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Suzy Crampton

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Everything posted by Suzy Crampton

  1. Is this a good one? DD 12 wants one for Christmas and the price is good but want one that is easily handled by her too.
  2. I am another one that knows nothing about the IPOD but, of course both kids want one for xmas! I have seen them at WM for $245 and they are probably worth that but my question is: Do you pay a monthly fee for some of the services?
  3. Wondering if on BF will there be a deal on a Toy Story DVD set with all 3 movies in it? Also, my DH wants the HBO's 'Pacific', will that be out then too? These are major gifts this year in my house so if I can score a deal it would be awesome!
  4. That's how my DD got so much stuff for hers. Right before Christmas there was always BOGO on them. I would wait it out too! WM will always price match if you find a better deal too.
  5. Don't know if ya live by me or not in MI but I have one that I am selling. Have the houseful of furniture, people, stable and horses. DD played with it some but not a lot, taking up too much room so it is going bye-bye in my next garage sale! Let me know if you are close by and want a good deal!
  6. I got DS at Target on sale 20% off and paid $84. Saw them at Meijers on sale for $88. Keep watching the ads, you will find them on sale.
  7. Baby baskets, easter baskets, outdoor play basket, candle basket. We have baskets at a silent auction at my kids school during their carnival. The baskets sell great. Each classroom picks a theme and goes with it. We raise over $3000 each year and we are a very small school. Let me know if you need more ideas, or need to know items to put in one. I have lots of ideas. This year my DD's class is doing a scrapbooking basket. Good luck!
  8. I think that I might have gotten the same coat today too! I had a 15% coupon that I used also so I paid $30.59. I love JcPenney's clearance!
  9. I won a Tide to Go pen. Never used it before but I figured it would come in handy sometime.
  10. I always think that Target has the best selection. Some years I don't go to Target until 3-4 days after Christmas and can still pick up Christmas items. Also, Hardware stores are good places too. I think people forget about them having Christmas stuff. Good Luck!
  11. Just ordered too! Should be at my house by next Monday at the latest! Thanks!
  12. Can anyone tell me if the Toshiba laptop is a good deal or not? I just want a laptop for internet and maybe for the kiddos to use to type a paper on for school. We have a desktop so this would be just a bonus computer. TIA!
  13. You can cut a branch everyday, that should release a new smell. The smell usually comes from the new growth and since the tree is essentially dying, if you clip a branch that opens it up again. The smell leaves as it dries out. I wish you could keep the smell all year. I always am amazed that when I vacuum weeks after christmas it still smells from sucking up the needles that fell off the tree.
  14. We have always left cookies except the year my DD saw the commercial on tv that had the whole room full of presents because the little girl left CHEESE! You guessed it, we now leave cookies and cheese!
  15. They will be all gone though. I am totally pissed that I have been up waiting and refreshing and when it comes up it will be out of stock.
  16. Why won't it come up with a buy it spot. I keep refreshing.
  17. I'm so tired that when the page finally starts I'll probably hit the refresh button instead of Buy It!
  18. Got one! Thanks for posting, I have missed the last 2 days of this and that is what my DD really wanted. I didn't care what color so that made it easier.
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