do you have that is BF prcied...I can't find anything with BF pricing already???
  13. What time are you going to shop online???
  14. My mom wants to try to to order something from walmart.com BEFORE going out in a few hours....What time does it usually go live?
  15. I live in Alabama...We are taxed for food, property income....YOU NAME IT!!!! LOL
  16. I got the last one in town! It was the one in the window, I thought for sure it wouldn't have the sales papers in it....IT DID! This was at 4:45am this morning!
  17. I remember last year there was a whole machine full of papers and it would not take any money! The owners went out there and put up a sign saying out of order but someone broke the glass and took one leaving the $2 on top. So he went out there and brought them in and sold them all! That was the only place in town that had any at 7am on Thanksgiving. But I got my coupons and sales papers! LOL (it was not I that broke into it)
  18. I wish we could have ordered the cheap. cheap DVDs online...everyone is showing "in-store" only.
  19. ^^^^^ Yeah what they said! LOL.... Big ticket items (mostly electronics) are the things that get tickets. The other stuff is BLITZ items and you can't put anything Doorbuster (5 am to 11am only) in your cart till 5am. Always been that way. BE SAFE [catandjacks] since you are 6 months pregnate with TWINS....Just be safe.....
  20. Wow, my toshiba and Dell laptops only get about an hour on the battery. When new only got 1 and a half hours....Hmmmm
  21. aACK!!!! the cheapest option they had was $800!!! I had no idea they were that much....Is there something else we could use to project the computer screen??
  22. Oh, I don't know...Never been to Huntsville on any BF. I stay AWAY from the big cities!!! I like small town shopping, no where NEAR the crowds! We do have the "bestest" Walmart and workers!
  23. Last year I paid dearly for shipping. No site to store, hope they change it this year. Also didn't get half my order. Got the whole "sorry out of stock" email.....Ticked me off. Not sure if I am even going to try online this year since I am getting out anyway.
  24. Not even sure what it is called. I looked at a couple of projectors, but it just says for use on game systems and tvs....I need one to project my power point presentation to the class. Help finding one (or at least what I should be looking for)
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