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Everything posted by tdanette

  1. half price books 10/13
  2. From what I've seen the last couple of years, just about everything can be gotten before BF, with the exception of the Ipod, and sometimes the prices were even better than BF. I will get most of my "must-have" stuff before then, it takes a lot of pressure off and lets me really just enjoy the experience. I think you should be able to get the laptops and DSi before BF at comparable prices so if it looks good, I'd grab it then.
  3. Cutting back, or at least trying to. They'll live.
  4. DD wants a giant beanbag and an ipod, so I'm hoping for a good gc to go with the ipod and I'm hoping Amazon will have a good deal on the beanbag ('cause I'm lazy and don't want to haul it lol)
  5. Don't forget battered women shelters, although you would probably have to wait closer to Christmas.
  6. About $1000. All these "little" purchases really start to add up!
  7. Spend it on something that you never would have taken the money out of your budget for! There has to be one or two things you would like to have but just haven't been willing or able to spend the money for. Go for it now!
  8. Cinnamon rolls! Sometimes blueberry muffins. I love the smell of baked goodness during the holidays. I do have to fix something a little extra this year since my mom and her bf have decided to come over that morning. The sausage casserole sounds good.
  9. I got some football and wrestling trading cards for DS11. And a whole pack of the Reese's Christmas trees lol. Wii game, gum- made a special trip to get some that looked like coal lol. Wrestling dvd, and books.
  10. Got an email this morning saying my order was shipped, the only thing with a quantity is the crimper and there is no charge on my account from them. Really wasn't expecting that!
  11. Order Date: 11/29/10 5:15:19 am ETA I'm going to assume mine was canceled since the charge no longer shows on my account. It'll be a nice surprise if it does go through, I'll just make other plans just in case.
  12. I still haven't heard one way or another.
  13. Here's the giraffe on ebay for $15.98 plus 9.99 s/h but I don't know if this is the "right" one? giraffe
  14. Would this work?Giraffe Also found this, this one is a my pillow pet Giraffe
  15. Try this link Scroll to the top of the page and look on the right. It's available for order that way. Weird.
  16. A fellow gottadealer posted this last year I believe but I can't find the post. Credit goes to them for this great find! A Christmas Carol (Dover Thrift Editions) [unabridged] [Paperback] by Charles Dickens Price: $1.00 & eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. Gift-wrap available. A Christmas Carol http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51iR0g%2BdznL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg
  17. The Tee and boyshort sets are a great deal!
  18. Use code BUSTED for 20% off any order plus get free shipping. FYI: They have the youth Stone Cold Steve Austin halloween costume with free WWE trick or treat bag for $2.99 before the code. WWE SHOP Costume
  19. Buy.com has the NOOK (refurb) for $99.00 and free shipping. They also have the case for 9.99 NOOK Case
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