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Everything posted by freesia39

  1. i gots me the parts for a new computer!!! Fry's Electronics 1. antec slk1600 case, 44.99 - 40.00 MIR = 4.99 AR 2. Intel P4 3.2 ghz box cpu = 209.00 3. soyo mb - 50.00 - 50.00 MIR = FREE 4. Kingston DDR 512MB Ram, 84.99 - 15.00 MIR = 69.99AR 5. Mad Dog 12x DVD Burner (off brand) = 54.99 6. Western Digital 200GB HD - 118.88 - 60.00 MIR - 10.00 MIR = 48.88 AR 7. BFG Asylum 128mb video card - 84.99 - 20.00 MIR = 64.99 AR Total before rebates and after taxes: 702.36 Total once i get my 195.00 in Rebates: a smidge over 500 bucks. not bad at all for my new comp. Also went to the local outlet mall, went to Gap and my sister and i picked up buy one get one free fleece sweaters (10 bucks each in the end.) then went to another mall with a disney store and picked up a finding nemo plush for 7.99 (original price 16.50). good day! EDIT: i ddin't go early for anything though. i got to fry's around 11 and the super deals were already gone (i.e. the 70 dollar tv my brother thought about.) but i still got a sweet deal on most of my parts. they still had plenty of HD's in stock (both the 200gb wd for 48.88 AR and the seagate 120gb for 29.99 AR) and while the cheaper cpu/board combos were gone, this still isn't bad considering i'm going to get the MB for free (as long as soyo honors the rebate.)
  2. 1) Location. city/state/zip/county/state of mind - currently in Los Angeles, CA but i'll be back in San Jose, CA for BF 2) Are you married, in a relationship or single and available - i'm in a relationship. 3) What do you like about GottaDeal.com? How is it different from our competitors? - i follow the ATOT crowd. there are others? i hardly venture over to HD anymore... i've been browsing the camera deals big time. 4) Black Friday ... are you excited? - heck yeah. 5) Please take a minute and visit our GottaTalk Lounge ... lots of friendly and interesting people there. - been browsing through. 6) Would you be interested in a new grocery/coupons forum? - OF COURSE. i am a grocery coupon fiend.
  3. i just bought a cashmere blend pea coat from costco for 60.00. you may want to check your local costco. i dunno about bf deals though.
  4. freesia39


    all ikea's are like that. i noticed though that most "specials" would always say "not valid at SD store." i got their specials in this past sunday's paper.
  5. 3 for 12? the best deal i EVER got at bath and body works was 5 for 10 on their anti bacterial collection. i stocked up on soap and the anti bacterial things for quite a while on that sale. two bucks each!!! i have not seen a sale even close to that, the best i've seen is 4 for 10. i hope they have something good... usually i can always walk away with something from there.
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