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Suzy Crampton

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Everything posted by Suzy Crampton

  1. Kohls, Target, Walmart and here in Michigan I like the Meijer ad.
  2. Getting this for my daughter because whatever she sets her mind to, she does it. She is BADASS!! https://www.amazon.com/Bracelets-Personalized-Bracelet-Inspirational-Graduation/dp/B08RYV1G2Y/ref=sr_1_47?brr=1&dchild=1&pd_rd_r=c06fdd4c-174b-48a1-a872-5c174b94be32&pd_rd_w=2L9WS&pd_rd_wg=JGHUR&qid=1634165079&rd=1&s=apparel&sr=1-47
  3. Something that I would want as a gift, love Christmas https://www.amazon.com/Hoodies-Sweatshirts-Pockets-Pullover-Sweater/dp/B09J3L33F8/ref=zg-bsnr_fashion_2/138-2559079-6923925?pd_rd_w=TXjMU&pf_rd_p=1e7b1982-fb44-47aa-b1ce-d356a8609d66&pf_rd_r=E5FXAQNBC5Q35PVV7EB4&pd_rd_r=b8a1961d-c6fd-486d-819a-2d859b7dff4b&pd_rd_wg=wTIVa&pd_rd_i=B09J3L396M&psc=1
  4. This is actually on my daughter's xmas list this year. I think it would be great for studying in bed. https://www.amazon.com/Tablet-Comfortable-Cushion-Bottomed-Laptop/dp/B08QVGN6B2/ref=sr_1_42?dchild=1&keywords=Lap+Pillow+Desk&qid=1633713687&sr=8-42
  5. I want to have all my stuff ordered by next week with the hopes that I can receive them all by Christmas. I will be spending all my downtime shopping Amazon too!!
  6. Very unique, wonder if they are comfortable! These are something my daughter would like! https://www.amazon.com/Haoricu-Beading-Colorful-Loafers-Embroidered/dp/B07D4DKPGW/ref=sr_1_39?dchild=1&keywords=fun+gifts&qid=1633473962&s=apparel&sr=1-39
  7. Fall decorating is done and will add some Halloween decorations to it this Friday. Vintage Christmas tree with vintage ornaments will go up mid November, the rest of Christmas decorations go up the day after Thanksgiving. We get a real Christmas tree so that will go up second week of December. Love decorating for Christmas!
  8. I will miss the anticipation and anxiety of getting the item I want either in store or online. I'm very worried about shipping issues and just stock issues in general this year. I'm wondering if stores will have even fewer of the much anticipated items in stock this year. My anxiety is already growing
  9. Normally shop for 6 and hoping that this year looks better than last year did. Won't let Covid stop us from having a Merry Christmas though.
  10. I have a part time job that every paycheck goes into a Christmas club. Sometimes I spend it all and sometimes not. If not, I save the extra for the next year.
  11. This year is going to be much worse than last year. I think if you don't have a handle on your Christmas shopping by the end of October, you are out of luck on some things. Even in the brick and mortar stores there are empty shelves already. I'm so glad I don't have little kids that want the popular toy this year.
  12. In no particular order The Man Who Saved Christmas A Christmas Story It's a Wonderful Life White Christmas Miracle on 34th Street
  13. Just the hubby, me and 2 twentysomething kids. We usually go to my parents with my 2 brothers and families and then to my in laws with my hubby's 4 other siblings and families. This year is just munchies and games. It will be ok, better safe than sorry. We are grateful for so many things this year.
  14. I always call ours a "Walk down Memory Lane" tree. It is ornaments that we have collected through the years that mean something to us. My son was obsessed with Toy Story (especially Woody) starting at age 2. He is now 23 and still puts all the Toy Story ornaments on the tree himself. I couldn't bear to give those up, I still see him being Woody day in, and day out! My daughter always has varied interest, she is one that will get rid of ornaments because they mean "nothing" to her, lol I love our tree and can't imagine having anything different in our family room. If I had room I would have a tree in every room! I do have a 6 ft. white artificial tree in my kitchen with only vintage ornaments on it. Love that tree as well!
  15. So bummed with this ad. They usually have baking supplies (flour, sugar, etc) on sale Black Friday for super cheap. I've always bought 2 liters of pop to take to family gatherings throughout the holidays and I see none of those either
  16. Yeti type tumbler Windbreaker jacket hand sanitizer face mask zipped hoodie sunglasses
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