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Everything posted by berry1014
Same here!
Did he see the color of the zhu zhus? If so do you know anyone else who 2 of them in different colors then what you have that maybe you could switch with? Either that or have the zhu zhus come from you instead of santa.
Just want to clarify the Xbox sale. Is it on sale for $199 plus you get a $100 GC or that the sale price after you factor in the GC?
Take your battery out of your phone and leave it out for a few minutes and then put it back in and power your phone back up. You should be able to open your test messages.
Most of the toys and stocking stuffers are from Santa. The big (main gift) and clothes are from mom and dad.
I took my daughter shopping on BF once 8 years ago when she was an infant but it was also later in the morning when DH had to leave for work. He worked 11 am to 8 pm back then. Both Dh and DD were home asleep while I was shopping for the door buster items.
14 years at least for me.
Our kids are 3 & 8 and oh yeah they are full believers. A few weeks ago at our DD's 8th birthday party we let the kids play on the Wii Outdoor Challenge. Only a few kids from her class showed up but it was enough to let the kids complete against each other. They all had a blast. 3 of the kids said they were asking Santa for the Outdoor Challenge Game!!! Of course I informed the parents of this quietly when they arrived to pick up their kids. Nice to know there were still other kids in her class that are believers too.
Peanut butter mud squares Take a box of regular brownie mix. Make and bake as instructed on the side of the box. Let completely cool. Peanutbutter layer 1/2 cup peant butter 1 - 1/2 cups powdered sugar 1/2 cup softened butter 1/4 cup evaporated milk Cream together and spread over top of brownies. Pop into the refrig so the peanutbutter can set up. Chocolate frosting 2 sticks butter, softened 1/3 cup cocoa 1 box powdered sugar 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1/3 cup evaporated milk (can add more if it's too thick) Spread on top of the preanutbutter layer. Cut into little squares and enjoy!
Stuffed Frech Bread (Breakfest) 1 loaf of French or Italian Bread 1 lb bulk sausage ½ sweet onion 4 eggs 1 cup milk 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese (divided) * You can add more cheese if you like* Salt & pepper to taste ½ tsp Garlic powder ** Ground sausage and onion, drain. Beat eggs, add milk, salt, pepper garlic powder. Mix well. Cut the loaf of bread length wise about ¼ down from the down from the top. Hallow out the bottom part of the loaf. Be careful not to take out to much from the bottom. Take a cookie sheet the same length of the bread and place a couple sheets of foil down over it. Spray foil with non-stick spray. Place the bread in the center of the foil. Sprinkle ½ cup cheese in the bottom of the bread and then spread the sausage and onion mixture over the cheese. Make sure it is spread out evenly in the bread. Pour the egg mixture over the sausage and top with the remaining cheese. Place the top of the bread back on and wrap it in the foil. Place in the refrigerator over night. Next morning bake at 375 degrees for 35 – 40 minutes. Remove from oven and open foil. Let sit for 10 minutes and then cut into slices. **Mushrooms and greens peppers optional
We sometimes have the same issue with our 8 yo DD. Taking away the toys or grounding her from the wii or computer didn't always seem to work however I did find something that did. Normally she packs lunch 3 to 4 days aweek and buys lunch at school 1 or 2 times a week. If she fails a test or fails to do her chores we take away the lunch buying privilage and she has to pack for a full week, sometimes longer. Since she really really looks forward to buying lunch it has made a nice incentive for her to do what she is suppose to do. Is there something else your kids really enjoying doing that you could remove the privilage for?
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New comforter / bedding set, sleeping pillows or a body pillow. Hoodie sweat shirts are popular.
Which tree??? LOL we have 5 trees. The kids will put up their tree sometime between Halloween and Thanksgiving. The rest of the trees will go up between Thanksgiving night and the Thanksgiving weekend. We normally everything down Jan 1st or the first weekend after New Years.
We spend between $10 - $30 per stocking and there are 5 including ours.
No. I will however give hubby a list of some things that I want. He will pick a few things on my list and then get me a few things that were not on the list. He know what I like and don't like so he is pretty good about it.
Right now all the kids gifts are unwrapped in in totes and bags in the attic. Once they get wrapped, about a week or 2 before Christmas, they will get placed back in totes and then stored in the laundry room under the other totes that hold extra blankets and sesaonal items. The kids do not go into the laundry room so it has worked for us so far.
Our local Walmart have always passed out a map of the store showing where all the door buster items were located in the store. They also pass out tickets for the big electronic items. I can not see them sending customers around to back to the store to pick up electronic as our store is in a shopping center with other stores and that may cause issues. I have shopped at local walmart on BF for over 12 years and never experienced or seen the maddness that alot of other stores encountered. It will interestig to see if our store changes the way it does BF.
It will be in next Sundays paper. Their big toy book sale always starts the last Sunday in October.
The Stand by Stephen King
Hey Hey Hey No fair teasing us like that!!!!!!!
If you enjoy listening to it then No it's never to early. I listen to Christmas music all through out the year when the mood strikes me which is maybe once a month. By mid Nov I am listening to it daily.
It will be in the paper on Sunday Oct 25th. For those on the mailing list, they should receive their copy in the mail sometime mid to late next week.
Oh yeah we had that request once too but for a baby sister. I guess a baby brother was not good enough at the time. Sorry not happening!