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Everything posted by fairydustcrissy

  1. Use the fwd button on the top left :)
  2. Awesome! Im using it now...love it!
  3. Two hours on hold with Sony...to hear them blame FedEx while Fedex blames Sony Either way, no PS3. Although the remote that was sent 5 days later made it on time....UGH. What good is a guarantee if there is nothing to back it up? All i got was sorry...you & lots of other people!
  4. Did anyone else order this? I ordered when they guaranteed delivery by the 24th. Up until this morning, that was my delivery date. Now it says the 29th, but my remote is being overnighted to be here on time. Been on hold with Sony for over an hour I called FedEx first, who said it was scheduled for pick up on the 18th, but Sony didnt actually send it out until the 21, and thats why its late.
  5. I was just in Target yesterday, and they had the Rockband Special Ed. for $97.98. I didnt buy, so I dont have the DCPI, just wanted to let you know!
  6. Same for us. I'm leaving on teh 27th to drive my kids to my dad's for a week. Hopefully these are better than the Emerson ones we got a couple of years ago. They worked for about 4 months
  7. Grrrrr...according to thier website, I met the cutoff for Christmas delivery. But I just rec'd an email that says my item won't be delivered until teh 29th It was part of a gift too **Edit** Ok, not so worried now. I just noticed it is shipping from memphis, which is like 6 hrs away. And it was sent 3-day select. So it *should* arrive in time.
  8. Thanks! I LOVE the ravioli for making toasted ravioli
  9. Do you have to hae Angels card? I don't have one. What is the exp?
  10. Been wondering the same. I keep hearing commercials on the radio, but the ad isnt up yet. Theres one last thing I need from TRU, but I keep holding off hoping it will be on sale.
  11. I have a $10 Best Buy GC if you are interested.
  12. IK know...and now they are $83 next week.
  13. Wait...the dual screen dvd player is cheaper than on BF??? I'm sooo getting a price adjutment for that.
  14. Nice timing :) I have made 3 batches of peppermint bark so far today, have 2 batches cooked & 2 more batches ready to go of gingerbread cookies, and will also be making some hard candy today!
  15. Red Octane is who actually makes Guitar Hero. Lots of us here have ordered directcly from them, myself included. Fast shipping, was pleased all around.
  16. A friend told me yesterday she picked up the XBL headset & 3 mo card for $24 at Walmart.
  17. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=3946735 Mine is very similar to this. Hubby got oit for me last Christmas, and I love it. Mine is black and came with a food processor attachment. It crushes ice no problem. Mine gets lots of use (mostly pina coladas, lol) and holds up great!
  18. Yeah, stay away from Aliernware. Waaaay overpriced. Hubby built his at Ibuypower, but looking back, they were pretty overpriced as well. I will be keeping an eye on this thread.
  19. No, but I'd love to know. I got a $15 Sephora GC email, so I was thinking of using that on a starter kit. $45 shipped is about the best I have seen, unless anyone knows anything about these codes :)
  20. The difference is the 2-disc set is sold by Amazon, but the regular version is not. So it has a higher price:D As for the 2nd disc, it is maps & such that were downloadable shortly afte the game came out. So, you can get them no matter which version you buy...they are just already on a disc so you dont have to wait for them to download :) Def go with teh 2-disc set.
  21. They do look like real instruments, but are about 1/4 the size. My DS4 got his 1st guitar at 2. He loved it, and after 2 years of abuse by a toddler, we got him a new one. My DD7 also has a bongo, and several other percussion instruments. And my DD 9 has the 3/4 scale acoustic guitar. They really offer a wide variety for different ages. Here is a link to thier baby items. I didnt even know they had these! Here is a link to the type my kids have, and my son uses.
  22. Where are you looking? Maybe a link would be helpful
  23. We own probably close to all of the First Act stuff. They have been great! Very durable, my kids love them. Don't know of any deals on any, but just wanted to let you know I highly reccomend the First Act musical instruments!
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