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Everything posted by bluebear

  1. Oh yay! I do my grocery shopping at Target, so an extra 10% off will be nice!
  2. Kanyon, what I mean is that they don't want to wait until Thanksgiving. My guess is they won't make it into October. I think they were waiting to see if there are any price changes to the existing model once the new ones are announced today.
  3. My parents are wanting to buy Apple watches for each other this year. I keep telling them about gift card deals at Thanksgiving... But I'm not sure they are going to be willing to wait that long! Once they've decided to buy something, it's usually not long after they get it. Oh well.
  4. Still in the 90s here! The nights are getting into the 70s, so at least there's that I guess. But I left the house without my sweater on, and haven't put it on yet, and even in the summer that's unusual for a work day! I do believe it is hotter here this week than it was a couple weeks ago.
  5. I don't have any ideas for anyone yet. Well, maybe something for my husband, but I bet he'll come up with something else he wants before then. But no other ideas for anyone else. Guess I need to start thinking harder!
  6. So we went on a short overnight trip, yay! And I got a cuckoo clock for a souvenir/birthday present, double yay! But I hope no one is going to want anything super expensive for Christmas this year!
  7. Cool! Thanks Brad!
  8. Grandson got to turn around in his carseat this weekend! He was excited. He reached the max rear facing weight for his seat, at 3 years 7 months. He and I discussed last weekend that he would be turning around soon, and he said he didn't want to, but he probably didn't even know facing front was an option. I'm just glad to not have to hear all the great grandparents complain about it anymore. ( now they will probably complain how his head flops when he sleeps or something...)
  9. First day of my birthday month. Woke up this morning to all the emails with "It's your birthday month" points and specials. Yay.
  10. Yesterday I impulse bought a sock loom. I might have me a warm cozy pair of socks to wear for black Friday... Next year... Not sure what I got myself into!!
  11. See, I was sad last year and this year wth no school supplies to buy... I love school supplies. I'm already looking forward to year after next when my grandson starts kindergarten!
  12. Just packed the youngest son and sent him back off for his second year of college. We'll head up there in a few hours to take a second load. I usually handle college move-ins okay, but I don't think I'm going to do very well this time.
  13. And alternatively, I'm used to starting in August (even did when I was a kid), and being out by Memorial Day. When I hear of kids still still in school in June, I have the same thought... "I can't believe they are still in school in June!" Someone told me once it has to do with the availability of AC in different regions. Not sure it's true, but since it's typically hotter in August than June, guess it would make sense to start school a little later. Or did historically. I've only visited North twice, and both were in the winter, so I don't know how that is.
  14. We just finished our first week of school. Monday we start deployment of 33,000 chromebooks to the students. Today we found out that the vendor didn't place last years devices back in the correct storage slots in the boxes, so our plan of just grabbing them quickly out of the assigned slot just got harder. We had big enrollment changes, so over 500 devices had to be moved around today, and one of the supervisors provided incorrect information to his team (and ignored the printed signs I provided to make sure everything went to the right location), so that created a big mess. And then to top it off, we found out at 4pm that 2 schools had a box of devices (20 in each box) that smelled like... Well, they are smelly and not safe to distribute. Did I mention distribution starts Monday? And oh, that I am inventory manager... Sigh... Happy August.
  15. Yep. The kids ended May 25th, so they got 9 weeks of summer. Then our years are in 6 week sections, where they then get a week break.
  16. School starts on Monday here!
  17. Good luck with that! You know the throws are irresistible!! (of course, the designs available right now aren't... Looking forward to new fall/winter designs.) What?! Everyone isn't already looking at the blankets in July?!
  18. July. Just paid the first payment for the next 8 months of college tuition. Ugh. At least the middle kid graduated this year so there's just one left.
  19. Prime Day is usually too overwhelming for me. If it were to happen this week, I'd have a little time during the day to look at it. But anytime after that, I think it will be too busy, so ill just have to check in the evening. New teachers start in 2 weeks, all teachers come back in 3 weeks, and school starts for students in 4! Ack, I'm not ready for everyone to come back, I'm not done with all my stuff!
  20. School's out, post planning is over, now we start our summer projects at work. Summer hours start Monday, 4 10 hour days with Fridays off. My two sons were hired temporarily for the month of May. We found out today they get to stay at least two more weeks, hooray! I keep talking to people saying, hey need any help, we've got these helpers available... I've got a pretty long list so far, so maybe we can extend it a little longer.
  21. Our new Superintendent came to our department today to personally meet everyone. That was very nice. Youngest son comes home from school for the summer Thursday, hooray! And middle son graduates college next week!! Double hooray!! Happy May!
  22. I am still wearing long sleeved shirts every day here in Georgia. At least I have finally been able to ditch my winter coat!
  23. Yesterday my store was 70/50%. They still had so much stuff, especially candy. That's kinda unusual lately. They had just brought over the stuff from the dollar spot and had it in carts in the aisles.
  24. I love that kitchen cart. Wish I had a place to put it. We bought 20 bags of mulch this morning and got it all put out. My legs and back are not happy with me.
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