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Everything posted by theboyzmom

  1. Harbor Freight October 25
  2. That's my problem too, nobody I buy for plays with toys anymore...shopping isn't as much fun and no need to buy too early now I have started buying a few things, but with cutting the list down so much, I don't want to do too much now and end up with NOTHING to buy when we get closer
  3. Do a Christmas scavenger hunt: make a list of things to see and take your camera to the mall or drive around town and look for crazy decorations, etc adopt a needy family and go shopping and wrapping together for them make cookies and take them to fire departments or nurses stations on Christmas eve and/or Christmas day take supplies to an animal shelter serve at a homeless shelter any cities near you that have a performance of The Nutcracker, Yes Virginia, or A Christmas Carol? you could get all dressed up in fancy Christmas dresses and go make an advent calendar, you can always buy one that is done (you open a window each day leading up to Christmas and usually there is a small piece of chocolate hidden inside), but if you make one (Hobby Lobby and other craft stores have them, and if you're scrappers you've got paper, etc already) you can fill it with treats and small toys, personalize it
  4. I went to TRU last year...what a nightmare!!!! Never again
  5. When my husband lost his job a few years ago, we cut down significantly. I used to buy my kids whatever they asked for and then some! Good thing my kids never asked for crazy expensive items! I have a 16 year old and two 13 year olds, this year we will probably buy a tv for the game room (currently they are playing video games on a 22" old tv), but even that won't be anything huge. Pjs on Christmas eve, a couple of books, and a few smaller items to open up. I'll probably get them each either one video game or a gift card to get a game. I did splurge and buy tickets to a Red Wings hockey game for Dec 27 (this will be the kids first game). But that is probably it. I used to spend $200+ on each kid, but I don't see the sense in it any more. We have worked very hard on paying off debts (Dave Ramsey is the way to go!!!), and we are getting close to that goal! We are working on having a savings built up and the house being our only debt. Once all the credit cards are paid off, we will plan a nice family vacation to celebrate. Lately I have been focusing more on spending quality time together doing something, than buying things that will be broken or collecting dust in a month. (not intended as an offense to anyone with little ones, you NEED to buy toys, etc with little ones)
  6. I am so glad you wrote that! I went with my sister-in-law last year and she brought her kids. The kids were well behaved, but I was nervous in the large crowds. We tried to have the kids push one cart and we wove in and out to get the deals, but with Walmart's ropes up, it was impossible. I have never seen anyone try to push a stroller or wagon in those crowds...I think it would be a dangerous experiment that would most likely end up in a disaster. I skipped several BFs when my kids were small, and we didn't have internet either, so I understand the angst about going, but your children are your most precious commodities and it's best to keep them safe (I know this isn't the most popular idea, but I know I'm not alone).
  7. PJ's on Christmas Eve something they want something they need something to wear something to read (sometimes I fudge this one and do a puzzle or a board game instead) 1 gift from Santa, and Santa fills their stockings I really like the rhyme! what a great idea!
  8. bummer! that's the TRUE start to BF season!!!! Hey! maybe we need shirts (HOODIES!!!) with the Wally World letter reprinted on them! lolololololololol
  9. not sure if it's worth the money or not, but my ds really wants that Fusghi (?) Ball....may have to check out the BOGO sale mentioned above
  10. yup, the map didn't match our store either
  11. I am usually done shopping and almost done wrapping at this point. I only have a couple of small things for each of my sons. We have told them over and over that this year will be SMALL. I have one big item that I bought at the end of last year (a projection machine to hook movies and video games to), and a couple of books. They are making lists...I hadn't thought of telling them the dollar amount for the limit (ours is also $100 each), might have to do that. At one point I considered giving them the few small items I have for them and just giving them the cash to shop after Christmas...still unsure... dh had an interview on Tuesday...he's been unemployed for 18 months....unemployment runs out 4 days before Christmas...praying he gets the job....
  12. theboyzmom

    front page

    Oh how I have missed this site!! I had to stop coming here to read all the great deals with dh being unemployed...he's still not working, but I'm gearing up to SHOP on BF!!! This thread made me laugh out loud!!!!!! thanks guys...missed ya
  13. signs on my 24 hour WM say available 7am on the 21st
  14. theboyzmom

    Gift Boxes

    you need to look/ask for robe or coat boxes...you can find them :)
  15. awesome! I needed sweaters for work and THIS I can afford! I'm chesty too, plan on wearing a cami under the v-necks
  16. I don't think I've ever seen the book by itself...only in a set...
  17. we got one from Big Lots a few years ago...still looks great!
  18. while working at Kohls this morning, I witnessed a parent SCREAM at her child for falling down and and not keeping up...he was obviously tired and over stimulated and started to cry and she yelled at him for that too....he was about 4 years old and it was 4:30 in the morning
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