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Everything posted by JazzMama

  1. Thank you!! Some of these also apply to online purchases (must have promotion code) and alot of the toys currently have free shipping.
  2. White on inside tree, Fuchsia on daughter's tree, and red/white alternating on outside of home
  3. My favorites are the classics: Carol of the Bells, Do You Hear What I Hear, and White Christmas
  4. I'm curious as well ... I do know that at Sam's Club right now they have a Leapster (NOT L-Max) bundled with 2 games plus the 1 game that's already on the Leapster for around this price. **LOL - SimonAlex ... great minds think alike**
  5. :groovin: :clapping: :lolrun: Thank you!!! There are quite a few things on that list, so I think I'll go on my first Thanksgiving day sale ever!
  6. We went to watch it @ the movies last year. My husband loved it and I thought it was pretty funny. As far as being for kids, I don't think there was anything too terrible (maybe some language).
  7. If you didn't get in on the sale last week at Target, Walgreens has them this week for $9.99. They didn't list Doodle Monsters, so it may just be the bears. **Deal ends 12/3/05**
  8. I'm sooooo jealous! However, that said - congrats on the time-off!! We get Friday as a standard day off, so luckily I don't have to use up a vacation/personal day.
  9. Thanks for the heads up - congrats on being able to get them now!!
  10. I probably would not. I know that it goes for a good cause, but we always send out a family photo Christmas card.
  11. JazzMama

    Christmas Candy

    This is my must-buy too! I also get the soft peppermint sticks. My husband has to have the peanut rolls and chocolate-covered cherries.
  12. My 4-yr old DD wants anything that's shown on commercials! However, after I explained that Santa likes to see her list, she has had me write down: Twinkle Lights Cinderella Cinderella Carriage Dress-up stuff "No-hair" Cabbage patch baby or a "no-hair" baby that can cry Fluffy white cat (not happening) Barbie Magic of Pegasus dolls Barbie Magic of Pegasus movie Any movies with horses or pretty things Leapster LMax with lots of cool games Baby brother (definitely not happening)
  13. My Papa George is the hardest to shop for because they don't really need anything and I always have to put my creative head on to figure out a present. My daughter, Cailyn, is the easiest. She's so thrilled at everything.
  14. JazzMama

    Christmas plays

    We do - Cailyn's preschool has theirs scheduled for December 6th. Each class has their own skit/songs that they do. Her pre-K class will be the last ones to go on and I haven't heard yet what they intend on doing...last year, that class did the Nativity with full-out costumes/props/memorized lines.
  15. Thank you!
  16. I do like the thrill ... I mean, come on, there's nothing like the feeling of satisfaction when you get the very, very last item that's available, right??!! However, that said, everything else is exciting too - I run into so many people and meet alot of really nice people. So, all in all, the whole experience is a plus.
  17. Same here - if Cailyn wakes up, it takes those precious moments away just trying to get her back into bed.
  18. Out main tree is in the living room and the 3' is in Cailyn's bedroom
  19. I don't usually start until Black Friday. Otherwise, my bows and everything get scrunched up in the closet.
  20. That's such a good idea!! I really needed something to spruce up the porch beside the door, and that would be really inexpensive. Thanks alot!
  21. We have our shrubs alternating red/clear lights (think candy cane). The columns are wrapped in clear lights. We have clear icicles at the peak of the roof. Along the roofline are alternating red/clear lights. There is a lighted "joy" sign in the window (the word is in red with green holly sprig). I would like to get an inflatable, but haven't yet.
  22. Non-flashing b/c the fiber optics fade in and out
  23. Thanks - said to expect it the first week of November.
  24. JazzMama


    It just isn't Christmas without ... Rum cake
  25. I've only had one white Christmas ... and it was last year!! I loved it, but highly doubt that we'll have another for a long time.
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