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Everything posted by scrabbler

  1. That is part of the deal...there are 4 different units available, a certain amount of each. They will evaluate to see if they have one that will fit in our house. The reason they say they are doing this is because this is a dead time of the year and they spend the rest of the year catching up. They are attempting to stay ahead of the game with the bad economy and thus are offering these at cost.
  2. I know...which is why I wrote it here for you guys to pick apart and have even more questions for me to look into. So far I found them at the BBB and they have an A+ rating. One complaint that was solved although it was deemed acceptable by the BBB but not acceptable by the complainant. The company has been in business for at least 30 years. I am doing more searching but want to make sure I am not missing anything.
  3. I wanted to know if any of you have heard of this anywhere at all... We recently received a letter, appeared to be a mass mailing, that stated a local company (no bad reports on it as far as I can currently find, still searching) is offering a gas furnace and an ac unit, BRAND NEW, (not a new build, not last years model, not refurb) for around 950, saving almost $2200. This is an INSTALL price with all fittings etc. NO EXTRA CHARGE. They continue to state that you can call for a no obligation check. Your furnace must be over 8 years old, they have less than 100 furnaces and once gone they are gone and they only have certain models and again, once gone, they are gone. They listed no brand names but did state that they would come with all warranties. I called and ensured there was no obligation and we have an appt soon to see if one of the few will heat and cool our house. Considering our furnace is almost 20 years old our ac is probably close, this is a heck of a deal. Can anyone point out problems that I should check on? I will check warranty, manufacturer etc...but any other thoughts? Thanks!
  4. As far as bulk Hershey bars, depending on the amount, you could contact Hershey directly as they do sell things at their website or you could contact your local grocery store and ask them if you bought x cases, how much could they sell them to you for. Probably best to try both a chain store and a non chain store. Sometimes chain stores do not work their own deals and they will not budge on the price whereas a locally owned place could get them cheaper, maybe.
  5. I know you said blank mint tins, but in the dollar stores and dollar section of Target, they have some tiny boxes, containers that you could use. They are plain and then you could put your own label on them. I do know that years ago, you might have good luck if you contacted a company directly and asked them for empty containers. (At one time, I contacted P&G about Pringles cans.) But now with the economy, you may have no luck at all that way.
  6. Salvage is when they mark the item back up to regular price and then, typically, donate the items to Goodwill. They do this often and it is why you need to keep a keen eye out. I recently bought a home item I wanted for 50% off because I wanted it enough. Every Target is completely different so no matter that it is posted here, you may not find the exact product or the price at any time.
  7. I am pretty sure Lands End still carries long torso 1 piece suits. I had to get them also because my dd has such a long torso. For swimming in school, they cannot wear 2 pieces and so I had to look for long torso one pieces. http://www.landsend.com/ix/womens-clothing/Women/Swimsuits/Size+Range=Tall/index.html?seq=1~2~3~4&catNumbers=83~134&visible=1~2~1~1&store=le&sort=Recommended&pageSize=12&tab=2&cm_mmc=17190722 I googled long torso swimsuits and found quite a few possibilities. Even speedo carries some but with a nice pricetag too I am sure. Unfortunately I know I did end up paying more for my dd because she had to have one that fit, not one that dug in all the wrong places.
  8. Very little of my bulk stuff went 50% off. Most went back in the regular aisle. That is normal at some stores. They allow it to go 15% and maybe even 30% off to get stock down at a manageable level but then they put it back with the regular stock at regular price.
  9. Sometimes the store will have a scanner with a key pad and you can punch in the number to check the price. The forum lists all clearance by dpci at the beginning of the thread in an easy to read daily format so you can scan that instead of all the posts. There is also an on/off website that some have used to see if any of a product is at a local store. I believe the website currently doesnt' work again...it is really quite hit and miss.
  10. http://www.browngroup.com/busterbrown/busbrwn_history.asp Looks like they sell them at Famous Footwear which is a lower end store. Not that the quality wouldn't be fine but they are sold at a grab and go sort of place.
  11. I completely agree...it depends on the store. Mine have been sticking pretty close to the schedule. However, I did note yesterday that they are doing some major resetting, you know, when they put up those signs in empty aisles that say that new things are coming...anyway, they did that in an aisle yesterday that they usually don't mark down until Thursday. BUT they didn't mark down stuff either. They just removed the clearance stuff from the aisle, reset it with the new stuff and put the clearanced on an end cap all consolidated.
