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Everything posted by abentley

  1. Absolutely complain!! I cannot believe that there isn't yet a logical solution to a lot of these problems. I wandered for quite a while today. I know that for some items people grab as many as they get their hands on, and change their mind later. Not the super deals like the computer, but a lot of the electronics always end up being set aside, or returned to their area before long. I was able to get the dvd/vcr today by waiting a little while.
  2. The Target closest to me waited until Jan 8th to go to 75%!!! Frustrating!!!
  3. Well after seeing the ads, making some purchases because i saw the ads, I haven't really decided!! I can't imagine NOT going, I have no shame. I will be shopping online early that a.m., seeing what I can get, but there isn't anything I need off the ads, and I only have Walmart!!! I guess I will wait and watch the weather to decide!!
  4. Mine was when I was 12 and I got a horse and a trampoline!!
  5. Obviously we all love great deals. Do you actually stop buying when everyone on your list is checked off? I know I personally love the great deals ALL through the next month. There for, I keep buying. Not out of control, or more money than I actually have. I just seem to appreciate the sales. Another question..Do you think the best deals are BF or possibly the week before Christmas?
  6. I got a curtain rod "wrapped" in a garbage bag once!!! From, you guessed it, my MIL!!
  7. Try a local craft store. Ours has been selling them for about 6 years now.
  8. I have always wondered the answer to the question "if I was the only one"!! Guess not!! I may of had some misses in the gift department, but honestly some people just don't care about what they give. Then it becames obligitory, and doesn't that kinda defeat the whole spirit of giving gifts? We happen to have a really "branchy" family tree, and some not so blended branches. It is upsetting to me every year the disreguard for people, especially little kids feelings when they are the ones recieving the "gift". The worst was having a nephew ask if they could open their gifts from my DH Dad and stepmom while we were there. She had to say "no, because we don't give the same gifts to all the grandkids", right in front of my children!! My kids took the clue and we excused ourselves so the other kids could unwrap their gifts. betcha can't guess that they were HER grandkids!!!!
  9. The only code I have is one for "$20 off $150 purchase" Here it is: Cabela's Bucks rebate # 037546798 Cable'a bucks code RRPZKT Hope it helps!!!!
  11. When I started shopping on Bf, I justified it by using all my change that I had saved on top of my dryer. I still actually use my change from the entire year, but add a lot more $$$!!!
  12. I have 4 kids. A 17 dd,15ds,8ds,7ds. We have always said they could ask for 3 things. Santa might bring 1,2, or maybe 3. Depending on what they ask for, what we can acutually find. My Dh and I have always enjoed getting them suprises they never even would of asked for too. But at least the 3 things gives us a direction to start with. While I try to get ideas now, it has been a challenge to wait until Thanksgiving to actually write letters. Even more panic stricken when they sit on Santas lap on christmas eve, and ask for something you have never even heard of before!!!
  13. Oh Goody, I was just online looking for recipes for a "I'll be home for Christmas" cooking conest!! More favorite recipes please!!!! Any kids ones would be great too!!
  14. I love wrapping paper!! My favorite is red foil with gold bows for our normal tree. Gingerbread theme this year (lakeside collection) for the family room. special paper for that Jolly ol' elf, and gift bags for every present that needs to leave the house. If I use gift bags for my kids, there would never be a secret!!!! I LOVE wrapping paper!!
  15. I have visa!! do you recommend any of the other add ons? would you do the wireless card, extra battery, or printer?
  16. hello, i was hoping to get an hp notebook on Bf, but am thinking that might be next to impossible. I am looking for suggestions on this new "deal" form Dell for my 17 DD. she is not a gamer, and it would be primarily for homework, surfing, and such. Can you help? Is it a good deal for her? thanks so much, as I seem to not even be able to compare all on my own!!!
  17. After killing a vaccuum a year, for 5 in a row, we talked to a repairman. He suggested a kenmore progressive. I never considered one before, but 5 years later, and 4 kids, I love it. In good housekeeping last month, they were rating a "best overall value" . hope it helps!!!
  18. We have several inflatables, including the snowglobe. I actually set in up in my front room in august when it got here just to inspect it. We have had our halloween ones for about 5 years, and no problems, even with a lot of snow, ice and wind. My moms got stolen in Kansas, but we have had no problems. Tent stakes and dog chain stakes are great to "extra" secure them. My husband wants the animated Santa raising from the chimney for our roof this year!! I am waiting to decide!!
  19. I was just discussing this with my DH last night. We have 4 kids. A 17 DD,15DS, 8DS, and 7DS. I was finishing my lists last night and the total for each one came to around $600. Both of our family trees are really branchy. we buy for a lot of people, so this place has saved my bank account. I am able to see if I should wait for some gifts or buy now!!!!
  20. abentley

    Christmas Trees

    We have a 12', 7.5' & 3' . I hope to add a 7' slim one for the dining room this year!!
  21. Lucky me, all I have near by is Walmart!! Last year was very dissapointing shopping there. I read the post after the fact, about having them price match Targets ads. Does anyone know exactly how that works?
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