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Posts posted by EmConMom

  1. I used to feel the same as you, but now I cannot wait for BF every year. It has become a tradition of a day out with my and my best friend and we love it. My mother thinks I'm nuts 'to brave the crowds', I just think you need the proper mind set. For example, yes there will be crowds, be prepared for them, be amazed by them and they will fuel the excitement.


    We also have a set plan, BF is NOT a day for aimless browsing.


    But with some preparation, BF can be an extreme fun shopping day.


    It all boils down to "to each his own".:)

  2. My best friend and I were just discussing BF and how much we can't wait. I started shopping b/c Target had alot of the toys 30-60% off when I was there last week and I got my DS a train table for just 55 and some change. I cannot wait for BF this year, we are adding another stop to our day this year
  3. Sorry to butt in, I just want to give a general warning. Please, Please be careful when transferring Rx's between pharmacies. If you fill your prescriptions at several different pharmacies, you run the risk of a pharmacist not being able to warn you about drug interactions, etc. I work pt as a pharmacy tech and have seen this happen. I work at a small one owner store, but I have seen things get transferred back and forth and people getting sick due to the pharmacist looking at your record not having all your medication info. I don't want to discourage a great bargain, BUT PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!
  4. We go to my parents house every year. There is quite a bunch of us and we eat, shrimp, clams, cocktail weiners, appetizers, cakes, etc (ALL JUNK FOOD) We play games, have a drink or two, watch the kids run amuck around the house and just have fun. We usually crash there and have a tradition lancaster county new years meal of pork and sauerkraut with mashed potatoes.mmmmmmmmmmmmm
  5. is mostly finished. I finished my kids presents last night. When was wrapping, I could not believe how many gifts their were. I had forgotten about alot of the stuff and actually surprised myself with things that I had picked up throughout the year. DH came into the room where I was wrapping, laughed, shook his head and turned around. He then came back and helped me, and we had a good time wrapping, talking and enjoying some wine and each other's company. :2couple: It was a good night.:holiday16


    On a side note, we had to unwrap our TMX Elmo b/c dh must did something that the box kept going off.:elmo: So we had this present that kept talking to us, I was laughing so hard:lmao:

  6. I do get antsy, but this year, I"m not quite as ahead of the game as usual. For one, I bought more this year. I am less than halfway finished with my wrapping and I have some more baking to do. :holiday03


    I have one gift to buy, 2 gift cards and some lottery tickets. However, I know what I want just have to go get it. :holiday16


    I hope to finish up with wrapping, baking and shopping this weekend and then it is on to decide what to make for Christmas breakfast. :gdclap:

  7. Found individual tubs at Wal Mart in the Play-do aisle. The kids like playing with the stuff but warning! it does make a mess. Fine sand all over the place when they are done. Defiantely have them play with it over a tile/wood floor that can be swept, not a carpet. I will never buy them anymore of it that's for sure.

    Thank you for posting this, I was thinking of getting this for the kiddies, but I don't need anything else that makes a mess!!! Thanks for saving me yet another trip around the house with broom and/or vacuum in hand.

  8. I too am in agreement that Bratz dolls are not appropriate and do not buy them for my daughter. However, my best friend's little girl (3 months older than my dd) has tons of them. My best friend does not let her bring them to our house and will not bring the Bratz movies to my house, but when we go there, I know that dd will be playing with them.


    It really is a preference thing and if YOU decide that YOUR daughter can play with them, that is all that matters. As a parent, many decisions a person may make will not make everyone else happy. Too bad, she is your child and I'm sure you will make the best decision for your family.

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