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Everything posted by Tara3117

  1. Has anyone seen the popup checkouts yet? I don't think my Target has them. I didn't see them on Black Friday or when I was there this past weekend. My Target was a complete disaster on Sunday - palettes of stock cluttering up the aisles, bare shelves, super slow computers... I think I'm done stepping into Target until after February.
  2. I was disappointed this year (and I know this sounds stupid). The only place we ran into a line was Kohl's. We were in the line for about an hour and a half. We probably got there around 10pm and were done around 1230am. We made the choice to save Target for Friday when we could get the 20% off coupon. After Kohl's and 1am breakfast at McDonald's, we went to the mall, which was absolutely dead. None of the coffee places were open, so once we finished at the few stores that were open, we basically sat there freezing until things started to open between 6-7am. It was such a waste of time. In hindsight, we would have been better off skipping the 20% coupon at Target and doing that Thursday night, then Kohl's after that, then the mall. Or maybe we should have gotten started around midnight instead of 9pm. All in all, we were out for about 14 hours, but there was so much lag time in the middle. It was still really fun to be with my friends and I'm sure we got great deals, but I would have preferred a little more hustle and bustle, like the old days!
  3. YES! Finally!
  4. Did you check the product charts? There is a video game drop down.
  5. Tara3117


    I was a little disappointed because they don't discount all the Redkin products at the same time. I use two different ones and they are never on sale together. But, I do like one of the hand creams that's on sale, so I'll probably still place an order. (The only Ulta near me is out of my way on Black Friday, so that's one I have to place an order for.)
  6. What did you decide? I had the 40% off too. I got another piece for our Christmas village that worked out to be cheaper with the $10 off $50 home items and a few other things to get up to $50 for Kohl's Cash.
  7. Looking forward to seeing what signed titles they have this year!
  8. Guys, I hit the jackpot on socks! I ordered Marvel and Woodland Creatures for me and my sister-in-law, just in case. Then I went to Target and got Harry Potter for her, Justice League and Avengers for my sons and Star Wars for my husband.
  9. The Harry Potter ones were in stock today for a hot minute but sold out as I was checking out. They probably won't still be there by lunch time when I can make it out to Target, but fingers crossed!
  10. Love these charts! Can we pin them to the top of the forums? Also, will a chart be added for Smartphones?
  11. My work always does a huge yankee swap (or white elephant exchange or dirty Santa, depending on where you're from). This year, it was decided no booze and no gift cards. The limit is $20. What do you think would be good gifts?
  12. So everything was 50% off last weekend for card holders. And again in 2 weeks. And again the 21st - 23rd? Why bother?
  13. Thanks! I love the forums because you all find the treasures I missed!
  14. I didn't even see that weighted blanket. I can't find it on their website either. But that will make a great gift!
  15. Kinda pumped about the ability to check out throughout the store. That will make things easier.
  16. Am I the only one who thinks that a BF store opening is a recipe for disaster? There's no way to work the kinks out. Imagine a football team opening their season with the Super Bowl...
  17. I have a Roomba. IDK which kind. My thing is that we never have the floor clean enough to run her. Like, there's always shoelaces to eat, etc that would stop it up. Plus, we got a new rug and it's too high for the Roomba and she gets stuck under the couch. EVERY. TIME. We just don't use her as much as we hoped we would.
  18. Answer: "Pretty Paper" "Out of the window I'm peeping, Hoping to see him in sleigh."
  19. Looks like a trip to Kohl's is in my future. It doesn't appear that their website has very much on it. JCP as well. But thanks for the tip!
  20. It was like an advent calendar but only 12 days and there were socks in the boxes. They had Harry Potter, Star Wars, DC Super Heroes and probably others last year. They were really popular and sold out really fast. Here's an article about them last year so you can see them. https://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/12-Days-Harry-Potter-Socks-Advent-Calendar-44229146
  21. Tara3117

    12 Days of Socks

    Has anyone heard if Target is going to do their 12 Days of Socks again this year? I really want to get some for my SIL, who has a December birthday.
  22. I can't figure out how to add a picture, but here... For your favorite blue stater. https://www.amazon.com/Novelty-Democrats-Republicans-Hilarious-Political/dp/B01N1ZHCEB/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1540298700&sr=8-4&keywords=unique+gifts+for+women
  23. My sons are 5 and 3, so a completely different world from the older kids. But it's super easy for gift giving to get out of hand and we have a very generous family so there's no need to drown my kids in toys. Both Santa and Mom and Dad follow the whole "Something you want, something you need, something to wear and something to read" thing, with some modifications. My kids are too young to need anything, so they basically get whatever they ask Santa for and 3 other toys, clothes (last year Patriots jerseys and pajamas) and two new books. Last year I wrapped up new mittens that they were going to get anyway, but it made one more thing to open. I tend to go overboard on stockings, but whatever doesn't fit becomes Easter basket filler. I don't try to make the dollar value match at this stage, but last year I just happened to hit it within $10 of each other.
  24. Kohl's Cash also ends on Sunday. Of course! :-)
  25. If you know anyone who sews, weighted blankets are fairly inexpensive to make. You just need to buy fleece (on sale of course), weighted poly-fil and regular poly-fil if you want to make it poofy. My mom made one for my son. She just triple-stitched the rows and columns and then we used a food scale to weigh out the amount of poly-fil and put in a handful of fluff and stitch it up again. It's time consuming, but not super expensive. Her regular sewing machine was able to handle it all - we didn't need special equipment. It really helped my older son settle at night. My younger son hates blankets, so it's not working for him as well. :-)
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