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Everything posted by davephillyj

  1. I only wish there were two curtains or the option to buy another. I have 2 windows. Guess I'll just try to hock off the curtain and valance on someone. Great deal, sorry I forgot to add the code....DUHHH, just goes to show you I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off. At least I did stop long enought to help you all save a little...... It's amazing we have to spend to save. LOL But I did need a new one, my other one has had it.
  2. Merchandise Subtotal $47.99 Promo Savings ($19.20) Sales Tax $0.00 Total $28.80 Shipping $7.99 Your Total $36.78 Was listed at $139.00 on clearance for 47.99 take 40% off of that! Not the best of reviews ( thin curtains, not very soft) but for a 17 piece KING SIZE set, It'll do for for under $30! BH40OFF:code will work on clearance and non clearance you want 40% off with. I do not think you can combine codes 17 piece set link-- http://www.brylanehome.com/decor/Marlena-17Pc-Comforter-Set.aspx?PfId=12493&DeptId=15328&producttypeid=2&pref=ps&PurchaseType=G
  3. Walmart had some cute ones (kid Konection) I think they had 6 cup 6 saucers each marked down for $7 each at mine. Another idea is have a tea party with "pearl necklaces", paint finger nails and have hats and/or feather boas. That is probably what I'll do for my DD next year for her 3 year party. She LOVES tea parties and finger nails painted.
  4. I sure was hoping that you post was a code. POOP:****fan:
  5. We just purchased a home and want to put down hardwood BEFORE we move in. Do you know of any discount code for lumberliquidators.com? Thanks
  6. Well, I posted that back in 2007 not sure if they still are or not, you may want to call and check before getting to excited!
  7. I thought this was for Adam & Eve.... OOOOOPs:blush: You can tell I visit the adult hot forums here that Brad started.
  8. I didn't even think about sams club. I may stop by after work and see what they have. I would like to get the hard back, so my daughter can have them when she gets older(3 now) thanks
  9. I am wanting to get my niece the set, anyone know of any good deals? Thanks
  10. I called three stores and they are SOLD OUT!
  11. This is crap! if it is 49.99 in the store, then why would 20.00 be that far fetched? I got the same BS email about shipped from another location, then just now got the cancel. I hate them. This is the second time I have ordered from them and the second time they cancelled it! POOP!
  12. Product Shipping Price x QTY = Product Total Tiered Computer Desk, Pewter/Clear Glass item no. 21067925 Expected to ship in 1 to 3 days $169. 99 $ 20.00 EA 2 $40.00 Subtotal: Shipping: Surcharges: Taxes: $40.00 $7.95Items in the cart incurring a waste recycling fee are summed on the surcharge line. $0.00 $3.84 Total:$51.79 Total Savings: $299.98 THANK YOU SO MUCH Got 2 of them shipped to me!
  13. I think the flip books would make great mothers/fathers day gifts. Very personal!
  14. Leave it to me! If you enter code at snapfish.com you get a free 8x10 shipped to Walgreens as well. I think you can use both. Use coupon code WALFREE at checkout on the snapfish website. at Walgreens.com you can also get another free 8x10 through the website 2 different CODES: FREEGIFT and FREEGIFT2, <<< this was from the FREEBIES Forum of Gottadeal. So you should be able to get 3 8x10's (three different orders) total, plus the 50 prints, collage poster, and flipbook.
  15. Create a new account and get 50 4x6 prints, free flip book printed AND an 11x14 poster print collage. (I have recieved one free collage and it was beautiful!)
  16. Our Walmart has been getting a ton of the B2 evolved Bakugans too. M son was so excited I was able to snag a Tegeria 580G's
  17. It says in the coupon not valid on clearance/outlet prices. And I GOT MY HOPES UP....Poop
  18. I got some off ebay last month, really cheap too
  19. WHOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!! OK, where is Christy?? I know this isn't in the adult sub forum so I'll keep it PG, BUT what to pick out?? With all the other deals we get with A&E and Other sites I don't really NEED anything, but may just buy something anyway. THANKS we never get codes for Fredricks mostly Adam and eve 50% off. THANKS AGAIN PS If you want to visit the adult sub forum it is OPT IN ONLY go here http://forums.gottadeal.com/optin.php to opt in other subforums gottadeal has. Great places!
  20. I purchased the DELUX 2" topper last year this time for my moms guest room. I can now sleep comfortable on that cement slab she calls a mattress! This one is just a little lighter density so for the saving probably really good too.
  21. This is too cute. I think I will add this to hubbys "special items" basket I am making with all the free and cheap stuff from the adult subforum threads.... Thanks OP! Now, where is Christy?????????
  22. Those free photobooks are beautiful! I WILL definatly buy one now. I can not believe the wonderful quality of the books. thanks for code!
  23. I have gotten many pieces between the both of them and neither are cheap looking either. You have to order one at a time, which is a pain, but they are nice pieces (the ones I got anyway) So far I have recieved 12 pair of earrings and 8 pendants, and 3 rings. I went and got some nice boxes and gave them as gifts and got the "I can't believe you spent this much" reply twice. They have been around a few years but not a lot of people know about them. (except us thrifty folks! )
  24. I went to my walmart in my hometown for the first time since BF and they have tons of BF items in toys and electronics left. That's the one thing I HATE about visiting family away for Thanksgiving. I asked my associates and they said there was a crowd but nothing major and no madness. I do have to say the we have the most polite walmart workers and shoppers I have ever encountered. (and it's always clean!) But biscuit is 99 and the dinasaur is already that low too.
  25. I picked up some of the 3 packs of the evolved b2 a few weeks ago at walmart. They had more in stock last night too. I got the 60 pack of booster/gate/hollogram cards for 12.xx too.
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