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Everything posted by ohitsunshine

  1. Great deal on the hard drives for sure! My kids all want items I won't be finding on Black Friday so this year for me is just for fun. I could use a new mixer and they have a good price there, and that 40" tv would be great if I wasn't driving home in a car full of 5 the next day!
  2. We also do the Christmas Eve PJ's and funny, we started them because we wanted cute pictures in the morning also! Christmas eve evening- the kids open up this years movie. We started buying a new Christmas movie each year to build our collection AND to prevent fighting over which one was THE movie! So they open that and then they open their pj's. They usually get either slippers or a stuffed animal too. We eat snacks that we made earlier like chocolate covered popcorn trail mix, etc. We are the only ones that live within 1200 miles so we just spend the time together the 5 of us. Of course we do all the light seeing, cooking, etc. My one tradition too, I always, always drop my Christmas cards in the mailbox Black Friday morning. That is my kickoff!
  3. Wait, it just occurred to me- so you can use your ECB to buy those products and still get ECB from them? I really need to venture into my CVS more...and its the closest store to my house!
  4. Richmond VA - going to visit family!
  5. ohitsunshine

    Angel Tree

    I second or third the lotions and things like that. I know as a mom of 3 I always buy stuff for my kids before for myself. Little things like lotions, earrings, a watch, nice pajamas...those would be great. Maybe also something she could do with her children- like scrapbooking supplies and a gift voucher for pics to be developed with a disposable camera. Or maybe an inexpensive digital camera? Its hard to say when you aren't sure what technology they have or anything like that.
  6. Thank you to those who were able to provide info for me- I had always wondered what it was, but thought it would be a lot more of a hassle than it sounds!
  7. Can someone explain to me the extrabucks? I have the CVS card- so when you buy something like they list in the ad for "free"...how does that work? Do you get the credit for a future purchase?
  8. I have had many special gifts, but I think my favorites are when my husband and I exchange stockings. Its easy to say I want this or that and we get it. But for the stockings we get each other small things and it is so fun to see what he comes up with. One of my favorites was a matchbox car of my Cayenne Turbo I would love to own! Just the little things that he remembers is what I love the most!
  9. This is great! I have 2 daughters who are trying to buy every friend something- this would be perfect!
  10. Are there still plans to sell shirts?
  11. Photo 1: Conga, conga, cong-A! Photo 2: And my wife thinks I'm at the strip club ahaha Photo 3: So this is what Lady Gaga feels like
  12. Someone posted them here last year- I just did some searching and came up with a few sites that have the same idea. I just tried some different paper and I like the cork better than the felt- they look nicer I think. http://www.ehow.com/how_4591552_ceramic-tile-coasters.html http://www.beneathmyheart.net/2009/11/cute-inexpensive-and-easy-christmas/
  13. I have that same problem!
  14. I agree with others- a new tradition would be a good start. My grandfather died between December 1st 12 years ago. Our huge family got together at my grandma and grandpas house every Christmas Eve, every year. That year was the hardest on everyone. There was a huge void, and everyone was really tense and depressed. My grandfather never allowed wrestling in the house, and he had 5 boys and 3 girls, 24 grandchildren and 2 great grand children at the time he died. So he spent a lot of time yelling! Well one thing led to another and before we knew it, about 4 uncles and a couple cousins were all wrestling in the middle of the livingroom. Someone yelled, Grandpa would kick your butt right now! Which made all of us laugh because we knew it was true! My grandma even laughed! No, it will never be the same, but I think it would be harder to not celebrate, and to not incorporate past traditions, especially for your 8 year old who may not understand as much as the older ones. I wish I had the magic answer, but I don't think anyone will!
  15. Very cute! And easy!
  16. Counting down the days Checking Gotta Deal everyday Saving me money
  17. Great idea! Thank you! I would love to do this!
  18. Wow, it came out great! Very cute! It looks like it took a long time and a lot of patience, even though you said it was pretty easy!
  19. Has anyone come up with crafts made from old Christmas cards? I would love to see some if you have anything- I googled a wreath made of them, but it was kind of boring. My mother made match stick boxes from them and those were cute, but we already all have them. I have a huuuuge family and we get a lot of cards. I hate to toss them, and many are so pretty!
  20. I too could not find the silicone glue, and I even asked for backup at Michaels! I bought the glass marbles there also, and many of them had so many imperfections you could either not see the pic through it, or it magnified part of the pic to make it look strange. When I was at the Dollar Tree a couple days ago I found some that were not only larger, but also clearer and I am going to try some of those this weekend. You should post a pic of your ribbon wreath!
  21. Congrats! One of these days...I will win a danged shirt!
  22. The planning, the anticipation, the deals and breakfast afterwards!
  23. My go to- cheap family gift is a gift basket. We have done a big bowl, couple bags of popcorn, a movie and some boxes of candy and throw in some movie gift cards. Last year someone posted directions on filling 2 liter bottles like a gift basket. When you put a little uniqueness into it, you can get away with it being a lot cheaper I think!
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