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Turtle Mommy

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Everything posted by Turtle Mommy

  1. This is the way I am going this year too!!
  2. I work for my Dh because of me and wanting to go bf shopping he now gives his guy's the day off. It is nice. They end up with a 4 day weekend. Both Thanksgiving and Bf he pays them.
  3. I grew up with snow for 21 yrs. I have lived in the south for 13 yrs and I can say I don't miss it. I wish it woud snow Christmas morning and then by the afternoon be back in the 70's or 80's.
  4. My boys are 95% done. I have to pick up gift cards for my nieces and nephews and get them in the mail the first part of December. I still have to buy for my sister, her boyfriend, both sets of inlaws and my parents.
  5. ITA. I live in Florida and I do the same!
  6. My parents get us a GC. Last year it was for JcPenneys.
  7. I have 2 bosses. My FIL gets a gc some where. This year most likely Harley Davison. My Dh has me..what more could he want??
  8. You should be proud! :) Sounds like you are raising a wonderful little boy! :)
  9. We clean up the mess and then relax while the kids are enjoying their new gifts.
  10. In our house it is X amount of $$. My boys are almost 7 yrs apart. My oldest is 13 and his things are more expensive. We had to give him the talk last year because ds#2 has a crap load more gifts. I remember my Mom having to have the same conversation around the same age(my sister and I are 7.5 yrs apart). We actually spent more on ds#1 last year and ds#2 had more gifts.
  11. Christmas shoes! I actually love ALL Christmas music. I am already listening to it. :o
  12. Not as much as years past. I am sick of paying out all the money to send the gifts to the nieces and nephews in the mail so we are doing GC this year! :)
  13. Your old boss sounds like my dh. We did that one year for a few of our guys that just started with dh's company and were struggling. We got them GC for our local grocery store so we made sure they had an awesome Thanksgiving one year. It warms my heart that he did that. I also think what you are doing is wonderful. What about a GC so they can pick what they think the kids would like.
  14. I live about 45 minutes away and this is the time of year you could NOT drag me there. It is so busy. Not worth it IMO.
  15. Last year I went to my first cookie swap. I had a blast! I hope the girl does it again this year.
  16. I am not too concerned. Both boys are older and are not playing with those kinds of toys. I am going the GC route for my nieces and nephews this year so it is up to the parents to worry about it.
  17. Same here. That was my favorite part of Christmas. Dh usually stuffs my stocking with all my gifts.
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