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Everything posted by Tara3117

  1. That would be something I would be interested in!
  2. I'm interested to see how this will work. I'm not in the pilot market, so I guess you guys will have to fill me in in 2019!
  3. Looking at our finances this year, we're going to have to shrink the 2018 Christmas budget. I'm sad because Christmas presents ARE. MY. THING. I don't know if that means more BF shopping or less. We shop for a lot of kids (20ish counting our own) so I'm going to try to hit up some big toy sales prior to the holidays. The older girls are getting more into clothes than toys, so maybe some of those sales too.
  4. I honestly don't know if it's worth it. Maybe for the Prime Videos, but not for the shipping. Amazon is my last resort for shopping.
  5. Yes. I hope he does pull off a buyout. If he doesn't, I hope he starts a new toy company and buys up all of TRUs real estate super cheap. I can hardly bare the thought of the world without a dedicated toy store!
  6. We went Sunday to spend the last of our TRU gift cards. I'm so sad about this. I hope they can still turn it around.
  7. This is a bummer! The Nashua, NH location is in a great spot, right next to a really busy mall. Hard to imagine that it's under-performing.
  8. The Sam's Club closest to me in Seabrook, NH is closing too. Seems weird because it's in kind of an up and coming retail area, but I'm sure they know more about their sales than I do. ;-)
  9. You might be able to find discounted Microsoft cards to help you get your out of pocket cost down a little bit.
  10. Panera has one https://www.panerabread.com/en-us/gift-cards/gift-cards.html $10 bonus for every $50 spent in store only.
  11. I saw 2 yesterday at my local Babies R Us.
  12. Be careful. This thread (and linked press release) are not from this year. No discounted gift cards have been announced yet this year.
  13. My city has a decent Santa parade the Sunday before Thanksgiving. There's usually several local marching bands and some floats from local businesses and churches. My kids love it. I want to go to NYC for the Macy's parade too. One of my coworkers has been a few times because his aunt lives in Brooklyn. I think the only way to do it is to watch it close to the start. You couldn't pay me enough to watch it on 5th Avenue. Nope.
  14. They have Fingerlings? Sounds too good to be true.
  15. Thank you so much for opening this subforum for us! I'm excited about getting to support each other's businesses! I posted my Direct Sales business and I hope others do the same!
  16. I am a designer with KEEP Collective! If you haven't seen our jewelry yet, you're missing out! Everything is completely customizable so that you can create a piece perfect for you. We share a deep belief that living a happy life comes from always keeping in mind what truly matters: Love, Faith, Family, Friendships and Adventure. To capture our belief, we married our love of life with our love of jewelry. Each one is a wearable touchstone, an instant reminder of the big things, the small things, and all things that matter. Our Black Friday sale started today! Some of my favorite charms, bracelets and necklaces are 50% off! We are also giving away KEEP Cash where you earn $25 for every $50 you spend, to be used 12/27-1/5. Get a gift for someone on your list and then one for yourself! Check out my website here: https://www.keepcollective.com/soc/m992s Feel free to PM me here if you have any questions or need help designing!
  17. Cracks me up that they have a brand called The Boston Store that isn't anywhere near Boston!
  18. Babies R Us only has their store brand on sale.
  19. I was going to say that it feels small, but it's exactly the same number of pages as the last 5 years.
  20. Are these in-store deals or online too?
  21. Just saw in Target's ad that the MA and RI stores will open at 6am on Friday morning! (Yay Blue Laws!)
  22. Last year, my husband and his siblings decided not to exchange presents. Now that we all have kids, it just got to be too much work. We opted to do an "experience" instead and it worked out pretty well. We did an escape room and a really nice dinner. We'll probably do something similar this year. It's just so nice to get together and talk without worrying about the kids.
  23. I bet if Brad lined up this ad next to every BBBY ad from the last 10 years, you'll find that the only difference is the dates. Which is fine, you know what to expect. That said, Imma get me some towels!
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