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Posts posted by EmConMom

  1. I was just wondering what everyone does as far as baking Christmas cookies. For example, my family and friends plan a day where we all make dozens upon dozens of cookies and then split them. We usually have 4 or 5 mixers going and rolling, decorating, icing, sorting, etc 'stations'. We listen to Christmas music, chatter, laugh and just have the best time.


    Please share your baking traditions....:holiday07:

  2. Hopefully this will save some from making bad purchase as I did. My daughter just got this for her birthday this past weekend. Exacty 3 hours after she had her, she had given her two bottles, and fed her one time. Her lip color is coming off, the face around the eyes is cracking and her rubbery face just looks gross.:mad: :mad:


    We paid 39.99 for this doll and it is falling apart in less than a day. I wrote the company and am awaiting a reply to my email. I am very disappointed, it is such a waste of money.

  3. Check craft shows for homemade dolls, you can buy 'tags' at AC Moore and the likes that will say made especially for you, make your own tag that says made by the elves. Also I would do something with a necklace or locket around its neck that states something about the magic of the elves has been put inside. That way she has something that she can touch that she can 'feel' the elves made it.


    That is a very cute statement, I too would be on a mission to make that wish come true.

  4. A friends family growing up had a cool tradition. They had a Santa's mail box and the kids would put the list inside. Then people from the family could look at the list and cross off what they picked to get that person that year and the parents could scribble Santa for things santa would get.

    Thats what I will do once our kids are old enough :)

    That is a cute idea!:)

  5. The Siamese Twin gift-wrap.

    First divide your guests up into teams of two people. You'll need to have wrapping paper, tape and all supplies for wrapping a present, in this case a tissue paper box is ideal, in front of the two or more teams. The teams will need to wrap the present standing side by side with one hand free and the other on each others waists. The idea is two people side by side,

    one using his left hand, the other person using their right hand. The object

    is to see which Siamese Twin team can wrap the present the best in the allotted time.

    The remaining guest select the best package as the winner.

    This can also be played as a relay or be based on fastest time (as long as it is wrapped correctly).

  6. Just wanted to remind everyone, that black friday would be a great oppurtunity to use some of the great deals you may find to purchase for a child from an angel tree or get some toys for the Toys for Tots program. Some stores will offer B1G1 on games, inexpensive Barbies are always nice to name a couple.


    I know it is a crazy, busy, fun shopping day, but it may be a great time to help someone else as well.

  7. Personally, for me, it wasn't that hearing "Happy Holidays" was offensive, quite the contrary. It was the fact that an employee was supposedly not permitted to wish a customer "Merry Christmas" for fear that it may offend someone. Well in my opinion, not that it matters to any but myself, but if I am buying Christmas cards, Christmas wrapping paper and decorations, it would be pretty safe to say "Merry Christmas" If someone in ear shot does not celebrate Christmas, it shouldn't be a big deal b/c they were not being spoken too.


    Hope that wasn't too much rambling and my point comes across in text.

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