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Everything posted by ohitsunshine

  1. ohitsunshine

    Photo Cards

    This is the first year I decided to go with a photo card. I always bought cute cards and then put a 4x6 in the card. This year I used a code and got free cards with Shutterfly. I love the card design itself, but I am disappointed in the back. I didn't think about the fact that it would look the back of any photo. Do you guys have any recommendations on how to pretty that up? Or hide it?
  2. Got my shirt yesterday! I was so excited I tried it on right away! Thanks!
  3. Too cute! Does it come apart to wash, or all together?
  4. Thank you- I will check that out!
  5. Thank you, I could not bring myself to pay $20 for one and my daughter has been bugging me for a year!
  6. My youngest is on a nutella kick. She wants the biggest jar I can find.
  7. My favorite part is checking gottadeal 20 times a day in anticipation of new info!
  8. When we lived in NY December was always so crazy! We had some family gatherings that started mid month, and it seemed like once you went to the first one, it was every weekend until. Then Christmas Eve and day we had to visit about 6 different places between the two. I sometimes miss maybe one of those get togethers, but other than that I really love the quiet we have now being so far away. It gives me the chance to enjoy it more with my kids!
  9. Super excited to finally get my hands on one! I think I have entered every contest since 2005! Haha!
  10. I agree- I tried everything and the ribbon has been my favorite! Can't wait to see everyones pics!
  11. I too buy after the holidays and save it for the next year. I love the look of a lot of different papers under the tree, so I tend to buy maybe 20 rolls and not use all of one before starting another and then save them for next year also.
  12. I took wired ribbon, and cut five pieces the length of my tree. Then I stapled all of them together like a star shape. The opening part in the middle of the star I put over the tip of the top of the tree. This way the ribbon is starting from the tip and flowing down. The angel on top covers up the stapled star part. Then I can shape the ribbon wire to appear flowey or whatever I feel like! Hope that helps!
  13. We are also at that point- but we still carry on with old traditions and mix some new in. We don't rush them to bed so he can come- we stay up late together watching a special movie. They all get new pjs and a new movie that night. We still wait for them to go to bed to put everything out too. It is what you make it!
  14. 1. Must be a new video game being released...can't imagine why all these fools be waiting out here in the rain all night. 2. It's electric! Boogie woogie woogie! 3. You don't take starter checks?
  15. Brad, I can help out if needed. I don't have great web skills but I can type fast, and I can edit pics, etc. I work during the day so early am, and later at night work.
  16. Bundled up in warmth Patiently waiting in line ready, set, go SHOP!
  17. Something different... Walgreens 10/19/11
  18. You guys have great memories! I am sitting here thinking, I am not even sure what STATE I was in last year for BF! I can't remember if we were visiting family in VA or if we were home here in FL! That is terrible!
  19. The last 2 years I really lucked out with HHgregg. I wanted some small electronics and by the time I made it to the store they were advertised (I think Kohls?) they were out. I went online and found free shipping with the SAME price at HHgregg! So use that as a backup!
  20. I get a blank page too, which makes it more exciting to me haha! I think they probably had an oops! moment!
  21. Always my favorite thread! I have tried many of the recipes listed, and they are always a hit!
  22. I usually wrap as I go and do the black garbage bag thing also. My kids are old enough that we usually talk about the big purchases so we get them right, so those aren't a surprise as much. The smaller items they like to be surprised with, so they usually leave it alone. That paired with the fact that my walk in closet is a danger zone, tends to keep them honest!
  23. Definitely want to buy one!
  24. Thank you! I am soooo happy to hear that!
  25. My daughter's top item is a camcorder and Sears has the best deal. They open at 4, I am usually in line for Wal-Mart or Target! Ugh. I do not want to go to Sears first. The camcorder is listed for Friday and Saturday. Tell me- what is their stock usually like, can I order online, what time do I need to get there and is there a system I should know about? To make matters more difficult we are visiting family so I do not even know the location we will be going to!
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