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Everything posted by bluebear

  1. Thanks for the info on Kohl's and Penney's! I had not thought to look there. I got the 12 days Star Wars from Amazon last month. And I'm planning to get the kid sized ones for my grandson. The Marvel will be great for my son and BIL. And I am tempted with the Disney princesses at Kohl's. But I have too many socks already!
  2. Tidy Cat cat litter, on sale at PetSmart. You'll want to be there close to opening, and be prepared for all the crazy cat ladies with 2 buggies full.
  3. I received mine yesterday too.
  4. Mostly I buy the $8.99 The Big One throws. Those are plush and big and soft. The $3.99 throws are by St. Nicholas Square. They are nice too, but not plush. I think those are close to the same size as the others. We usually buy those for the animals. But, I have already bought the gingerbread one for me this year. And because I have a problem... I have also bought the $14.99 ones, if they are the ones I'm thinking of. I think those are the Sherpa throws? Soft.
  5. So sorry they are sideways.
  6. I bought these for my sister last year and they were beautiful. They would be good for anyone with a kitchen, because who wouldn't love a set of nice and unique wooden spoons? They come in four colors. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071RBVNNL/?coliid=IJ4R5IJO4Q4NQ&colid=ZG8AKK2A8PVX&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1
  7. I like to bake, but for sugar cookies I kinda cheat and use the Betty Crocker mix in the bags. Just remember to set your butter out to soften, and it's very easy and they turn out great.
  8. It's 7.5' I believe. At least 7.
  9. Definitely the tree from Home Depot. I think it's $79. I got in line about 5:15 am and was able to get one. (btw, if you've never done BF at Home Depot, they know now to do it. Coffee, doughnuts, and an outdoor heater!) It was also available online the year I got mine, but I was too impatient to wait for shipping. You might could do store pickup though. It sold out online before I left at 5am to head out, so you'd want to order when it goes live.
  10. Yes. It looks like the coupons are the same. You can get to the Kids site from the main site. https://www.michaelskids.com/
  11. Michael's also launched a new website as well, michaelskids.com I believe. They are (were) running specials when it launched last week or the week before, and I had a coupon print out at the register. I think though the websites are still linked and attached.
  12. Thanks! I may go ahead and grab that tomorrow then. I had no reference as to what to expect for price. My dad currently rents out a room. He has access to a kitchen, but he won't use it. I thought this might be good to use in his room for beans and rice and such.
  13. I know what you mean. I got my Mickey loving grandson some Mickey Duplos during the Lego summer sale. When he hit 3 1/2, he switched to loving dinosaurs! Oh well, he'll still like building them. I'm still having to wait on my kids big things too. The things I have or will get early are controllers (the one he wants was discontinued), makeup (Ulta coupon good on Prestige brands!), Kohl's blanket, and a room decoration. And I hit the Target Lego sale for dino and super hero Duplos. I had my mama's picked out, but then she bought it.
  14. I have already bought a few things, either things I've been watching and the price dropped, or things with KC or Target GC and a sale. Next is a handmade item, and it's from Poland, so I'll need to get that ordered soon and out of the way. Right now though I'm debating on the tiny Instant pot. I think I figured it will be about $42 right now (I have KC to spend) and I don't think I recall one being under $40 last year. So I may grab it now.
  15. It's the wondrous thingie that makes those adorable little tiny cookies in different shapes that often get decorated with sugar sprinkles. You squeeze the dough through a tube with a disc on the end that makes it into different shape. Think of the play-doh extruders, except it only dispenses the amount for one cookie. Oh, that was a lot of confusing words. Here's a link so you can see. https://www.amazon.com/OXO-Grips-Cookie-Stainless-Storage/dp/B00ABH0PYI/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1539666152&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=cookie+press&dpPl=1&dpID=41jQLDZb-2L&ref=plSrch
  16. Yummy! I can't wait until cookie and candy making time! If anyone has a sugar cookie recipe for the cookie press, I would love to hear it. Family doesn't like the normal butter/spritz cookies, but I like using my cookie press. I tried a couple different non-press recipes last year, but they were dry or sticky and didn't play nicely with the press.
  17. I noticed in the toy book Brad posted on the site that it said toys weren't eligible for coupons, and that most of the toys said +extra 15% off beside them, so I guess it's a current promo. I also noticed when I was getting some toys last week, but just figured it was that particular brand. I didn't realize it was all toys forever. Interesting. Thanks for pointing it out. Hopefully they will have some comparable promos and deals for holiday shopping. If not, I either wont buy as many toys (which is probably a good thing!), or I will save those to spend my kohls cash on after Thanksgiving. I always end up with a lot, and nothing to spend it on since I bought everything I wanted during Thanksgiving sale. Husband just had a good point. With TRU gone, they could have more of the market, and toys must not have too high markup or TRU might have been doing better. Also, with TRU gone, that's probably the reason they brought on Legos. Lego needed more places to sell to.
  18. Mine arrived yesterday as well. Hooray! Thanks Brad!
  19. Kohl's throws. I've already bought 2 plush, 3 fleece, and 3 jersey ones this month. And 2 other plush earlier in the year. Today I noticed theyy finally put up new designs, and I saw a few I liked, so maybe I can resist (not likely). Towels from Kohl's. 2 kids don't need them this year, but I'll probably still get them for my daughter. Gel memory foam mattress pads from Kohl's. Need to see if anyone needs one this year. Advent calendar necklace and bracelet set. Xbox live, PlayStation subscription, Google Play cards, and gaming money. Batteries and poinsettias from Home Depot. We line up before 6am for them. Mama insists. Cat litter, pet toys, and dog treats from PetSmart. Mama buys new cat collars every year. I used to stock up on laundry detergent and other household items, but those sales have kinda changed in the last few years.
  20. The bulk of my Thanksgiving week shopping is at Kohl's online. I'm hoping to scale that back this year, as everyone now has gone to college and/or moved out and has bedding, towels, pillows, mattress pads, and small appliances. But we'll see if that actually happens. For the rest of the Christmas shopping between Thanksgiving and Christmas, a lot comes from Amazon. The only two stores I visit anymore on Black Friday are Home Depot (6am) and PetSmart (7am), and then maybe Target or Bath and Body Works in between those openings if needed to kill time.
  21. The Home Depot trees really are the best, aren't they. Friday while I'm out shopping, my husband starts pulling out the decorations. Then after I rest, we start decorating.
  22. I have some hook and loop type strapping that I use for the garland on my stair railings. It comes on a roll, and you cut to size. It's green, so it blends in with the garland.
  23. Not looking not looking not looking... Between yesterday and today I had 7 throws arrive at my house from kohl's. And yes, one for the dog, one for the cat...
  24. Last year we did a big trip instead of a lot of presents. My family of home bodies didn't love it. But, this extra could pay for a couple days of something simple, right? And emergency fund... Hmmm, that's an idea too. Too tempting at Christmas time to spend that though! (no self control here)
  25. Oh! Yay!! Thanks Brad!
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