  12. Towels should be marked down on Tuesdays so no sense in checking everyday. Instead, check next Wednesday. Good luck! I usually buy towels this time of the year to hang on to for when I need them again.
  13. Sorry I was no help, of course it is on the one on line that is sold out so no price is listed...I would assume around 200 at 1/2 off. That seems to be the prices. I remember when Global Bazaar was better prices. Now I feel like the 1/2 off prices should be the regular price and I care little for it until it hits 75%. I am just thankful that I care for none of it this year. Easier on my pocketbook.
  14. Are you talking about the sectional pieces listed here? http://www.target.com/b/ref=in_se_pagelist/185-3892580-2665012?ie=UTF8&node=1254794011&pricerange=&index=target&field-browse=1254794011&rank=pmrank&viewID=leaf&field-pricebin=&store=&rh=&page=2&fromBrowse=1 If these are similar, it should be 50% off from the original prices in stores.
  15. Honestly, I always order from zappos. Free returns and quick delivery make it the easiest way to shoe shop. I have ordered shoes to see how they fit and then just packed them up and returned when they haven't.
  16. There have been comments about all. In fact, that is what the original post states..."please keep it to a minimum." If you want to get in depth, then I asked that it could be done in a separate post.
  17. Quoted from the original first post: As many of you know, Target B&M stores are known for their terrific clearance deals. This thread is for GottaDeal.com forum members to share their latest clearance finds. Also, please keep non-clearance discussion to a minimum - there are other threads for discussing weekly sale ads and store policy.
  18. Such a discussion should be done in another thread. This one is only to post Target Clearance finds.
  19. Go to a bike shop. They are unbelievably helpful in finding one that she can grow into but fits on too. It has been a few years since we bought my dd a new bike but they explained how the frame vary and which fit who best. Most have some wonderful deals on them too. We have always had wonderful luck with the bike shops taking money off the price or throwing in something.
  20. Most clearance is seasonal. Styles change in clothes, shoes, dishes, pots etc and are clearanced as new ones are released and purchased. Toy clearance after Christmas and then after Summer to make way for Christmas. They are clearing out clothes to bring in spring/summer wear, same with shoes. They vary throughout the year tho there are some dry times where you find few if anything. As always, it is best to figure out the schedule your own Target is on. They vary by region and by store so by visiting your own Target at least weekly, you will be able to observe how your own Target works and judge your visit accordingly. And it doesn't matter if one store marks something down, another may not. I own some dishes that were clearanced at one store but are still full price at another 4 mos later.
  21. Shoes are a seasonal item like clothes. They will be getting in spring shoes so they need to clearance out winter.
  22. So are you saying you hid one and when you went back, they weren't marked down? Yes, if they do not have one on the shelf to mark down, it has been mentioned previously in posts that they will not be marked down. This is a downside to hiding merchandise. Some stores will finish markdowns by going down the list they are given so hidden things are marked down...if yours wasn't, then obviously your store doesn't and now you've hidden something that won't get marked down.
  23. You can make this pic large but not here. You would have to resize it with software and repost it. This is a small pic and that is why it is small.
  24. They are usually in the area where the seasonal items are located. They are basically, aisle fillers between things. They show up between school and Christmas and between Christmas and Valentine..etc As far as a markdown schedule...I am not sure if there is one for the larger packages. A lot of times they move the packages back in the regular aisles. It is only bonus packages that are marked down and because they are bonus, they usually move fast. Things included in bulk, detergent, softener (sheets, liquid), dishwashing liquids, dishwasher detergents, multi packs of facial and bath tissue, paper towels, diapers, wipes, counter top wipes, clorox and a small variety of foods like Chex mix and granola bars.
  25. No matter what is reported here, it is best to watch your Target and what they do in terms of markdowns. I know that I rarely, if ever, have found the bulk items any lower than 15% because some of it gets put back with the regular stuff. In my stores, I also rarely find Health or Beauty items, like Burt's Bees and the like for anything lower than 30% as people in my area will purchase them and they never go lower. Target clearance is always YMMV.
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