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Everything posted by freesia39

  1. Now you're on the cool list.
  2. I really see the multi-week sales returning next year - it spreads out demand, and while it drives bargain hunters crazy as they are unsure if they are getting the best deal, it does keep the customer engaged.
  3. I wonder if this will become a thing now that some states have re-implemented capacity restrictions on stores as well.
  4. Sadly, Fry's may not be around for much longer. They closed a store here in the Bay Area, and most keep saying how the shelves are empty. On the other hand, great store for social distancing...
  5. I really wish people would explain why they are unwilling to do so - do they think someone is going to cut in front of them if they leave too much space? Explain your thought process when there is a pandemic going on - everyone is in the same line boat. I saw footage of people in line to get inside a store without a mask and definitely not six feet apart, and I was like really, the sale isn't that great...
  6. I'm hoping they're doing it like Downtown Disney in Anaheim to get inside some stores - you're in essentially a "virtual" queue. You sign up via text for a spot. You get a text when you need to return to the store because it is now your "time" because enough people have left. You have 15 minutes from the time of the text to arrive and show the text at the door. The other way to do it is again, a virtual waiting list, which will show you approximately how many people are in front of you, and will text you a notice as it gets to within a certain number of people ahead of you, warning you to be near the store, and once you receive the "check in" text, you must check in within 15 or so minutes. There are several restaurants here that uses this method as well. They can also integrate this into their app as well.
  7. I'm kinda bummed, most likely will not be baking cookies this year since we still are not going into the office, and everyone is still hesitant about sharing food from non-close family members.
  8. I used Smitten Kitchen's, which is based on Joan Nathan's recipe (which is the one in the NY Times cooking section.) I did a four braid and of course, promptly messed it up, but took the photos from the angle where you can't see the strand that didn't get woven in very well. The only adjustment I made is I halved the recipe - one loaf is already huge, although I may have overproofed in the final rise. It comes out beautifully light, a little sweet, not overly eggy. I'm glad the crumb was light, as I kneaded by hand, and I'm still not great at determining if I kneaded the dough enough.
  9. I have never made a more attractive loaf of bread in my life. And I don't know why the picture comes out upside down, considering it was taken in the correct orientation. Sigh. Oh well.
  10. October is September again. It's going to be hot and parts of the state are on fire. Air quality is already terrible this AM.
  11. Thanks! The recipes I've been looking at are slowly starting to look similar, and yours looks like a great base. I'll probably start with just a simple three braid, although braiding a round loaf doesn't look super difficult.
  12. That's what dense urban housing should look like - shopping and necessities on the bottom level, housing on top, near transit. But neighbors love fighting these proposals. Believe me. Happens here nonstop.
  13. It really was orange here yesterday, all day. It got darker as the day went on. https://twitter.com/espn/status/1303887933309693953 (the Giants played a night game that started at 6:45pm, but it was really dark all afternoon.) Air quality wasn't terrible - it didn't smell like smoke. It's just trapped in the upper atmosphere (something something science) and it prevented the sun from shining through. Now, that was nice - it was only 65 here yesterday because there was no sunlight. It was in the 90s the day before. 12:21pm: https://twitter.com/jachristian/status/1303775642303913984 Noon at the beach in SF: https://twitter.com/bethlaberge/status/1303792109829279745
  14. I'm so tired of heat.
  15. Initial benefits: Unlimited free delivery: In-store prices as fast as same-day on more than 160,000 items from tech and toys to household essentials and groceries. This service was previously known as Delivery Unlimited – a subscription service that allows customers to place an unlimited number of deliveries for a low, flat yearly or monthly fee. Current subscribers will automatically become Walmart+ members.Scan & Go: Unlock Scan & Go in the Walmart app — a fast way to shop in-store. Using the Walmart app, customers can scan their items as they shop and pay using Walmart Pay for a quick, easy, touch-free payment experience.Fuel discounts: Fill up and save up to 5 cents a gallon at nearly 2,000 Walmart, Murphy USA and Murphy Express fuel stations. Sam’s Club fuel stations will soon be added to this lineup.
  16. Exactly. Fulfillment centers do nothing but hopefully get some of your packages out to areas quicker.
  17. Hello Jim! I think this reason is one of the more likely ones, other than Wal-Mart trying to get some easy goodwill. Anything that attracts a crowd of people will be highly discouraged. BF crowds are uncontrollable on a regular BF - even if you put every measure in place possible to prevent rushing at the door, mad dashes around the store, etc, the problem is people will still be hanging out in groups outside the store, and that will not be allowed, even when you socially distance. Stores would have to set limits on camps, there would need to be extra security, and you do NOT want to be the store on the news that is the cause of a mini-outbreak in an area when contact tracing is finished. There are limits on how many people can be in a store at one time - imagine the poor employee trying to manage those lines outside as they enforce capacity limits. Nightmares.
  18. Farewell June. July, don't suck.
  19. I looked a little closer, the number for the meeting was from probably two months ago, so they're obviously just typing in numbers and hoping they hit on an actual meeting. I wound up updating my meeting to have a password (it's a standing team meeting, so I had been using the same zoom meeting number and just extending the recurrence of the meeting.)
  20. I really don't understand what is the point of zoombombing. I got three emails this morning of people attempting to join my meetings that had not started (of course not! it was 5am!) with names that are obviously fake. It's not funny.
  21. We've been telling our people here - normal is not going to happen for a LONG time. Even returning to work - if you can work remotely, and a significant number of us can - you will continue to work remotely until vaccines or other therapies have been developed. Even if we do start allowing return to work, it will be very different - reduced numbers in the office, for those in open workspaces, higher partitions, mask requirements, etc. We all just need to learn how to adapt.
  22. I see faces constantly in video meetings, but getting out of the house to work would be nice. Someday.
  23. I'm trying to figure out the logistics of a zoom trivia/name that tune/don't forget the lyrics kind of game, but for like 50 people, and I had kinda wanted to break them down into teams. Oi.
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