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Posts posted by EmConMom

  1. I don't necessarily spend to much trying to make things even but I just spend to much in general. I just keep seeing things that the kids 'have to have' or would just love. I buy things that are on sale and then stash them throughout the year and then we go Christmas shopping and get more. I have been searching through all my hiding places and I have a crazy amount of things plus I have to pick up our layaway yet. Their eyes will pop out of their heads this year.:holiday02
  2. I tried to PM at target yesterday and they would not! I was a little dissappointed but no biggie.


    Of all the stores I visited WALMART was by far the most organized and the quickest for getting in and out. I got my blitz items I wanted, got a few regular items to PM and we were out by 530-545am. Target was horrible with lines to th eback of the store to check out.

  3. Um I feel a bit guilty, I just went to the store to pick up some milk and there were stacks of tommorows paper. I could see the ads just sitting there. I asked if I could get one and the mananger standing there said "it doesn't have the front section yet, I can't sell it." I told him that I wasn't interested in the 'news' in the paper just the ads. He said he can't.



    SOOOOOO, I told the clueless 16 year old boy at the checkout that I wanted one and he said uhh i guess so. So I tricked a poor little kid into getting my paper early. I have to finish my stuffing for tommorow then I will check it out. BTW, It was the Lancaster New Era in Lancaster county pa

  4. Does anyone know the words to the over the river and through the woods song?


    I was trying to teach it to my dd4, and I can only remember a few lines...


    Over the river and through the woods,

    To Grandmother's house we go,

    the horse knows the way to carry the sleigh

    through the white and drifted snow.


    Over the river and through the wood,



    that is where I draw a blank:insane:

  5. Just a hint, why not join the disney movie club www.disneymovieclub.com They have more than just kiddie movies and I know the princess diaries have been offered at a savings if you get the 1&2 together. I think the initial deal is is 6 or 7 movies and you pay maybe 1.95 shipping for ALL the movies. You then have to buy 4 movies in 2 years. It is a very good deal, and I just got alot of adult movies for my husband, dad, brother for Christmas and they were running a deal for members buy 1 get the rest at 50% off.



  6. we have a contest who get get their cookie closest to the way grandma used to make, they always come close but never the same, there's a rumor that it was her hand lotion mixed in with the dough which gave its distinct taste.

    We try to do that with banana creme pies, my grandmother made some every year for Christmas and in the 3 years since her passing, we just cannot get it right. Our are always watery, or just not quite there.


    She never let anyone watch her while she was making them, only could watch them bake in the oven (and clean up her mess) She would gladly give out her recipe but would tease us that they won't turn out right.:giggle:

  7. Uggg can anyone really explain the bratz thing? I think they look like little hootchies eeeek

    I agree, there are no bratz dolls in our house for that reason. My best friend's little girl, 3 months older than my dd, loves them too, but I just don't get it.

  8. A little plastic Angel that at one point had a dress made out of some kind of gold glitter material. The glitter is peeling off now and her wings are held on with a pin. Probably not pretty to anyone but me and my husband. She has hung front and center on our tree every Christmas that we have been married. We have been married 37 years.

    I think that is absolutely beautiful. :holiday07:D

  9. I always have the talk with the kids before we go somewhere that gifts will be opened. I tell them that if they already have something it's okay, we will either take it back and exchange it or we will find someone who needs it. I also tell them they are to thank the giver no matter what. My kids are pretty good about it, but younger kids are just very honest and don't understand not to say "I have that" I just usually say something like "that's okay won't it be more fun to have 2" (like barbies, polly's, pony's, etc.) and my 4 year old will say very happily oh yes.
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