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Everything posted by queenofshopping

  1. i got a special deal a few years ago where i get it for a locked-in rate of like $17/mo instead of whatever it's up to now, & im still on dial-up but i dont really see any ads, in fact the pop-up blocker is awesome
  2. oo sounds pretty
  3. sorry i just have to say i love aol...ive had it for 6 years & i could never imagine not having it...that said i know a lot of people dont like it, & it has its share of issues
  4. i have the regular (full-size) one, & it's a bit of a clunker...also has gotten many scratches & has dulled significantly in just a year...just be wary with ipods in general, & be sure to explore alternatives first
  5. I've started to put up indoor decorations (everything but the tree) in our living room & dining room (which are connected), but you can barely tell there's anything there. We have basically no decorating budget, & no floor space (but lots of wall space & nice door frame mouldings i've put stuff on), so I'm desperate for ideas on how I can make the most impact with the least amt of money. My theme this year is blue & silver, & so far i have up some thin wire garland & silver snowflakes across the tops of the doors, & i also have traditional fluffy garland but no idea where to put it.
  6. i was just thinking that that's why bb & cc may have suffered - $#&!@ laptops (or lack thereof)
  7. the website says saturday & sunday only
  8. ah, just as i suspected: a different story for walmart: (from cnn.com) The holiday season's first major shopping day got off to a relatively flat start compared to a strong 2004, despite special promotions, discounts and expanded hours, according to figures released Saturday. But Wal-Mart Stores, the nation's largest retailer, said that its sales were strong the day after Thanksgiving, coming in above its own forecasts. & farther into the same story: For its part, Wal-Mart estimated that November sales rose 4.3 percent at its U.S. stores open at least a year, a key retail measure known as same-store sales. The figure was toward the high end of its forecast for 3 percent to 5 percent growth. read the whole thing here
  9. my neighbor said that when she was waiting outside target (toward the front of the line) she saw employees buying stuff at the registers 15 or 20 mins before opening...i know walmart doesn't allow employees to buy or put anything aside the hot deals while they're working (as per another gd'er), but do they get around this by not being on the clock when they buy? the whole thing seems outrageous to me...employees should have a fair chance to buy things, but shouldnt get first crack at things with limited availability that they know everyone outside is waiting for
  10. kmart is going to have a 6 ft pre-lit on sale for $40 saturday only..of course walmart always has good prices so try there too
  11. has anyone actually heard about any deals yet, or will everything pop up tomorrow?
  12. yeah walmart or target are always good bets...this week target has 300ct icicle lights, clear or colored, on sale for $5...also store brand is pretty much always cheaper than name brands like ge but usually last just as long
  13. look at it this way: as one news report countered to the people who say we should end the commercialization of xmas & get back to what really counts, the holiday season is worth more than $400 billion to our economy...if we didnt do what we do, the economy would collapse, so i like to think i'm helping the country by shopping till i drop
  14. i wonder if that report includes walmart...they do tend to do their own thing...seems like if anyone saw an increase it would have to be walmart, given the drastic improvement over bf 2004 which was a dud for them
  15. oo nice thick one from kmart! anyone else loving these one-day sales from kmart? (ex one thing on sale sunday, one monday, etc) all of this week's are either 1/2 price or b1g1
  16. my thoughts exactly! i even told my neighbor, who has a 2 yo, when i was reading off from gottadeal, that she was lucky as most of the toys on sale were things she might want, but i didnt see any good deals on things like power rangers or transformers that i needed to get
  17. anyone know if these sites are on the up-&-up? like, do they sell info, how long does it take for the first issues to come, etc? thanks
  18. queenofshopping

    Talking In Line

    i was at wm by myself, as were the 2 ladies behind me, so we talked, shared circulars, held each others place in line, & ultimately i saw one of them in the store & we helped each other out :)
  19. oo something to look forward to!
  20. i agree, im all about the shipping charges...anything w/o free shipping feels like such a waste to me
  21. thats exactly what i tell people when they say im crazy for doing BF
  22. people on here are so helpful! :)
  23. that's wrong, not so much raising the price bc i understand people wanting to make money, but that these people selling that stuff go & buy up huge quantities & people who have been waiting out in the cold for hours dont get what they needed
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