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Everything posted by davephillyj

  1. Wish ours was....................
  2. Yes...I will not go to Walmart anymore for BF. I will either order online or go to other stores. It was a complete screw up from the get go.....
  3. Where did you find this at??? I'd LOVE to have this!!!
  4. I was at one at 11pm and got most of what I had on the list. But they did not get in the Leapsters2 - the jeans for boys and girls - and the barbies....... Seemed like a lot to not get in....Was yours not stocked?
  5. Ours always has tons too. Even the next day!
  6. I'll have to call in the morning! Thanks
  7. Last year I had some on Both. But Thursday is always the big one. They also charge Sunday rate for Thursday!
  8. Is there a way to find out what all sets will be available? I hate to stand there and not get to see anything till the cover comes off only to find out it was none I wanted, LOL Thanks:cheesy:
  9. They never have. I do not understand it either!
  10. If they hold you there for 5 hours......you will buy other things NOT on special......VERY SMART on their part! LOL BAD FOR US THOUGH!
  11. Bikes are in the box and ours had plenty the next day....
  12. Ours will NOT adjust the week of BF at all. None of them. The ones in my moms town in FL will not either.... They will MATCH but not retro adjust
  13. You can always make more than one trip to use your coupons! LOL, I go to three of them usually. We have 3 withing a 10 miles stretch in Huntsville AL
  14. Here is a local Alabama blog that has lists of deals and such too http://krazykouponklippinkick.blogspot.com/ You can also start typing in "coupon" in facebook and see if there are any local groups near you.
  15. You gotta look at couponing sites that have boards like these.... Let me dig around a bit..... Hungryman coupon no longer available..... Campbells cream soups $1.50 off 3 (that's the one I got the soups free with. you can print 2 per computer you have) http://promotion.familytime.com/f11tsn/default.aspx Chunky Soup and Swanson broth here: http://www.campbellskitchen.com/coupon.aspx And then there are the main ones: www.smartsource.com www.redplum.com www.coupons.com Now if you get a U-promise card at Publix, you can upload e-coupons to it as well and they stack on top of the paper coupons. You can also upload them to you kroger card too on www.cellfire.com See if there are any coupon groups in your area. Or you can look at coupon mom on facebook she has TONS of deals as well as www.southernsavers.com --- They will both match up the stores sales ads WITH THE COUPONS you should already have. I am so excited about this---it's like a game now to see who gets the best deal. My big score (other than all the free soups, razors and tooth care products) was laundry detergent at CVS for only .49 a bottle!!!! It was on sale for $1.49 but Dollar General had the little blinkie coupon despenser that had $1 off of that brand. So I got 20 of them (only used 15 coupons) so I got 15 bottles of Purex at less than .02cents a load! (ours ran out of the Xtra so they subbed out the Purex but still took my Xtra coupons).......I love this saving!!!! Makes my shopping addtiction so much easier......I have turned my bargain hunting into a savings hunt!!!!
  16. I took a coupon class.....LOVE IT! I got 43 cans of soup for free! Toothbrushes and toothpaste free too The "cream of" soups were .49 at kroger--but printed off a bunch of the #1.50 off of three which gives them free. I prints a bunch of the $2 off Hungryman TV Dinners, which are on sale for $1.78 so I made money on those. Had .50 coupon which doubled to $1.00 and got a bunch of the lean pockets for only .49c too. Total before coupons was 312.xx after coupons and ecoupons loaded---$53.xx ....... I am so loving this super stacking price matching extreme couponing!
  17. Last year they had turkeys for only .49 cent a pound, anyone know if they will this year?
  18. Paula, that's the way they did it at ours last year (so I heard) I stay away from Walmart ---since they do not release their sales in time for me to plan---I don't have the money and time to wait....
  19. Why do they want the search traffic, if they aren't going to provide what everyone is looing for. If I am looking for something and get to a site because of search words, and what I am looking for is not ther---That ticks me off and you can bet I won't spend any money there! IMO I agree with others, It has not been good enough the past couple of years for me to stop--until I have spent most of my money everywhere else. I usualy only have about $60 left in my budget when I get to Walmart the past few years. It's amazing how they cut their own throats....
  20. I think they do run narrow. I can never get a pair that isn't too tight.
  21. I have to get several nieces and nephews gifts this year. I am needing ideas for 9year old boys and 7 year old boys. They have dsi's, but I can't afford the games for those things. They do like Pokemen, but I know nothing about what to get in that dept. Trying to stay under $25-30 per gift My niece like babies and barbies but would she like the vehicles to drive them in? I saw someone had posted that. ANY ideas would be appreciated!
  22. I have to get several nieces and nephews gifts this year. I am needing ideas for 9year old boys and 7 year old boys. They have dsi's, but I can't afford the games for those things. They do like Pokemen, but I know nothing about what to get in that dept. Trying to stay under $25-30 per gift My niece like babies and barbies but would she like the vehicles to drive them in? I saw someone had posted that. ANY ideas would be appreciated!
  23. I have snapfish....Any new codes? Have a couple hundred photos I need developed....
  24. It is no longer valid.....Just tried.... DEAD
  25. It may not be available at that low price in your state or zip code.....
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